Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Recruitment Officer.

Minimum Bachelor in psychology from reputable university with > 3.0 GPA
Fluent in English
Familiar with psychological test tools
Microsoft office proficient
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Lowongan Kerja Recruitment Officer PT SYNTEK OTOMASI INDONESIA
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Recruitment Officer.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja ACCOUNTING SENIOR STAFF.

Create invoices and make a journal automatically,according to data received, and distribute to all customer
Making bank receipt journal for settlement account receivable each customer
Generate aging AR report and submit to the manager and all entities that needed
Calculating and generating journal revaluation of AR balance
Checking e-tax invoice of sales and then make approval
Preparing & generating tax payment through internet Banking system
Reconciliation WHT art. 21 between cost realization in GL and Calculation from HR Dept. to provide
Equalization between expenses or sales and tax that should be paid, they are : VAT-IN & VAT-OUT, art. 23, art. 25 (Badora), art. 22, art. 25 (Corporate) to provide the accuracy reports
Generate transaction for all tax to e-SPT system by manually or by upload
Making Recapitulation for tax art. 23 (Maklon) by monthly
Preparing all tax document and reporting tax monthly by e-filling or by manual to tax office
Handling tax audit activity, such as : preparing data for external auditor & tax auditor.
Making annual calculation of annual personal income tax of expatriate
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Lowongan Kerja ACCOUNTING SENIOR STAFF PT. NGK Busi Indonesia
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja STAFF LOGISTIK.

Pria, maksimal 25 tahun
Pendidikan minimal SMA / Sederajat
Jujur, rajin , mampu mengelola stok barang secara FIFO
Penempatan kerja di Bekasi
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Alamat Lowongan Kerja STAFF LOGISTIK.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing.

Develop and manage digital marketing campaigns (SEO, SEM, SMM)
Manage and maintain the organisation’s website(s)
Measure and report performance of all digital marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs)
Identify new trends in digital marketing, evaluate new technologies and ensure the brand is at the forefront of industry developments, particularly developments in mobile marketing
Write blog articles.
Klik link berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing PT. Exabytes Network Indonesia
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing.
Gaji dan Informasi PT Moringa Indonesia Fangardana (MORIFA).
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT Moringa Indonesia Fangardana (MORIFA).
Our company, PT Moringa Indonesia Fangardana (MORIFA) is based and headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our operational base for Moringa is in East Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia. We are one of the very few specialist company in the world dealing only with moringa products.
Currently we are the only producer and exporter of the unique moringa oil, TIMOR MORINGA® in the world. We also exports Dried Moringa Leaves and Moringa Leaf Powder from local farms to the world. We commit to providing you only high quality Moringa products, be it in raw material form or finished products form.
We have the motivation to support and uplift the livelihood of the local people within and nearby the farm area who have been struggling for decades to get out from poverty and malnourishment. This is mostly due to the the land in the area typically being not arable for commercial crops such as corn, paddy, cassava, etc as the rainfall is very low in East Nusa Tenggara. But for the cultivation of Moringa, these conditions are just right!
With the Moringa partnership being developed between us and the farmers, we educates, manage, coordinate and facilitate local farmers in the development of these moringa farms and also act as off-taker and processor for the raw products. Therefore the economy in the area improves and creates positive domino effect for the region. To be able to continue with these achievements, we are looking for long-term partnerships with companies and organizations who are ready to grow with us and support the hundreds of farmers who stand behind us.
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT Moringa Indonesia Fangardana (MORIFA).
Alamat Informasi PT Moringa Indonesia Fangardana (MORIFA).
Gaji dan Informasi PT Haier Sales Indonesia.
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT Haier Sales Indonesia.
Produsen elektronik rumah tangga AQUA Japan yang berkantor pusat di Jepang, terus menghadirkan berbagai produk inovasi terkini dengan teknologi dan kualitas dari Jepang. AQUA Japan saat ini telah berkembang dengan pesat di Indonesia.
Hal tersebut tidak terlepas dari adanya dukungan lebih dari 700 karyawan berkualitas yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia sehingga AQUA Japan memiliki jaringan distribusi yang sangat luas, yakni 18 kantor cabang, dan 158 kantor pelayanan service resmi. Distribusi AQUA Japan telah didukung dengan adanya lebih dari 3.000 outlet penjualan sehingga jaringan distribusi serta pelayanan telah menyebar secara nasional.
AQUA Japan kini melebarkan sayapnya dengan membidik target pasar kelas atas dengan tetap memperhatikan market saat ini di kelas menengah. Untuk itu AQUA Japan meluncurkan program kampanye #knowyoubetter yang memiliki arti bahwa AQUA Japan lebih dari sekedar peralatan elektronik rumah tangga biasa, namun sangat mengerti kebutuhan konsumennya. Dengan teknologi dan kualitas dari Jepang, disain yang dinamis, fungsi yang efisien dan efektif, AQUA Japan dapat memberikan kebebasan kepada konsumen sehingga mereka memliki lebih banyak waktu untuk keluarga. AQUA Japan know you better
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT Haier Sales Indonesia.
Alamat Informasi PT Haier Sales Indonesia.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Admin Sales.

