Lowongan Kerja Civil Engineer

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Civil Engineer.

Project development’s achievement is highly rely on its process. The detail observation and calculation upon the land as the foundation, building design, material & cost estimation and manpower need to be understood and become the responsibility for a Civil Engineer. More than just a planner, you will also monitor and control the operation for the project from the beginning to official announcement.

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Lowongan Kerja Civil Engineer PT. Sayap Mas UtamaPT. Sayap Mas Utama

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Civil Engineer.

Lowongan Kerja Application Support

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Application Support.

Supporting programmer to streamlined work is a critical role of Application Support. This position allows you to transform briefing from client to flowcharts that will guide programmer to create programs as client’s will. Having strong analytical and good communication are very important for this position.

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Lowongan Kerja Application Support PT. Sayap Mas UtamaPT. Sayap Mas Utama

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Application Support.

Lowongan Kerja Internal Auditor

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Internal Auditor.

Every department in Wings have its standard procedures. Our Internal Auditor responsible to check the application of the standard procedures in every work field. Not only paper check, but also field check. Every work field have its character and approaching style. Self confidence and the right communication style will help you to correct the accurate data. Factory, distribution center, warehouse, to the outlets will be a very interesting experiences for you.

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Lowongan Kerja Internal Auditor PT. Sayap Mas UtamaPT. Sayap Mas Utama

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Internal Auditor.

Lowongan Kerja Asset Controlling Staff

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Asset Controlling Staff.

1. Maintain the master data of assets under construction (AUC) or fixed assets

2. Ensure that all creation/change/disposition of fixed assets follow applicable accounting standards and LW’s standard operating procedures

3. Assign AUC numbers and/or fixed asset numbers by following the applicable standard of operating procedures

4. Ensure that the proper records of fixed asset acquisition or project cost incurred have been posted in the SAP system and the depreciation has started in the proper period

5. Close out the project and reclassify it to fixed assets, then start the depreciation on a timely basis

6. Maintain the fixed assets and AUC list in spreadsheet form, calculate the depreciation, reconcile the balance to SAP records, make necessary adjustments for any discrepancies found

7. Ensure the timely and proper records of fixed assets disposal

8. Conduct the periodic fixed assets observation

9. Ensure the conformity between SAP records and physical conditions of fixed assets/AUC (obsolescence, idle, fixed assets/AUC location, etc)

10. Check the accuracy and perform analysis of the production order settlement and job mixing data on daily basis

11. Prepare the month-end closing data (prepare labor cost report, fixed assets list, production reports, other reports, etc)

12. Able to coordinate with other departments, such as Purchasing/Import, Production, Warehouse and PPIC, maintenance & engineering, etc

13. Assist in providing data/documents to external auditor during interim and final audit fieldwork

14. Support the superiors for any ad-hoc request

Klik link berikut:


Lowongan Kerja Asset Controlling Staff PT. LION WINGSPT. LION WINGS

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Asset Controlling Staff.

Lowongan Kerja Audit Stock and Inventory

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Audit Stock and Inventory.

S1 Managemen Bisnis
Mampu mengoperasikan microsoft office (Excel diutamakan)
Memiliki managemen waktu yang baik
Mampu berpikir analisis dan kritis
Mampu melakukan monitoring data stock
Memiliki pengalam dalam bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun

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Lowongan Kerja Audit Stock and Inventory BT Batik TrusmiBT Batik Trusmi

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Audit Stock and Inventory.

Lowongan Kerja Staff Accounting

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Staff Accounting.

Memastikan Dokumen yang Berhubungan dengan Transaksi Keuangan Lengkap dan Benar
Input Data yang Berhubungan dengan Jurnal Akuntansi pada Sistem Keuangan (Pembukuan)
Membuat Posting Jurnal
Membuat Laporan Keuangan
File-Ing Dokumen

Klik link berikut:


Lowongan Kerja Staff Accounting PT. Dewa Tunggal AbadiPT. Dewa Tunggal Abadi

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Staff Accounting.

Lowongan Kerja HRD Officer

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja HRD Officer.

• Merancang dan memperbarui Uraian Tugas / Job Desc
• Memiliki saluran luas tentang perekrutan karyawan
• Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan perekrutan
• Rekapitulasi Pelatihan
• Pembaruan Database Karyawan
• Bertindak sebagai konsultan bagi karyawan baru
• Pengembangan karyawan
• Monitor Pekerja Harian, Borongan
• Monitor Kehadiran karyawan

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Lowongan Kerja HRD Officer Agen Lowongan KerjaAgen Lowongan Kerja

Alamat Lowongan Kerja HRD Officer.

Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing.

Control budget google ads
Maintain dan improve website perusahaan
Menjangkau target pasar untuk merk produk perusahaan melalui platform sosial media
Mengelola penjualan produk perusahaan di website dan online market yang sudah ada

Klik link berikut:


Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing PT Star Sparta IndonesiaPT Star Sparta Indonesia

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing.


Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja OPERATOR FORKLIFT.

Usia maksimal 40 tahun
Pendidikan SMK/ SMA
Mampu mengoparasikan forklift
Memiliki SIO yg resmi dan masih aktif
Mampu melakukan maintenance /perawatan forklift
Jujur .rajin.tekun dan bertanggungjawab
Domisili di serang lebih di prioritaskan
Penempatan di Cikande Serang

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Alamat Lowongan Kerja OPERATOR FORKLIFT.

Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff.

Prepare accounting related entries to numerous registers, journals and logs
Provide the documents for internal and external audit
Prepare financial and tax report
Keep information confidential and secure

Klik link berikut:


Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan TbkPT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan Tbk

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff.