Telesales GPOS

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Telesales GPOS.

Tentang PT Global Urban Esensial

PT Global Urban Esensial is a member of Dexagroup, one of Indonesia’s largest ethical pharmaceutical company that engage in digital area. Aligning with technology advancement, PT Global Urban Esensial reaches the society wider, answering the society’s needs for easier access to digital, and to be a leader in pharmaceutical business.

With our strong technology team, valuable contents, reliable operating system, and our marketing team, we are bringing our services to the society through our brands. They are, an online marketplace that fulfills healthcare needs, a one-stop E- Health Solution, and Teman Bumil, an application that supports pregnant women.

Loker Telesales GPOS.

Network Engineer

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Network Engineer.

Philippine Flag

Suite 15, 5F Phinma Plaza, 39 Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1210

Indonesian Flag

Office 8, Level 18-A, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52—53, SCBD, South Jakarta, Indonesia 12190

US Flag

548 Market St. #748132 San Francisco, CA 94104

Loker Network Engineer.

Engineer CCTV & Access Door

Lowongan kerja dan gaji

Engineer CCTV & Access Door


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Engineer CCTV & Access Door


Engineer Audio Visual

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Engineer Audio Visual.

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Loker Engineer Audio Visual.

Sponsorship Staff

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Sponsorship Staff.

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Loker Sponsorship Staff.

Sales Executive

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Sales Executive.

Mengidentifikasi dan mengembangkan peluang penjualan untuk software akuntansi .

Membangun dan memelihara hubungan yang baik dengan pelanggan baru dan yang sudah ada.

Menyusun dan melaksanakan strategi penjualan untuk mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan.

Melakukan presentasi produk dan demo software kepada calon pelanggan.

Menyediakan dukungan dan follow-up pasca-penjualan untuk memastikan kepuasan pelanggan.

Mengelola database pelanggan dan update CRM secara rutin.

Sistem Kerja : Hybrid

Domisili : Semarang Jawa Tengah

Loker Sales Executive.

Network Engineer

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Network Engineer.

Philippine Flag

Suite 15, 5F Phinma Plaza, 39 Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1210

Indonesian Flag

Office 8, Level 18-A, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52—53, SCBD, South Jakarta, Indonesia 12190

US Flag

548 Market St. #748132 San Francisco, CA 94104

Loker Network Engineer.

Accounting Staff

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Accounting Staff.

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Loker Accounting Staff.

Project Instrumentation Electrical Engineer

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Project Instrumentation Electrical Engineer.

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Loker Project Instrumentation Electrical Engineer.

Graphic Designer

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Graphic Designer.

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Loker Graphic Designer.

Procurement Manager (for RADU Food)

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Procurement Manager (for RADU Food).

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Loker Procurement Manager (for RADU Food).

Frontend Developer

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Frontend Developer.

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Loker Frontend Developer.