Informasi PT. Home of living arts Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Home of living arts Indonesia. PT. Home of living arts Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang ritel furniture yang terdaftar dengan brand INTERIO Home Furnishings, memiliki tujuan utama untuk memenuhi berbagai macam kebutuhan furniture perumahan, perkantoran dan instansi atau lembaga-lembaga yang ada di Indonesia. Produk-produk yang kami tawarkan tentunya memiliki bahan dasar dan kualitas tinggi serta harga yang kompetitif. Sejarah singkat INTERIO Home Furnishings dari tahun ke tahun diantaranya adalah cabang Bandung, Medan, Cengkareng. Kami juga hadir di Cibinong Square, Mall Revo Town Bekasi. Bersamaan dengan perkembangan waktu serta dibekali pengalaman dan sumber daya manusia yang profesional, kami berkomitmen untuk memenuhi kebutuhan furniture yang berkualitas dan menawarkan harga kompetitif, apresiasi dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada konsumen setia yang selama ini telah mempercayakan kebutuhan furniture anda kepada INTERIO Home Furnishings, kepercayaan yang telah diberikan harus dijunjung tinggi sehingga kami dapat terus ada dan bisa memberikan nilai lebih, kami berharap dapat terus menyediakan produk-produk furniture yang inovatif serta pelayanan yang terbaik. Vision
Menjadi perusahaan ritel yang profesional, terkemuka dan inovatif di bidang furniture, meningkatkan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten serta komitmen memberikan pelayanan yang optimal secara profesional kepada konsumen dengan memenuhi kebutuhan furniture yang Inovatif, berkualitas dan harga kompetitif. Mission
Menyediakan produk-produk furniture yang bervariatif, berkualitas dengan harga kompetitif, sumber daya manusia yang berpengalaman dan profesional dalam memberikan dan pelayanan yang terbaik untuk menjamin kepuasan konsumen kami.

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PT. Home of living arts Indonesia


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. DENSO INDONESIA. DENSO INDONESIA GROUP consist of PT Denso Indonesia, PT Denso Sales Indonesia, PT Hamaden Indonesia & PT TD Automotive Compressor Indonesia placed in Bekasi and Sunter has very positive situation to create many opportunities for both experienced and entry-level candidates. We’ve been growing since 1949 as a leading automotive component manufacturer in the world. DENSO is the Japan product brand, with reason of to near vehicle maker and centralized production facility for efficient production, so DENSO factory is available in all the world included Indonesia. DENSO products that manufactured in all country have same quality because material and process is base on DENSO Japan standard. PT DENSO INDONESIA consist of 3 plants : Sunter Plant, Bekasi Plant, and 3rd Plant. Some products from PT Denso Indonesia exported to Asia, Japan, USA, Europe, etc such as : Spark Plug
Oil cooler
Stick coil
Oxygen sensor
Bus A/C
Car A/C
Air Cleaner
Meter Cluster DENSO is a leading supplier of advanced automotive technology, systems and components for major automakers. We are committed to making the world a better place through our world-first products and technologies. The DENSO Philosophy guides our corporate actions, ensuring that we will continue to be trusted by people around the world. Our vision is for a safer and more eco-friendly future with fewer accidents. DENSO will prepare a brighter future for generations to come through our commitment to protecting lives and preserving the planet. We believe the unique strengths of our research, production and people make anything possible.

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Informasi ASNO Consulting

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja ASNO Consulting. A reality world of work from year to year is always increasing seekers, both in quantity and in quality. One of the causes of increasing job seekers because climate rapidly evolving world of work, therefore the need for an efficient breakthrough will need a lot of manpower the many job seekers who can not find their own jobs. World dynamic and efficient work requires qualified candidates and effective, appropirate and targeted. Similarly, many users of labor company activity and business sometimes because there is no time to get their own manpower that meets the necessary requirements. On the basis of this a reality, it is necessary to involve external parties / private in finding competent human resources and appropriate qualification cooled company. Asno Consulting here to provide solutions, in this case as a mediator between the bridge and bring together job seekers and companies. Asno Consulting continues to improve its services as service providers and Management Consultants to provide the best fit the needs of the company On the Being a company service provider who is able to provider who is able to provide with the best quality service and become the best Management Consultant. On the Provide professional and quality service to Customers with hight commitment, continuous improvement in order to create customer satisfaction.