Responsible to assist Branch Manager by providing sales data and support administration job
Core Responsibilities
Assist Branch Manager to prepare Forecast T-13
Assist Branch Manager to compile Key Project EMC report
Compile salesman daily visit report
Assist Branch Manager and salesman for dealer inventory stock
Report competitor data pricelist
Assist Branch Manager for daily sales tracking report
Sell Through Report
Assist Branch Manager and Salesman for sales contract
Assist Branch Manager and Salesman for discount display
Support other documentation and administration job
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Lowongan Kerja Admin Sales PT Haier Sales Indonesia
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Admin Sales.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Warehouse Admin.

Loading stock delivery to dealer
Stock take with head of warehouse
Product arrangement in warehouse
Record of incoming and outgoing goods in the card stock
Report warehouse petty cash
Apply for exchange of goods
Proposed the use of delivery expedition
Print out Delivery Receipt for delivery
Voucher payment report
Collecting delivery note
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Lowongan Kerja Warehouse Admin PT Haier Sales Indonesia
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Warehouse Admin.
Gaji dan Informasi PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk.
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk.
PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (“Lippo Karawaci”) was founded on a vision to impact lives through the development of well-planned sustainable independent townships within green environments and first class physical and social infrastructure.
Over more than a decade, the Company has proven itself to be a highly trusted property developer with a most recognisable brand name. It is the owner of the largest diversified landbank and a leader in pioneering projects in strategic locations throughout Indonesia.
Through a merger of 8 property related companies in 2004 the Company has expanded its business portfolio to encompass urban development, large scale integrated developments, retail malls, healthcare, hotels and leisure, as well as a fee-based income portfolio.
Lippo Karawaci is now the largest listed property company in Indonesia by total assets and revenue, with a unique and integrated business model. It operates Indonesia’s premier private hospital group, the only one achieving world class standards, and is an undisputed retail property industry leader.
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk.
Alamat Informasi PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Teknisi Home Appliances.

– Repairs units at the customer’s home (in home service) and or at service centre
– Send sparepart to service centre / Autorize Service Centre (ASC)
– Make the daily report to Superior
– Preparing work order, tools, spare parts for in home service
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Lowongan Kerja Teknisi Home Appliances PT Haier Sales Indonesia
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Teknisi Home Appliances.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Technical Support Specialist.

Provide training to related new products or new technologies applied in the product to technicians at DSC and ASC
Provide training for Technicians and Call Center staff, newly received as employees
Checking for a product related to trouble shooting, and how to make correct repairs, before the product is sold
Prepare technical solutions for technicians who are experiencing difficulties in carrying out the task of repairing units owned by consumers
Helping the needs of other departments including but not limited to shooting process involvement in making advertising films, incoming quality check and product feasibility before marketed, and rework or make report to factory for products that do not pass IQC testing
Assist the sales department in terms of technical explanation of questions from potential buyers (usually project sales) on specifications, characteristics, product reliability and more.
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Lowongan Kerja Technical Support Specialist PT Haier Sales Indonesia
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Technical Support Specialist.
Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive.

Report Sales Forecast
Price comparison and Competitor Activity Report
Daily Monitoring Repair Good by Dealer Proposed
Dealer Visit to make Sales & Collection
Daily Salesman Program Report
Monitoring Sales Promoter Activity (Sell out Report)
Prepare Price List & Package Program by each Dealer
New Account Dealer Proposed
Monitoring & Proposed Both Display & Shop sign dealer
Check replacement stock dealer, sales e-planning by system, stock in warehouse & e-log system, CN and FOC, bad stock in dealer to propose replacement stock, display at dealer
Recapitulation sales yearly
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Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive PT Haier Sales Indonesia
Alamat Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive.