Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Laris Chandra. Selama lebih dari 35 tahun Laris Chandra terus berkembang menjadi perusahaan distributor terpercaya dan terdepan dibidangnya
Dibangun oleh seorang sosok yang tegas, jujur dan penuh semangat
Bapak Larris Chandra, dengan kesederhanaannya, merintis perusahaan dari toko kecil di kota Medan, hingga menjadi sebuah perusahaan nasional yang memiliki cabang di 6 kota besar di Indonesia yaitu Jakarta, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya, Bandung dan Denpasar, serta jaringan distribusi lebih dari 5000 yang tersebar di Seluruh Indonesia. Sejak awal berdiri, Laris Chandra telah dipercaya sebagai sole distributor untuk pemasaran di Indonesia oleh STP, Penray, Turtle, Prestone, Armor All, selain produk produk tersebut, Laris Chandra juga memproduksi brand sendiri CHW dan SIP, juga Cat Semprot Premium AutoGard.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT TIARA HANA INDONESIA. Established in 2012, Tiara Hana Indonesia wanted
to build a platform in Indonesia, that gives investors
unrestricted access to luxury resort properties that
would have previously been too expensive. Being the exclusive marketing agent of 5* Wyndham
Sundancer Resort Lombok, we hold exciting
investment opportunities of the Sundancer Project
in Lomboks Booming Tourism Revolution.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Sahabat Jaya Sukses. PT. Sahabat Jaya Sukses, berlokasi di Jl. TPI II Blok M2 No. 24, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, didirikan pada tanggal 28 November 2001 sesuai dengan Akta Pendirian No. 51 dari Notaris Inggraini Yamin, SH. dan telah disahkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia melalui Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor C-05450 HT.01.01.Th.2002. Perusahaan telah menyesuaikan Akta Pendirian dengan Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas terbaru dan perubahan tersebut telah dicatat dalam Risalah Rapat PT. Sahabat Jaya Sukses No. 13 tanggal 26 Juni 2008 oleh Notaris Drs. Arif Djohan Tunggal, S.H., M.H., M.Kn., dan telah mendapatkan pengesahan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dengan Nomor AHU-38863.AH.01.02.Tahun 2008 tanggal 7 Juli 2008.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Rumah Sakit Bunda.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Pt subur progres.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Indowira Putra. IW PAINT adalah nama corporate untuk PT. Indowira Putra Paint Factory. Nama IW Paint terdengar simple dan mudah diingat serta digambarkan di logo perusahaan yang baru (dipakai per Februari 2013). Logo baru ini menggambarkan kesederhanaan dalam sifat yang dinamis dan penuh inovasi. Hal ini tergambar dengan warna-warna yang membalut tulisan IW dalam logo. VISI
PT. Indowira Putra sebagai perusahaan Mitra Bisnis yang terpercaya di dalam industri cat dan bahan kimia konstruksi di pasar global, dengan produk-produk yang menjadi Pilihan Utama dan Berwawasan Lingkungan. MISI
Menciptakan produk-produk unggul sesuai dengan perkembangan
pasar Nasional yang aman bagi lingkungan. Membangun sumber daya manusia yang unggul, kompeten dan
berdaya saing tinggi. Menjalin kerjasama yang berkelanjutan dengan supplier dan
konsumen, serta seluruh stake holder yang ada. Turut serta menjaga lingkungan melalui CSR (Customer Social
Responsibility) dengan mengedukasi pasar dan konsumen.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Sola Ananda Jaya. PT. Sola Ananda Jaya, bergerak dalam bidang pengadaan material Aluminium Finished Goods untuk rumah tinggal maupun proyek. Kami mempunyai produk yang dapat melengkapi kebutuhan tempat tinggal anda yaitu Astral dan Technal. Astral Aluminium Door and Window adalah solusi kebutuhan pintu dan jendela aluminium yang dapat disesuaikan dengan design dan kebutuhan anda. Technal Aluminium Door and Window merupakan produk yang berpusat di Toulouse, France dan dipasarkan lebih dari 70 negara. Produk ini sudah terverifikasi dari laboratorium yang memiliki standard international dan performa produk Eropa. (Sumber Wikipedia) Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Contact kami.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Armada Mandiri Sukses. PT. Armada Mandiri Sukses Kami adalah perusahaan penyedia perlengkapan keamanan, satpam dan security berlokasi di Jakarta Pusat. Armada Mandiri Sukses didukung oleh Sumber Daya Manusia handal dengan pengalaman puluhan tahun di rancah kebutuhan perlengkapan keamanan dan security. Dengan wilayah distribusi menjangkau hampir seluruh Indonesia, kami siap menjadi rekanan bisnis terpercaya Anda. NILAI DAN KOMITMEN
Kami berkomitmen untuk membangun sebuah hubungan bisnis jangka panjang dan terfokus kepada pelanggan. Kami pastikan Anda mendapatkan layanan di bawah ini ketika berbisnis dengan kami:
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Adil Makmur Fajar. PT Adil Makmur Fajar is one of the founders HMPN. As a form of recognition and proof of our existence in the agrochemical industry we are actively incorporated in the official association HMPN (National Association of Pesticide Community) from which we receive updated information about technological development and new regulations in the agrochemical industry. Work Environment and Health Safety We recognize our responsibilities to our employees, the community and the environment. To maintain the safety and health of employees and the environment, all our employees are provided work safety equipment such as masks and safety shoes. In addition, we have invested in the latest fire hydrant system and closed circuit television (CCTV), and apply the strict code of the ISO standard. The correct handling, treatment and disposal of waste products are one of our major focuses of attention. For this reason we have contracted a third party firm that specialized in industrial waste management and applies a treatment process that ensures our waste products are not harmful to the environment. Quality Control with Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 As part of our commitment to ensuring that the quality of products and services meet the expectations and satisfaction of customers, PT Adil Makmur Fajar implemented the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system in 2010 and is still consistent in implementing this quality management system in order to create a sustainable improvements so that we can continually deliver products and services in accordance with customer expectations. Computerization The production process at PT Adil Makmur Fajar, such as regulating temperature, pressure, processing time and reactors that are equipped gauges, is controlled and strictly monitored from our computer control room. Computerization allows us to regulate precisely how the materials are used and that they are used in accordance with a predetermined composition. This ensures that the appropriate active ingredients are used according to the required dosage, so that the quality and consistency of the resulting product is assured. Laboratory With a laboratory that is staffed by well-trained experts and supported by the latest equipment, such as Gas Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography, we are able to directly test all our products to ensure that quality standards are consistently maintenained. In order to achieve this, we take a test sample from each batch of production. All test samples are stored for 2 years and are numbered with the same number as the batch from which they were taken. If a complained should occur from the market regarding the quality of the product, we compare the products that received the complaint with the test sample of the same batch number. In this way we can ascertain the cause of the complaint and can provide solutions that are advantageous to our customers.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Presisi Cileungsi Makmur?. PT Presisi Cimanggis Makmur was founded by 5 initial personnel in April 1983, initially specializing in plastic injection molding and mold toolmaking. At the time, the company pioneered a new era in Indonesian plastic mold tool making by utilizing advanced technologies, including the CNC machining tool and the computerized NC tape preparation machine. In 1986, the company established its Plastic Injection Custom Molding Division to offer integrated services to its customers. ? 1993 marked the establishment of a second plant, PT Presisi Cileungsi Makmur. The new plant implemented the latest technology to meet the increasing needs of the market and to develop capabilities in molding engineered plastics for precision mechanical parts. ? In 1997, Presisi Group diversified into the metal forming industry with the establishment of PT Presisi Cikarang Makmur. Click here for more details on Presisi’s metal forming joint venture. ? In 1998, Presisi Group was accredited with the ISO9001 quality management system certification by SGS. We were one of the first companies in Indonesia in our line of business to achieve such accreditation. ? In 2006, Presisi Group joined IMDIA (Indonesia Mold and Die Association), allowing us to acquire new technologies and remain a leader in the Indonesian mold and die making industry. IMDIA also provides us with access to continued technical training for our employees. ? Since the establishment of its first plant, Presisi Group has matured to become a key player in Indonesia’s plastic injection mold toolmaking and molding industry.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Leetographia. We grow businesses. Increase Brand awareness. Revenue. Analyze. Plan. Design. Create. Execute. And importantly we dont talk shit & wont give promises. We show proofs, data & results.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. ANGKASA LUAR LESTARI INDONESIA. ALLIN Entertainment develops and operates various FBE (Food, Beverage, & Entertainment) establishments that includes Restaurants, Lounge & Clubs, also an Event Space. We are currently operates FABLE Club (Fairfround, SCBD Jakarta), ODYSSEIA Restaurant & Lounge (Pacific Place, SCBD Jakarta), two of the leading FBE venues in Jakarta. Starting November 2014, we also expanded to Bali Island, with GARDIN Bistro & Patisserie (Seminyak, Petitenget – Bali) and MIRROR Lounge & Club (Seminyak Petitenget, Bali). In December 2016, we are opening a new venue called THE PALLAS – Event Space at Fairground SCBD – Jakarta, Indonesia. In 2017, we will be opening a new restaurant called KHUNG Bar & Restaurant at Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta. Our vision is to unify the whole elements of life into something delightful experience. We aim to astonish our customers with our unique architectural design that distinguis us with other brands.
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