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ASNO Consulting

Informasi PT. Sabana Barokah

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Sabana Barokah. PT. Sabana Barokah
Produsen Bumbu Masak Siap Saji, Bebas Pengawet dan Bebas Penyedap
?SABA hadir sebagai sahabat dapur bunda, mempercepat proses menyiapkan hidangan keluarga sehingga bunda bisa lebih fokus untuk pendidikan anak dan keluarga.
Untuk meraih rasa cinta dan penghargaan dengan memudahkan bunda dalam memasak makanan untuk keluarga tercinta.
Kami bekerja untuk menciptakan pilihan bumbu siap saji yang sehat, praktis dalam penggunaan dan bercita rasa kelezatan yang tinggi.
Kami membantu masyarakat untuk mampu memasak sendiri masakan Indonesia dengan bumbu siap saji yang praktis dan mudah digunakan.
Kami senantiasa meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya pola makan sehat dengan mengkonsumsi makanan sehat, lezat dan bergizi

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PT. Sabana Barokah

Informasi STTI NIIT I-Tech

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja STTI NIIT I-Tech. STTI NIIT dikelola oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (YPTI), adalah perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan program sarjana dan professional training dibidang teknologi informasi dan telah terakreditasi Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi. Dengan dukungan berbagai vendor Teknologi Informasi, STTI NIIT mengembangkan program sarjana teknologi informasi yang memiliki kompetensi di bidang networking, multimedia, komunikasi & informasi, dan komputasi seni. STTI NIIT pada awalnya (1997) adalah international training center NIIT di Indonesia, kemudian pada tahun 2003 berdasarkan SK Mendiknas No. 10/D/O/2003 menjadi perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan DUAL Program yang mengkombinasikan program sarjana (S-1) Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi, dengan program professional IT. STTI NIIT dikelola oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (YPTI), adalah perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan program sarjana dan professional training dibidang teknologi informasi. Dengan dukungan berbagai vendor Teknologi Informasi, STTI NIIT mengembangkan program sarjana teknologi informasi yang memiliki kompetensi di bidang networking, multimedia, komunikasi & informasi, dan komputasi seni. STTI NIIT pada awalnya (1997) adalah international training center NIIT di Indonesia, kemudian pada tahun 2003 berdasarkan SK Mendiknas No. 10/D/O/2003 menjadi perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan DUAL Program yang mengkombinasikan program sarjana (S-1) Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi, dengan program professional IT.

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Informasi PT Ultra Prima Abadi (OT Group)

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Ultra Prima Abadi (OT Group). PT Ultra Prima Abadi (OT Group)
OT adalah perusahaan consumer goods yang memproduksi berbagai macam produk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Berawal dari minuman kesehatan tradisional dengan bahan dan proses terstandar berkualitas tinggi, OT telah berkembang semakin modern tanpa meninggalkan nilai-nilai positif dan luhur yang dicetuskan oleh pendiri perusahaan. Beragam produk mulai dari makanan, minuman, hingga produk perawatan diri telah lama menjadi bagian dari kehidupan konsumen Indonesia. Beberapa di antaranya adalah Formula, Tango, Teh Gelas, MintZ, Blaster, Oops, dan Kiranti. Bahkan, karena kualitasnya, produk OT telah hadir di pasar internasional dan dapat dinikmati oleh konsumen mancanegara. Dengan tetap fokus pada kebutuhan konsumen dan juga terus melakukan inovasi, OT telah meluncurkan produk-produk unggulan sehingga meraih berbagai macam penghargaan melalui lembaga survey yang diakui secara nasional maupun internasional. Semua prestasi yang telah dicapai ini tentu tidak lepas dari dukungan konsumen, karyawan, serta nilai-nilai yang telah kami yakini sejak awal. Seluruh kepercayaan dan kerja keras dari berbagai pihak telah membentuk OT menjadi perusahaan yang berkomitmen tinggi untuk selalu berusaha menyempurnakan produk dan proses kerja demi memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.

