Lowongan kerja dan gaji Relationship Manager (Korean Speaker).
PT Bank JTrust Indonesia, Tbk merupakan salah satu Perusahaan yang berkembang pesat. Perusahaan kami berbentuk perseroan terbatas dan bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan perbankan. Bank kami berbasis di Jakarta. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja professional untuk bergabung bersama kami untuk menempati posisi yang tersedia.
1. Pendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat
2. Pengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun , Fresh Graduate Are Welcome
3. Tidak Buta Warna
4. Bersedia Bekerja Shift (Bergilir)
5. Jujur, Teliti dan Bertanggung Jawab
6. Memiliki Kartu Kuning Dinas Ketenagakerjaan
Melakukan setting mold mesin injection.
Melakukan setting product di mesin injection.
Melakukan maintenance mold dan mesin injection.
Melakukan setting robot pada mesin injection.
Meminimalisir waste dan NG produk pada mesin injection.
Bekerja dalam team maupun secara mandiri
PT Beautilosophi Mahandaru Indonesia merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kecantikan dan kesehatan. Perusahan yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2013 ini senantiasa meningkatkan performanya untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Kini, PT Beautilosophi Mahandaru Indonesia telah menghadirkan sebuah klinik kecantikan yang bernama The Clinic Beautylosphy. Klinik kecantikan tersebut memiliki solusi terbaik dan terlengkap untuk menjawab seluruh kebutuhan estetika.
Lowongan kerja dan gaji Application / Functional Consultant SAP Business One.
Think Tank is a full service IT business solution company specializing in providing efficient, effective, and innovative business solutions. Think Tank has develop key strategic partnerships with proven IT solution providers, such as: Microsoft, Acumatica, SAP, Oracle, etc as their IT service solution providers. Think Tank provides business system integration, system implementation, IT outsourcing strategy, and custom software development. Our resources, skill sets, experiences, expertise in technologies, and proven unique approaches/methodologies distinguish us and help our clients to gain a competitive advantage. To know more detail about our company, please visit www.8thinktank.com
Loker Application / Functional Consultant SAP Business One.
Lowongan kerja dan gaji Mandarin Speaking Senior Staff (中文人才).
Kualifikasi1. Menguasai bahasa Mandarin, Indonesia, Inggris,2. Memiliki ketertarikan terhadap bidang GA (Genaral Affair) Purchasing(procurement)/Finance/Sales/Logistic3. Mahir mengoperasikan Microsoft Office4. Sarjana atau lebih tinggi, kemampuan belajar yang kuat;5. Penempatan di Jakarta6. Memiliki pengalaman diprioritaskan, Freshgraduate welcome to apply要求1、 熟练掌握中文、印尼语、英语2、 对于 采购 或 财务 或 销售 或 物流 感兴趣3、 熟练操作办公软件4、 本科及以上学历,学习能力强;5、 办公地点雅加达6、 有经验优先,应届生欢迎投简历JOB DESKRIPSI (disesuaikan dengan background masing-masing)1. Purchasing, bertanggung jawab untuk bekerja sama dengan team procurement dalam bidang kontrak dan pengadaan2. Finance, bertanggung jawab untuk Account Payable, Account Receivable, dan Buku besar Akuntansi3. Sales, bertanggung jawab untuk membantu team Sales dalam menjalankan alur kontrak penjualan dan pembelian beserta alur pembayaran4. Logistik, bertanggung jawab untuk membantu team logistik mengenai alur pengiriman barang dari Jakarta ke site, dsb5. Bertanggung jawab dalam translate dokumen dan tugas yang di berikan oleh atasan工作内容 (依据自己的经验投)1、 采购部门:与采购团队合作处理采购合同和付款审批流程2、 财务部门:负责应付账款、应收账款和财务会计总账相关工作3、 销售部门:与销售团队合作处理销售合同和付款审批流程4、 物流部门:负责协助物流专员处理物资运输的程序5、 负责翻译文件以及主管交办事项
Lowongan kerja dan gaji Officer Development Program (ODP) Batch 2024.
Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) is one of the biggest financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array banking, investment, digital product and other sustainable financial products and solutions for domestic and international area.
To support our vision, BNI is committed to attract high-quality talents across the country to ensure our further accomplishments. You will be immersed an exceptional and challenging work environment and surrounded by colleagues and leaders who are passionate to help you grow.
This program prepares you for leadership roles across many functions and levels in BNI with one year comprehensive training journey. You will get the opportunity for exciting yet challenging exposures in BNI.
Our ODP is designed to develop future leaders and professionals in various banking functions, including:
General Banking Functions
Global Analyst Program, covering Treasury, Corporate, Commercial and International Banking, and Enterprise Risk.
