Lowongan Kerja Area Sales Promotion Supervisor

Area Sales Promotion Supervisor bertugas membangun komunikasi yang baik dalam team, mencapai target, mencari dan memutuskan metode marketing yang sesuai, menjaga hubungan baik dengan distributor, serta membuat strategi penjualan.

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Lowongan Kerja Area Sales Promotion Supervisor PT Intrafood Singabera IndonesiaPT Intrafood Singabera Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Sales & Marketing

Wanita/Pria, Maksimal 30 Tahun⁣
Minimal Lulusan D3 Semua Jurusan
Pengalaman Minimal 1 tahun di bidang Sales & Marketing⁣
mampu bernegoisasi
Memahami Area Penempatan
Memiliki kendaraan & SIM⁣
Bersedia Perjalanan Dinas Luar Kota⁣
Disiplin, Jujur, Komunikatif, Kreatif, Inisiatif Tinggi⁣

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Lowongan Kerja Sales & Marketing PT Cahaya Globalindo Prima JakartaPT Cahaya Globalindo Prima Jakarta

Lowongan Kerja Staf Akunting

1. Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 28 tahun
2. Pendidikan minimal SMK/D3/S1 Akuntansi
3. Menguasai dasar akuntansi, software akuntansi dan Ms. Excel
4. Mengerti proses finance dan accounting secara keseluruhan
5. Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik, detail, dan teliti
6. Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun dibidang Akuntansi
7. Freshgraduated dipersilahkan melamar
8. Mampu bekerja secara individual dan tim

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Lowongan Kerja Staf Akunting BT Batik TrusmiBT Batik Trusmi

Lowongan Kerja Copywriter

Memiliki kemampuan menulis yang baik sesuai EYD
Mampu membuat tagline, headline, storyline dan naskah sesuai kebutuhan
Memiliki wawasan yang luas serta motivasi belajar tinggi
Terbiasa dengan literasi
Memiliki kemampuan copywriting baik untuk marketing maupun branding
Dapat menyusun editorial planning
Memahami formula AIDA dan Landing Page
Berpengalaman di bidang copywriter atau yang relevan minimal 1 tahun

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Lowongan Kerja Copywriter BT Batik TrusmiBT Batik Trusmi

Lowongan Kerja PPIC (Production Planning and Inventory Control)

Membuat dan menganalisa forecast kebutuhan produk-produksi/bulan
Membuat estimasi anggaran/bulan
Melakukan forecast kedatangan dan ketersediaan produk

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Lowongan Kerja PPIC (Production Planning and Inventory Control) BT Batik TrusmiBT Batik Trusmi

Lowongan Kerja General Affair Administration

To be able to support office and warehouse support administration and operation
To be able to maintain office and warehouse facility and assets control
Carrying out clerical duties such as responding to emails and preparing documents, including correspondence, memos, and presentations
Performing bookkeeping tasks such as payment request report, petty cash report, monitoring accounts payable, and budget tracking
Maintaining general office and warehouse files, including vendor files, and other files related to the company’s operations
Purchasing office and warehouse supplies, equipment, and furniture
Overseeing the maintenance of office and warehouse facilities and equipment
Performing other relevant duties when needed

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Lowongan Kerja General Affair Administration SayurboxSayurbox

Lowongan Kerja Finance and Accounting, Tax Administration

Support finance and accounting decision-making information by collecting and report financial data
Monitor all financial data and prepare accurate statements for company
Gather and monitor financial data
Prepare balance sheets and financial statements
Administration and reporting

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Lowongan Kerja Finance and Accounting, Tax Administration SayurboxSayurbox

Lowongan Kerja Supply Planner Officer

Effectively analyze commercial plans and inventory data to support building the appropriate supply plan across multiple product categories and channels
Prepare strategic creation and execution for future fulfillment plans / supply network strategy among sourcing hub, main fulfillment center, and hubs
Manage supply metric and inventory excess management
Work with Category team to get confirmation incoming supply plan & selling channel allocation, understand product performance (best sellers, low performers, aged inventory) and match up against supply plan hence enabling business needs
Build capacity report and subsequently track, monitor, and communicate capacity status and other relevant measures in order to alert any indication of tight utilization
Oversee and balance efficient and effective resource arrangement to ensure the adequacy of the above-mentioned aspects in supporting demand fulfillment

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Lowongan Kerja Supply Planner Officer SayurboxSayurbox

Lowongan Kerja HRGA Senior Officer

Handle employee and daily worker administration and benefits
Undertake the process of induction of new employee and daily worker
Update employee and daily worker database
Make necessary report related to employee and daily worker discipline
Make attendance withdrawals and attendance verification, reconciling timesheet and leave records
Recap and submit claims for payment of health reimbursement and general affairs
Assist the recruitment process when necessary
Prepare working schedule for the general service
Maintaining the office by ensuring office working systems are all operating properly (printer, scanner, photocopier, internet connection, telephone, etc) and dealing with issues as they arise in a timely manner
Procurement and inventory control of office inventory, including stationery and pantry supplies
Taking care of facility management and maintenance, office supplies, relation to service providers, business and personal contacts, potential vendors and relations, cleaning and housekeeping services, and security
Managing legal documents and requirements when necessary
Managing any other relevant people resources and general affairs responsibilities, as requested by HRGA Managers

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Lowongan Kerja HRGA Senior Officer SayurboxSayurbox