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PT Ultra Prima Abadi (OT Group)


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja RSIA BUAH HATI. RSIA BUAH HATI PAMULANG terletak di sebelah kiri komplek perumahan villa dago pamulang. berdiri pada Tanggal 19 April 2011 dan beralamat di Jalan Raya Siliwangi No. 189 Benda baru Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan. RSIA BUAH HATI berdiri pada tahun 2005 di Jl. Aria Putra No. 399 Ciputat, yang Berangkat dari Klinik praktek Dokter bersama di RSIA BUAH HATI CIPUTAT. Karena semakin berkembangnya kesadaran akan kebutuhan masyarakat untuk memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih baik dan lengkap mendorong konsorsium dokter-dokter spesialis untuk mengembangkan RSIA BUAH HATI menjadi salah satu rumah sakit pilihan masyarakat yang akhirnya menjadi cikal bakal terbentuknya RSIA BUAH HATI PAMULANG. VISI
RSIA BUAH HATI PAMULANG sebagai rumah sakit dengan mutu pelayanan berkualitas, terpadu dan kekeluargaan MISI 1. Menyediakan dan mengembangkan secara terus menerus seluruh sarana dan prasarana penunjang pelayanan. 2. Bekerjasama dengan berbagai pihak agar dapat meluaskan jaringan pelayanan. 3. Mengembangkan potensi tenaga kerja secara keseluruhan bagi tercapainya palayanan kesehatan yang terbaik. 4. Mewujudkan kinerja efektif, efisien dan dapat dipertangungjawabkan secara profesional. FILOSOFI DAN TATA NILAI “Hospital With Hommy and Loving Care” TATA NILAI RSIA BHP Adalah “Five Pillars Of Excelent” 1. Quality Of Medical Care 2. Quality People 3. Quality Service 4. Quality Work Place 5. Quality Relation

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Informasi PT Traveloka Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Traveloka Indonesia. PT Traveloka Indonesia is a leading Southeast Asia online travel company that provides a wide range of travel needs in one platform, enabling customers to create moments together with their loved ones. Traveloka offers flights, hotels, trains*, flight + hotel packages*, attractions & activities*, connectivity products*, airport transports*, and buses*. *Available in Indonesia only
The company has established partnerships with more than 100 domestic and international airlines, serving more than 200,000 routes worldwide. It also has the largest direct accommodation inventory, varying from hotels, apartments, guest houses, homestays, to villas and resorts. Traveloka provides more than 40 payment options for customers in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines, with 24/7 assistance from local customer service in their native languages. The Traveloka mobile app has been downloaded more than 30 million times, making it the most popular travel booking app in the region.

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PT Traveloka Indonesia

Informasi PT. Media Inspirasi Bangsa ( IDN Times )

