Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Prima Inovasindo Sukses. PT. PRIMA INOVASINDO SUKSES started up in Indonesia since 2012.
Engaged in supplying auto accessories complete with premium quality.
We only deliver the best accessories for many of customers car, yet the most practical at the same time. We have a commitment to fulfill customers needs and make them satisfied. A wide variety accessories and an up to date car type accessories, are a couple of commitment we are proud of in order to be the best car accessories company in Indonesia.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Restu Agung Wijaya. PT Restu Agung Wijaya adalah manufacturer papper bag dengan teknik pengerjaan semi otomatis. Saat ini kami telah bekerjasama dengan lebih dari 200 karyawan produksi dan akan terus meningkat seiring bertumbuhnya Perusahaan. Kamipun telah bermitra dan menjalin kepercayaan dengan lebih dari 30 perusahaan produsen makanan, konstruksi kimia, produsen semen mortar, dan Eksportir batu bara terkemuka.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama. PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama (SSKtama) is a distribution company provides high-quality services in the various industries such as Automotive industry, Coating industry, Ink and Printing industry, Adhesive industry, Foam industries,& Metalworking Fluids, etc. PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama provides raw materials such as Synthetic Rubber, Rubber Chemical, Rubber & Industrial Processing Oil, Solvents, Monomers, Polyurethanes, and Lubricants. PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama is the authorized distributor for Shell Chemicals & Polyurethanes, Evonik, Rhein-Chemie, Pertamina, and Exxon Mobil Lubricants. Keep growing, we are striving to be excellence-technology based chemicals distribution and logistics partner in Indonesia with wide range of chemicals. We are a reputable chemical industry company located in Jakarta, looking for suitable candidates for sustainable growth.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Asiatech Manufacturing.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Maingames Indonesia. Berdiri sejak 2011, PT. Main Games Indonesia adalah perusahaan media dan penerbit games dan yang berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu penerbit games terkemuka di Indonesia, Main Games telah bermitra dengan banyak pengembang games papan atas dari seluruh wilayah di Indonesia, serta telah merilis lebih dari tiga puluh games di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara. Selain itu, sebagai perusahaan media, Main Games adalah pemilik dan pengelola, situs media teknologi dan games nomor satu di Indonesia. memiliki lebih dari dua puluh juta pengguna unik setiap bulannya, dan lima juta pelanggan di berbagai platform media sosial. Saat ini PT. Main Games Indonesia juga merambah ranah bisnis baru, yaitu menjadi pengelola para games streamer terkemuka di Indonesia.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Geek Hunter International. PT Geek Hunter International We Are Geekhunter
a fast growing IT Recruitment Consultant in Indonesia. We cater our recruitment focus on IT as well as games industries. We specialise in programmers and IT talents. With our extensive candidate market map and market knowledge, we aim to help tech-companies recruit the right talents. At the same time, we aim to help Indonesia IT talents advancing their career and talent-ship. Vision & Mission
Indonesia as #1 IT Talent pool in South East Asia We aim to be a reputable IT Recruitment Consultant in Indonesia. We have a vision to contribute in the making of Indonesia as the best IT talent pool in South East Asia. We want to take part in building IT talent ecosystem in Indonesia. Core Values
Its embedded in our DNA We work hard and play hard. We evolve fast. We support team member excellence and happiness. We are passionate and determined. We aimed for progressive success and sustainability. Responsiveness, openness, honesty and trust with our stakeholders. Why GeekHunter
We pride ourselves on being all of these and more. Were specialist IT Recruiters
We find you better people faster
Our clients are start-ups, national, multinational, and world-class companies
Our clients and candidates rate us as very good or better overall
We have a very powerful network and well-connected in communities
We bring headhunting to a new level
We give guarantee that any other cant beat, free replacement, and refund
We have unique approach in talent acquisition
