Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. QUADRA INTI SOLUSI. Penerbit Quadra di bawah naungan PT Quadra Inti Solusi didirikan pada tahun 2008 di Jakarta berdasarkan akta notaris dengan pengesahan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM No. AHU – 21397.AH.01.01 dengan Surat Izin Usaha No. 701/13-1.824.51, dan NPWP No. 02.676.030.6-003.000 dengan tujuan ikut berpartisipasi dalam peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dengan menerbitkan buku-buku bermutu, mulai dari tingkat TK, sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama, sekolah menengah atas. Komitmen Penerbit tampak dari misinya: menerbitkan buku pengetahuan. ” Penerbit berupaya tetap tanggap terhadap kebijakan pendidikan nasional . Untuk itulah, revisi, pembaruan, akan hadirnya buku-buku baru terus dilakukan. Sebagai perusahaan penerbitan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang perbukuan terutama buku teks pelajaran tingkat SD, SMP, dan SMA, Quadra senantiasa melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan untuk menghasilkan buku-buku yang berkualitas sehingga layak untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar acuan bagi peserta didik dan guru di sekolah.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. YANMAR DIESEL INDONESIA. PT. YANMAR DIESEL INDONESIA Slogan perusahaan kami secara khusus menegaskan semangat yang mendasari didirikannya perusahaan kami lebih dari seratus tahun lalu. Semangat tersebut, ditetapkan sebagai slogan perusahaan pada tahun 2016, terus menuntun kami untuk memberi tanggapan yang lebih efektif terhadap tantangan dan kebutuhan yang beragam dari masyarakat modern selagi berkontribusi terhadap pengembangan masyarakat.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. HASHMICRO SOLUSI INDONESIA. PT. HASHMICRO SOLUSI INDONESIA
Kami adalah perusahaan penyedia solusi ERP terkemuka dari Singapura yang mengembangkan software inovatif untuk membantu berbagai bisnis mengotomatiskan kegiatan operasional harian mereka guna mencapai tingkat efisiensi dan produktivitas yang optimal. Dengan pengalaman selama lebih dari 12 tahun, kami telah melayani berbagai jenis bisnis yang bergerak di lebih dari sepuluh industri termasuk manufaktur, ritel, grosir, servis, makanan & minuman, rental, konstruksi, engineering, real estate, dan pendidikan. Bersama dengan anggota tim kami yang berpengalaman dalam bidang IT dan bisnis, kami berbagi semangat untuk selalu menyediakan solusi yang terbaik bagi klien kami yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah di Southeast Asia.

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Informasi PT Torrecid Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Torrecid Indonesia. TORRECID INDONESIA / Torrecid Group is present in Indonesia since 1995 under the name of PT Torrecid Indonesia. Our business in Indonesia focused on providing services and solutions for ceramic tiles and glass companies. Indonesia’s main and biggest Ceramic Companies have become our customers since 1995 and continue to cooperate with us to this day in providing new innovation and trends to Indonesia’s ceramic market. We started our facilities in Cikampek – West Java in order to give the best support to our customers in East Java area, and in 2001 we built a facility in Tandes – Surabaya. In 2002 we move our facility from Cikampek – West Java to Cibitung – Bekasi (West Java) to provide even wider service to our customers in Indonesia. In the same year, we open our Showroom in our facilities in Cibitung – Bekasi, to give our customers better presentation of trends and future innovations. Since 2004, we have actively introduced future trends and newest innovations in the Indonesia Building Technology (Indobuildtech) Expo, Indonesia’s biggest and the most influential building material exhibition that focuses on the development of building material and technologies. Our support for Indonesia’s ceramic world continues as we participate in Indonesia’s Ceramic Exhibition (KERAMIKA) which starts in 2012. In 2013, our booth was awarded as The Best Booth by ASAKI (Indonesian Association of Ceramic) in their first KERAMIKA booth competition. Providing innovation and being the trendsetter in ceramic business in Indonesia have become our main targets ever since we started our business in Indonesia. We were the first company who provided our customers the ability to decorate ceramics by digital technology in 2010 through our INKCID Solution. In 2014, we have expanded our showroom STYLE-CID to present our customers in Indonesia our latest technology SLIMCID (4 mm thick of tiles) as well as big size tiles (1X3 m) with full digital technology decoration to demonstrate that ceramics can cover all surfaces in houses and buildings.

