Lowongan kerja dan gaji IT Security Administrator.

1. Can manage various security devices such as WAF, firewall, IPS, IDS, Antivirus, SIEM, SOAR and other security tools
2. Manage security devices both on premise and cloud
3. Configure security devices in accordance with security standards and security best practices
4. Subscribe or have a source of the latest information about vulnerabilities
5. Carry out maintenance and troubleshoot security devices
6. Know the PCI DSS and ISO 27001 framework standards
7. Follow up on findings of vulnerabilities in security devices
8. Must document all work processes in detail.
1. Minimum 3 years experience
2. Demonstrate good communication and etiquette skills
3. As the owner/admin of the security device
4. Have the ability to configure security devices (Firewall, IPS, WAF, Antivirus, and other Security Tools) both on-premises and in the Cloud
5. Have an understanding of security device technology
6. Have security device certification (firewall, antivirus, WAF)
7. Able to document reports and work details in detail
8. Able to provide information security warnings
Loker IT Security Administrator.