Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT DYCOM ENGINEERING. PT. Dycom Engineering established since 2003, located in West Jakarta. In the spirit of dedication and limitless innovation, we strive to continuously provide the best solutions for customers and create the good qualified engineering processes, especially for pneumatics and hydraulic. Since its establishment and up to now, our capability, mastery of technology, and our experience has evolved significantly.
Our products and services have penetrated up to the large scale industries/companies. The awareness of technology developments and competition in the market triggers us to always innovating. And it’s our commitment to take part on contribution for better engineering process. Customer is our royal A good relationship with customers is one of keys to our success.
Customer satisfaction has become our pride.
Therefore, the strategies and fulfillment of customer needs are our special concern. Best Quality & Lastest Technology Product We provide top-quality products with wide range of products to meet customer needs and better engineering process. Best quality product from well-known manufacturer such as:
TPC Pneumatic (Korea), Fuji Latex (Japan), Medan (Germany), Tork(Turkey, TBI Motion (Taiwan), NITTOH (Japan), Fuji Hydraulic (Taiwan), Yuken (China), Fuji Seiki (Korea), De-sta-co (USA) Competitive Price Give our contribution for our customers for an efficient engineering process,
in terms of both process and cost. We offer the best and competitive prices for all products in market. Fast Delivery Time Speed in the delivery of our goods are also a mainstay.
Our courier personnel with the support and cooperation with the express courier company,
we are ready to serve our customers and provide their necessities of our products to all over Indonesia
and also with a short time. Company Summary Company Name
President Address Contact No. NPWP
No.PKP Authorised Distibutor of : PT. Dycom Engineering
: 2003
: Mr. Hendy : Kompleks Golden Ville No.88 DB Jl. Daan Mogot 2, Duri Kepa Jakarta Barat – INDONESIA 11510 : Tel. : +62-21-56978889 Fax. : +62-21-5672037 Email : : 02.341.845.2-039.000
: PEM-00415 / WPJ.05 / KP.1403 / 2003 :TPC motion, TORK control valves, MEDAN rodless cylinder, DPC Pneumatics, Fuji Seiki shock absorber, Fujikura Composites, Yuken Hydraulic, Fuji Hydraulic, KOBEflex, NITTOH, HIWIN, DURAPAC, FASTER, OSTWIND refrigrated air dryer, HTL controlled bolting, Triple R oil filter, DE-STA-CO Clamping, KOBE control, TBI motion, Control Technique, BECKHOFF

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Informasi MEMORY Furniture

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja MEMORY Furniture. Established in 1993, MEMORY is South East Asia’s leading manufacturers for do-it-yourself furniture. With a strong workforce of 2.000 people across 4 main factories in Batam Island (PT Furniplus Asia) and Tangerang (PT Indorack Multikreasi), and equipped with modern European machinery and semi-automated conveyor lines, MEMORY have consistently export reliable and quality furniture all over the world. Constantly maintaining a strong vision of modern and fresh Design, consistent Quality and competitive Price, it is definitely a recipe that MEMORY Group strive for to be successful along with our partners. The result is an aggressive 20% annual growth for the past 10 years, reaching further to more customers with more products varieties to occupy more spaces in every home. Working closely with some of the largest furniture retailers in the world for constant innovation in product developments for more than a decade is the principle of our business as a versatile and flexible furniture OEM manufacturer. By utilising the latest material technology, combining with our creative labour force and sharpened with high tech woodworking machinery for precision accuracy, MEMORY can offer our customers with a very wide range of design and finishing including our latest acquisiton of UV Lacquer line to meet and fulfill market demands. ‘Light Weight’ solution have been our design motto for the past 10 years. By working closely with world’s best material suppliers, application of honeycomb paper on more components, provide additional value towards the true concept of DIY, which is ease of assembling, variety of finishing material that available, giving our customer more choices to suit their needs in every possible way. Recently MEMORY Group expand its business portfolio by acquired Rattan Company based in Cirebon that have been established and export worldwide. With this expansion it can bring more advantage to our customers where they can combine our Panel and Rattan products in the same container. Rattan products usually lightweight but have big volume since mostly we did assemble, that’s why combination with Panel will maximize the load in container and also customer can have option to try our products in lower qty. Beside that we also started our own Upholstery factory that focus to supply Indonesia market by provide versatile and flexible OEM products together with our own local brand. All the expansion that we did to achieve our vision to become Leading Global Furniture Design and Production.