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PT Torrecid Indonesia


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT ALPHANOVATION DIGITAL TEKNINDO ( Pawoon ). Cerita Tentang PT ALPHANOVATION DIGITAL TEKNINDO ( Pawoon )
Berbasis di Jakarta Barat, Indonesia, tim kebanggaan kami Pawoon Rangers yang terdiri dari berbagai kebudayaan dan latar belakang, memillki cita-cita mulia untuk membuat solusi yang berguna bagi pebisns Indonesia, yaitu aplikasi kasir (point of sale) berbasis online (cloud). Keragaman di tim kami melahirkan perspektif-perspektif unik, terutama mengenai bisnis ritel di era digital. Visi dan Misi Kami
Kami di Pawoon berusaha untuk memahami konsumen kami, bukan hanya soal menarik dan interaktif tapi juga bagaimana membuat konsumen mereka lebih loyal. Kami berusaha untuk memberikan konsumen kami produk yang terbaik, tepat, dan mudah dijangkau untuk meningkatkan bisnis mereka. Dengan pengalaman tim kami, semua hal tersebut bukan lagi mimpi. Masa depan adalah hari ini.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. KLIK LOGISTICS PUTERA HARMAS. PT. KLIK LOGISTICS PUTERA HARMAS
Kami sudah berdiri menjalankan bisnis ekspedisi sejak tahun 2009, hingga kini perusahaan berupaya melebarkan saya dalam memperluas area operasional maupun titik-titik daerah yang menjadi sasaran supply pengiriman barang. Bukan hanya melayani pengiriman di perkotaan saja namun juga ke pulau-pulau terluar. Kami memiliki visi misi agar biaya pengiriman barang di Indonesia menjadi murah sehingga berdampak baik bagi industri di tanah air.

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Informasi PT. Imperium Happy Puppy

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Imperium Happy Puppy. PT. Imperium Happy Puppy
Let the world sing in harmony
Kami percaya akan masa depan usaha Karaoke Keluarga. Bernyanyi adalah anugerah hiburan alami yang pertama dari Tuhan untuk manusia, sejak diciptakan sampai sepanjang sejarah peradabannya. Keceriaan, keterbukaan, keramah-tamahan dan kebersihan adalah landasan sifat dan sikap hidup kami. Kami dipacu oleh manfaat persaingan sehat untuk membentuk hubungan timbal-balik yang berguna bagi peningkatan kepentingan-kepentingan Konsumen, Karyawan, dan Perusahaan. Kami cita-citakan dunia yang bernyanyi dalam keselarasan.

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PT. Imperium Happy Puppy

Informasi PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika. PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika (Sarihusada) adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi berbagai produk nutrisi untuk ibu hamil & menyusui dan anak dengan rasa enak, terjangkau serta berstandar internasional. Sarihusada telah beroperasi di Indonesia sejak tahun 1954 sebagai wujud nyata Program Kecukupan Protein Nasional yang diselenggarakan pemerintah Indonesia bersama Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB).