General Qualifications
S1 /S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies with the minimum GPA of : S1 : 3.00 or equivalent ; S2 : 3.25 or equivalent
Maximum age to apply : S1 : 26 years old ; S2 : 28 years old
Proficient in English and submit your score in the application TOEFL min. 450, we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid.
Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information.
Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others
No member of nuclear family currently works in BNI (i.e., parents, siblings).
Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the journey of this program
Willing to be placed all over BNI units
Particular Qualifications
Legal Program : Law graduate from reputable universities and Having experience in the legal field for 1 year is preferred
Consumer Program : Having experience working in a sales function or consumer banking area for at least 1 year is preferred
Global Analyst Program : Proficient in English and submit your score in the application TOEFL min. 550 / TOEFL iBT min 75 / IELTS min 6 / TOEIC min 800, we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid
Alamat Officer Development Program (ODP) Batch 2024.
Lowongan kerja dan gaji Junior Officer Development Program.
FIFGROUP is an affiliation company of PT. Astra International Tbk which engages in consumer financing. Currently, we serve more than 4 million active customers all across Indonesia. Founded in 1989, FIFGROUP grows excellently over the years. By the end of 2018, FIFGROUP successfully booked total revenue of IDR 9.46 Trillion. Strengthened with the spirit of TEAM; Teamwork, Excellent, Achieving, and Moving Forward, we continue to expand our business to financial technology and various digital business platforms. We believe, everything we do is dedicated to bring a better life for the community and by doing so, we’ll get closer to our vision to be an admired national industry leader.
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Inovasi Anak Indonesia. Utilizing technological advancements and innovations, PARKEE develops maximum land potential for landowners and managers. Providing more benefits, through the distribution of cost-effective management, providing a holistic and comfortable experience, as well as strengthening the management function through the provision of vehicle traffic data for analysis, with maximum transparency.
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Inovasi Anak Indonesia.
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji kecilin.id. Kecilin is a modern self-crafted data compression startup that has been established since 2018. Our aim is to make people connect easier with others through smaller yet optimized files—such as photos, videos, even apps!
Slow internet connections must be frustrating. Kecilin believes that large files make people throw their hands up, waste of time and money. Kecilin wants to help you to lessen your frustration through smaller files so you can save more time to upload and download it on the virtual world.
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh kecilin.id.
Developing and executing comprehensive marketing strategies to achieve brand objectives and sales targets.
Conducting market research to identify trends, consumer needs, and competitor activities, and using insights to guide marketing initiatives.
Creating compelling marketing campaigns and promotions that resonate with the target audience and drive brand awareness.
Managing product launches, including planning, coordination, and execution of marketing activities to ensure successful market penetration.
Collaborating with the creative team to develop impactful marketing collateral, advertising materials, and digital content.
Analyzing marketing performance metrics, tracking ROI, and optimizing campaigns for maximum effectiveness.
Implement new launches and marketing mix strategies to build integrated, engaging consumer brand experiences and maximize ROI.
Mobilize and work with other departments (sales, CRM etc.) and partner agencies to build broader business strategy; ensure consistency and alignment in messaging and execution.
Manage Marketing A&P budget and ensure sales forecast accuracy.
Make recommendations on media, implement media and promotion plans and ensure implementation of trade marketing plan.
Building and nurturing relationships with key stakeholders, including retailers, partners, and influencers, to expand brand reach and market presence.
Leading, mentoring, and inspiring a team of marketing professionals, fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Software Quality Assurance Lead.
Memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan seluruh upaya testing dalam tim.
Mengembangkan dan menjalankan rencana dan strategi testing yang komprehensif.
Mengelola dan membimbing anggota tim QA.
Berkolaborasi dengan pengembangan, produk, dan tim lainnya.
Mengawasi inisiatif dan kerangka kerja otomatisasi testing.
Mengembangkan strategi untuk identifikasi dan penyelesaian bug yang efisien.
Memimpin dan mengawasi upaya review kinerja anggota tim.
Mendorong perbaikan berkelanjutan dalam proses dan metodologi testing.
Menguasai konsep dan metodologi testing tingkat lanjut.
Keahlian dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan arsitektur otomatisasi yang kokoh.
Profisiensi dalam alat dan teknologi testing tingkat lanjut.
Pengetahuan mendalam tentang keamanan dan kepatuhan regulasi testing.
Strategi untuk testing efektif di platform cloud dan perangkat seluler.
Analisis risiko tingkat lanjut dan strategi mitigasi yang efektif.
Komunikasi efektif dengan stakeholder, menyampaikan status testing.