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MEMORY Furniture

Informasi PT. Maesindo Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Maesindo Indonesia. PT. Maesindo Indonesia (Ltd) is French-Indonesia company in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Since its establised in 1996, our company is the leading exporter & manufacturer for nonwoven products, uniform wears, and disposable food services.

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PT. Maesindo Indonesia


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja RSIA KENDANGSARI MERR. RSIA Kendangsari MERR Surabaya adalah Rumah Sakit khusus yang dirancang unik berfokus untuk melayani kebutuhan ibu dan anak. Dalam menjalankan fungsinya RSIA Kendangsari MERR Surabaya memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang paripurna untuk wanita dan anak. Pelayanan kesehatan diberikan secara prima dan komprehensif bagi pasien, keluarga pasien dan provider baik perusahaan maupun asuransi. RSIA Kendangsari MERR Surabaya merupakan bentuk dari satu kesatuan visi dan misi yang sama oleh beberapa dokter spesialis kebidanan dan kandungan dalam upaya meningkatkan “kualitas kesehatan reproduksi kaum perempuan khususnya ibu hamil dan janin yang dikandungnya.” Atas dasar keinginan tersebut maka dibentuklah PT. Sandra Buana Medika. PT. Sandra Buana Medika kemudian mengajukan ijin untuk mendirikan Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak pada tanggal 4 April 2009 dengan lingkup bidang usaha jasa rumah sakit swasta. Dan pada Tanggal 8 Agustus 2014 RSIA Kendangsari MERR soft launching dan mulai menerima pasien untuk Poli Obgyn dan Poli Anak. Dalam upaya mencapai pelayanan yang prima dan komprehensif ini maka secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan manajemen RSIA Kendangsari menjalankan program-program unggulan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan pada semua bidang pelayanan. Misi RSIA Kendangsari Merr adalah Memberikan layanan Obgyn dan Pediatri yang Komprehensif
Meningkatkan kompetensi SDM RSIA Kendangsari Merr
Memberikan sarana dan prasarana yang nyaman
Memberikan informasi terbaru dan edukatif di bidang Obgyn dan Pediatri
Tujuan RSIA Kendang Sari Merr adalah : Mewujudkan rumah sakit yang sehat, bersih, indah dan nyaman
Menjadi pusat pelayanan kesehatan bermutu, melalui upaya promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif sesuai dengan peraturan, perundangan yang berlaku dengan tidak membedakan agama, golongan dan kedudukan.
Mewujudkan Management professional melalui Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkesinambungan
Menerapkan standart keselamatan pasien dan kepuasan pelanggan
Menyelanggarakan pelayanan rujukan
RSIA Kendangsari MERR Surabaya sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan kesehatan layanan Ibu dan Buah Hati tercinta. Kami senantiasa akan memberikan layanan terbaik kami.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja CV. ANDHIKA TIRTA ABADI. CV. Andhika Tirta Abadi merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang distributor air mineral kemasan di Jawa Timur

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Informasi PT Harmoni Toba Jaya

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Harmoni Toba Jaya. PT. HARMONI TOBA JAYA (HTJ) berdiri pada tahun 1972 dengan nama PT. Era Sumber Murni sebagai main dealer produk cat terkemuka di Indonesia untuk daerah Medan, Sumatera Utara dan Banda Aceh, Naggroe Aceh Darussalam dengan produk cat bangunan, cat mobil dan cat industri

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PT Harmoni Toba Jaya