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PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika

Informasi PT Innovasi Sarana Grafindo

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Innovasi Sarana Grafindo. A LEADING SIGNAGE AND BRANDING SOLUTION PROVIDER, CONCEPT & DESIGN, ENGINEERING, PROTOTYPING, PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION Product Highlights: – Mark Bric Display (PopUp, EGO Exhibition, Flexiframe) – All Kind of Lightbox (Ultraslim, save energy) – Digital Poster, Digital Signage – LED Display (Board, Moving text, Big TV etc) – Portable Display Systems – Graphics Wide Format, Board, Special Media – Brochure Dispencer Project References: National Bank Rebranding, Electronic / Digital LCD Signage, Modern Retail Visual Merchandising InnoGRAPH was established in March 1994 by offering its service as a computer graphic equipment supplier focusing on pre press and digital colour proofing. In year 1998, InnoGRAPH was appointed officially by Mark Bric Sweden as the exclusive distributor of Flexiframe and Display System. Since then, InnoGRAPH has expotentially escalated its business capacity by using state of the art equipment to build reputation as the first high quality large format digital printing company in Indonesia. At present, the Company is considered as one of the leaders in digital signage and display system. InnoGRAPH has number of high experienced and skillful taskforces to manage most complex projects and it became a house brand for similar projects in the market. Knowing and understanding the need of our clients with the punctual commitment, high reputation in reliability, responsibility, and project management – has put InnoGRAPH as one of the most trusted project management for project management in branding and promotional displays It is a common practice for InnoGRAPH to assist clients for installing 1,000 displays all over Indonesia within 3 monts, and it could be done since InnoGRAPH has a spacious network of resources : suppliers, subcontractors, financial experts, skillful taskforces, risk management, communication management, quality control, and systematic report. At normal working days, InnoGRAPH manages minimum 150 jobs per month. Each job is profoundly customized from customer’s needs. Company’s specialties are focusing on branding, signage and promotional display solution. We also deliver other promotion materials; which can be suited to customer’s needs. Customer satisfaction is one of our four sacred credos, and therefore InnoGRAPH has developed a competent creative team consists of experienced designers and production team for producing high quality output. Our Products and Services : • FULL RANGE DISPLAY COMPANY, including Display Promotion, and specific displays, to provide various needs in the areas of Sales Promotions, All types of Signage (Indoor, Outdoor, Building, Digital, LED), Portable Raodshow, tradeshow and exhibition, and Digital Display (E posters, and E directory). • PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTRACTORS REBRANDING, for outdoor work, indoor display, ATM, Booth, POS, Visual merchandise to be implemented widely throughout Indonesia, and has an excellent reference in the banking industry, and other industries. • DIGITAL DISPLAY (signage) SOLUTIONS SERVICE (System Integrators, total services provider), with support from leading vendors, and have strong enough reference in many applications, shopping, banking, finance, restaurants, hotels, cafes, etc. • In addition to the above three things, InnoGRAPH has a LARGE FORMAT DIGITAL PRINTING business unit, with full equipment, and has a very complete experience in the field of POP UP Media, Board Graphic, etc

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PT Innovasi Sarana Grafindo

Informasi PT. Geotekindo

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Geotekindo. PT. Geotekindo is a professional entity specializing in geotechnical investigation, design, research, construction and consultancy. Our parent company, Geoharbour Group (, is a chief editor of China Standard of Reclamation Soil Treatment and a director member of Technical Committee of China Soft Soil Treatment. So far we have developed into a complex entity with business of dredging, road and bridge construction, foundation engineering and jetty construction. As a professional entity, we have completed over 300 large-scale projects over the past 10 years, total area of soil treatment has been over 10,000 Ha involving a variety of job sites, infrastructures and facilities, inclusive of roadways, airport runways, port stack yards, petrochemical facilities, ground reclamation, power plants and factory buildings etc. In Indonesia, we have done or are doing ground improvement over 400 hectare in Jakarta, Sumatera and Kalimantan. We are extensively experienced in ground improvement works and promise a client the most cost-effective scenario, i.e., the best outcomes with the least investment and time. We have given a great priority and importance to R&D and patented our technology beyond 30 cases which is classified as green technology. For this contribution Geoharbour Group won three international awards in 2012: World 10th Bogsch Memory Medal, WIPO Award for Inventors and Green Invention Glory Medal. We have been taking an active role in the development and innovation of technology and scenario, aiming at the best outcomes with the least investment. Geoharbour Group has been insisting to create more value for clients with its professional knowledge.

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PT. Geotekindo