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. SAPTAINDRA SEJATI. PT. SAPTAINDRA SEJATI (SIS),subsidiary of PT. ADARO ENERGY Tbk, is a well established and modern mining contractor company providing services for the rapid growth mining and related industries in Kalimantan, with more than 8500 personnel with various expertise. PT. Saptaindra Sejati keeps improving to be one of the best coal mining contractors in Indonesia.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. PRATAMA ABADI GEMILANG. Kemampuan dan komitmen untuk menghasilkan produk berkualitas selama 2 dekade terakhir telah menjadikan Titani Food sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang diakui dunia. Dan untuk memenuhi permintaan dalam negeri, maka Titani Food juga mengembangkan industrinya untuk pasar lokal melalui PT. Pratama Abadi Gemilang yang didirikan pada tahun 2001. Berdasarkan pengalaman pemasaran krupuk dari dalam negeri dan berbagai negara lainnya, Titani Food telah mendapat pengakuan dan sertifikat dari Bristish Retail Concorcium (BRC) UK, Food Drug Association (FDA) USA, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), BPOM dan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Tawada Healthcare. PT. Tawada Healthcare is a national company with with the main business focused in the Healthcare, Medical and Aesthetics Equipment. We have been exclusively appointed by various multinational companies from around the world to be their Exclusive Sole Agent or Dealer to import, to market, to sale, to distribute and to service wide range of products. The company has the main office in Jakarta with several branch offices as well as some representatives offices in other major cities and we employs more than 200 people in our group of company to serve our customer in the hospitals, clinics and medical centers. We represent the following principals: 1. Carestream Health Group 2. Draeger 3. Samsung Healthcare Ultrasound
4. Gambro
5. Siemens Medical 6. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics 7. Smith and Nephews As of our company credo “it is all about CARE……”, we has always been “CARE” in our interactions and partnership with our employees. We believe the new jobs availability in our company will bring more value to our customers. Therefore, we invite only those candidates that willing to care for our business and customer to apply our available position.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Indodev Niaga Internet.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. HASTA PERKASA GRAHA. PT. Hasta Perkasa Graha, a privately owned company was established 1980 to distribute pneumatic equipment to the manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Within the same year, the company expanded its range of product with material handling equipment. As industrial sectors started to thrive, Hasta decided to set up two new division, to market HMF, Ferrari, Hydraulic Cranes, Snorkel Work Elevated Platform and Crown electric forklift. The Surabaya branch was subsequently set up in 1985 to cater the market needs of the East part of Indonesia. In 1995, the company decided to further compliment its product offering with TENNANT sweepers and scrubbers, beside MORSO wood working machine that has been started earlier in 1989. Another milestone was achieved at the start of 2002 with the formation of PT. Hasta Putera Perkasa to concentrate mainly on the expansion of CROWN division. Throughout the years our businnes philosophy and strategy are always centered around our customer. We constantly look at our business from the customers point of view to make sure we are meeting ther expectations and anticipating and satisfying their requirements. Our objective is to provide comprehensive solution to the industrial / manufacturing and logistic / distribution based companies with quality and reliable equipment that will significantly increase the productivity of their operation, fully supported with outstanding, hassle free after sales service. EXTENSIVE SPARE PARTS AVAILABILITY
When it comes time to order supplies or service the machine, our customer can count on us. Our service and repair centre is equipped with efficient system of reordering pint to monitor spare part availability. We are fully committed to ensure uninterrupted operation for our customer
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PEKSI ANDARU SAKTI, PT. PEKSI ANDARU SAKTI, PT
Kami adalah perusahaan suplier yang bergerak di bidang construction / bahan bangunan khusus nya pipa air dan fitting yang sedang berkembang PT.Peksi Andaru Sakti berdiri sejak tahun 2010 dengan area layanan di seluruh Indonesia, seiring dengan berkembang pesat nya pembangunan yang mencangkup seluruh bidang baik perkantoran, perhotelan, perindustrian, perumahan, pusat-pusat perbelanjaan dan lain-lain, kami berusaha menjunjung tinggi profesionalisme bisnis untuk menjaga kepuasan pelanggan dan membangun sumber daya manusia yang lebih baik, produktif dan berkualitas. Why Joint Us ? Semua Pencapaian Besar yang dikenang sepanjang masa selalu disertai Antusiasme dan Semangat. Semangat adalah dasar perusahaan kami berkembang, menciptakan suasana kerja yang bersahabat dan kondusif menghasilkan pribadi-pribadi produktif menanamkan rasa ingin belajar dan berkembang bersama perusahaan. Adapun point-point yang perlu diperhatikan untuk bergabung bersama PT. Peksi Andaru Sakti adalah sebagai berikut : Jenjang karir yang dinamis
Lingkungan kerja yang kondusif dan bersahabat
Budaya perusahaan yang membantu pencapaian cita-cita
Perusahaan tidak menganut sistem kontrak
Kesempatan bekerja dalam tim yang berbeda untuk memberikan wawasan dan pengalaman yang luas
We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish. “Kita bisa merubah hidup kita, Kita bisa, harus, dan menjadi apa yang kita impikan” -Anthony Robbins
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