Gaji dan
Lowongan Kerja HR & GA STAFF
Menjalankan fungsi administrasi HRD , Absensi, Payroll, Lembur, BPJS dsb
Melakukan Proses Recruitment, Mutasi, Demosi, Rotasi, Terminasi
Update data karyawan (memperbarui serta menjaga akurasi dan kerahasiaan data)
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan Kesehatan (mendaftarkan peserta baru, merubah data peserta, menon-aktifkan kepesertaan, distribusi kartu peserta)
Melakukan Laporan dan kontrol dan akurasi Data terhadap pekerjaan agar sesuai dengan mutu dan waktu ISO 9001 : 2015
Bertanggung jawab terhadap perbaikan dan perawatan Gedung
Membuat laporan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan
Mengontrol Asset Perusahaan semua cabang
Rekapitulasi absensi (memeriksa dan merekap absensi menjelang periode penggajian) semua Cabang
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja HR & GA STAFF
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja PHP Developer.
Saati ini kami membuka lowongan kerja untuk mengisi posisi sebagi PHP Developer
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja PHP Developer PT Adicipta Carsani Ekakarya
Alamat Lowongan Kerja PHP Developer.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing.
Create a Marketing Campaign
Make a campaign report
Discuss social media campaigns
Select and set Hot Sale and Limited Deal Products
Make, set and spread a notification email
Contact and take care of the order box to the vendor
Create and spread promo notifications for the Smartphone application
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing PT. JAKARTA NOTEBOOK
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Admin.
Pendidikan S1/S2 Jurusan Psikologi, Management SDM, Hukum, Teknik Industri, atau jurusan yang relevan dengan IPK min. 3,00.
Usia maksimal 28 tahun.
Fresh Graduated dengan pengalaman organisasi atau magang di bidang yang relevanmerupakan nilai tambah.
Mahir mengoperasikan program Ms. Excel & Powerpoint.
Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan konseptual yang baik.
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik.
Memiliki kemampuan Leadership yang baik.
Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris, baik lisan & tertulis
Bersedia untuk penempatan Jateng& DIY
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Admin PT New Ratna Motor (NASMOCO)
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Admin.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Accounting.
RSIA Citra Ananda sedang membutuhkan Accounting
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Accounting RSIA Citra Ananda
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Accounting.
Gaji dan Informasi PT CT Advance Technology.
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT CT Advance Technology.
PT. CT Advance Technology was founded in 2013 that located in Cilegon, Indonesia.
This establishment was aimed to provide excellent service for oil and gas industry especially in casing and tubing materials that backed-up by our high skilled and professional employees.
We offer the best product and service in the industry, specialize in casing tubing, API threading & oil and gas tools accessories, Hot Induction Bend , Seamless Steel Pipe with OD 323.90MM-610.00MM and customs external coating.
Our products and services have been ensured to follow international standards supported with API 5 CT, API Q1, ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and strive towards continuous quality improvement.
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT CT Advance Technology.
Alamat Informasi PT CT Advance Technology.
Gaji dan Informasi PT Istana Surya Perkasa.
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT Istana Surya Perkasa.
Our company, Istana Diesel has been established since 1987. We sell various types of diesel engine spareparts. As the time goes by, our company continuously improve the quality standard of the product with MKK brand. Besides the quality of the product, our company’s service level has always improving time by time. As the demand grows strong from the end user and our dealers for high standard quality, Istana Diesel launched TPR and NPPN brands. Year 2007, our company started to offer many types of products such as chainsaw, gasoline engine, brush cutter, and various type of agricultural machine.
Istana Machineries provide three brands with ranges of quality and affordable price; MKK TPR and NPPN products. These products are established since 2007 in Indonesia. Our company distributes various kinds of agricultural machine, diesel engine and gasoline engine. The company sees the need of the farmers, fishermen, home industrial, and other sectors in improving their productivity and its efficiency in production method. Until now, the company continues to serve the customers through our dealer in all Indonesia’s province. Istana Machineries grow by delivering its customers ‘needs with high standard of quality.
As our company grows, our service commitment to our dealers and customers keep improving. In 2015, we would like to help community and our dealer so that they will know our product quality and our product type that we offer. Thus, our company provides information through our website “Istana Machineries”. We hope that the community can get our product easier from our nearest dealer.
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT Istana Surya Perkasa.
Alamat Informasi PT Istana Surya Perkasa.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja IT Support.
Minimal SMK Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan
Fresh Graduate are welcome
Memiliki pengalaman di bidang IT (merupakan nilai tambah)
Menguasai Maintanance computer,networking (LAN – WLAN), repairing , troubelshooting soft dan hardware
Menguasai set-up network atau wireless device
Memahami hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan Domain, Website, Webdesign
Mampu bekerja dengan tim ataupun individu
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja IT Support PT Istana Surya Perkasa
Alamat Lowongan Kerja IT Support.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive.
Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK/D1 (Teknik Mesin diutamakan)
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
Kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
Memahami penjualan mesin, sparepart dan dinami
Pengetahuan tentang administrasi sales teknologi informasi diperlukan
Bersedia dinas luar kota dan pulau
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive PT Istana Surya Perkasa
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Helper Gudang.
Usia 20-35 tahun
Minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat lebih diutamakan Teknik Otomotif
Tanggung jawab
Disiplin dan inovatif
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Helper Gudang PT Istana Surya Perkasa
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Helper Gudang.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Creative Design.
Minimal SMA / SMK / D3 / S1
Komunikatif, Inovatif, dan Kratif
Fresh graduate are welcome
Able work in : Photoshop, AI , Web (Priotity, other edit apps ekstra point)
Memahami dan terbiasa menggunakan social media
Mampu bekerja secara tim dan individu
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Creative Design PT Istana Surya Perkasa
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Creative Design.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Purchasing Supervisor.
1. Purchase goods/services, based on user requests in the form of PR (Purchase Requisition) in accordance with SOP;
2. Checking, discussing PR (Purchase Requisition), and providing alternative brands/vendors to PR makers, in order to get competitive purchasing prices for goods, according to the desired specifications;
3. Create and print a PO (Purchase Order) and send it to the supplier, so that the purchasing process can run well, according to the desired schedule and specifications;
4. Monitoring the realization of goods orders to ensure quality, quantity and timeliness of delivery, by coordinating with the warehouse department and matching travel documents/Packing Lists from suppliers when the goods are sent and checking PO Outstanding;
5. Check & submit reports to superiors, in order to provide a clear picture of existing conditions, according to the specified time;
6. Carrying out tasks and communication between departments related to purchasing administration;
7. Conduct supplier evaluations, to measure supplier performance so as to get the best supplier.
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Purchasing Supervisor PT CT Advance Technology
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Purchasing Supervisor.