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Media Inspirasi Bangsa ( IDN Times ). IDN Times is the leading multi-platform media company for Millennials and Gen Z. Our vision is to become the voice of Millennials and Gen Z in Indonesia. Winston & William
When William and I founded IDN Media on 8th June 2014, we started with a vision: to democratize access to accurate, balanced, useful, and positive information and ultimately, to become the voice of Millennials and Gen Z in Indonesia and to bring positive impacts on the society. IDN Media currently operates 4 digital media: IDN Times,,, and Yummy; a creative digital agency: IDN Creative; an event agency: IDN Event; and a creator marketing agency: IDN Creator Network. We strongly believe that mobile, multi-platform, and interactive content are the next (now) big things. Most of our readers access our content via mobile, and since our mobile traffic has grown very rapidly in recent years, we have shifted our internal focus, including our editorial and technology, to be a mobile-first company. Besides mobile, multi-platform is the new era. We can no longer rely on a single platform (website or app) to attract readers. We have to keep adapting and creating content on the platforms they prefer. We have to be everywhere. Not only online, but we also have to be present offline. This is why we create innovative and cutting-edge events for Millennials and Gen Z through IDN Event. Lastly, we have to be interactive by engaging our readers and making them actively interact with our content. It is no longer a 1-way street, but a 2-way street. In terms of values, we have 8 values that we believe in IDN Media: gender equality, unity in different races and ethnicities, unity in different religions, unity in different worldview, anti sexual harassment, anti bullying, anti stereotyping, and redefining beauty. These 8 values are what we genuinely believe in IDN Media and are fighting for every single day. Since the beginning, William and I wanted IDN Media to become a 100+ years old sustainable company that was born from the digital revolution. In order to achieve this, there are 3 core mindsets that we feel are very important. First, focus and speed. It’s all about focusing on the things that really matter and executing at a very rapid pace. Second, customer-obsessed culture. There are 5 customers in IDN Media: Timmy, Audience/Readers, Clients/Advertisers, Partners, and Investors. Understanding that customers will never ever be perfectly happy and satisfied, we have to keep focusing our business and efforts to our customers and improving ourselves to make our customers happier and more satisfied. In the end, having a customer-obsessed culture is the only way to build a sustainable company. Third, work hard, be kind to one another, and amazing things will happen. I always believe that working very hard is the key to everything. It will never ever betray you. Let’s combine our strong work ethic with being kind to one another. Let’s not hurt each other while we are working hard toward our mission. Let’s show compassion and genuine care for each other. Let’s keep being humble and down-to-earth, and show humility to others. The moment we think we are winning is the moment we are losing. Thus, let’s work very hard and be kind to one another. I’m sure amazing things will happen. We are blessed to be surrounded by so many kind-hearted, brilliant, positive, and passionate Timmys. From our early hires to new hires, from our interns to team leaders, they all are exemplary individuals who possess a common goal, that is to make positive impacts in today’s world. They are the reasons why IDN Media could become what it is today. They are the reasons why we have a great culture. In terms of hiring, we don’t hire people based on a certain label. We hire individuals. Because none of their background matters. Great attitude, strong work ethic, and passion matter. Not their race, religion, gender, background, sexual orientation, character, or worldview. Diversity is our core value and we will always embrace it. We want IDN Media to become not only the biggest company in the region, but also the best workplace. We will do every necessary step to make it happen. That is why Timmy is and will always be our number one priority. From its beginnings with just two people, IDN Media now has an awesome team of over 200 Timmys. From operating in a tiny 2×3 flat room, we are currently working comfortably in two offices (or as we call them “Creative Lab”) in Surabaya and Jakarta. From less than 100 monthly readers, we now have a loyal readership of more than 50 million smart Millennials and Gen Z every month. And this is just the beginning for us. The IDN Media you see and experience today has only scratched the surface of our vision. Our journey ahead will be very challenging and tough, bumpy and rough, difficult and exhausting, but one thing for sure, it will be worth it. As long as we are focused and move fast, care deeply and genuinely about our customers, work very hard, and be kind to one another, with God’s help, everything is possible. Everything. Now, let’s continue working on what we believe and are passionate about. Let’s focus on building a company that can inspire millions of Millennials and Gen Z, and make real positive impacts on the society. Let’s keep doing great things together. Let’s keep moving forward until we achieve our vision: to democratize access to accurate, balanced, useful, and positive information and ultimately, to become the voice of Millennials and Gen Z in Indonesia and to bring positive impacts on the society. #DIVERSITYISBEAUTIFUL Winston Utomo & William Utomo

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PT. Media Inspirasi Bangsa ( IDN Times )