Kami sedang mencari sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas untuk menempati posisi :
Recruitment Officer
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Lowongan Kerja Recruitment Officer PT. Mutualplus Global Resources
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Lowongan Kerja STAFF ADMINISTRATOR PT Dunggio Drilling
– Male (min 29 max 40 yo) – Education Diploma/Bachelor Mechanical Enginering/equivalent
– Experience at Production Assembly
– Salary max 7,6 (exclude OT)
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Lowongan Kerja SUPERVISOR ASSEMBLY ASNO Consulting
– Male (min 33 th) – Education minimal D3/S1 – Experience handling ISO document Manufacture Automotive
– Salary 7 – 9 mio
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Lowongan Kerja ISO / Document IATF 16949 ASNO Consulting
– Male (max 29 th)
– Education D3/S1 any field
– Experience as Marketing Automotive Product minimum 1 year – Have skill japanese conversation (min JLPT N3) – Salary negotiable
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Lowongan Kerja SALES STAFF ASNO Consulting
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja ASNO Consulting. A reality world of work from year to year is always increasing seekers, both in quantity and in quality. One of the causes of increasing job seekers because climate rapidly evolving world of work, therefore the need for an efficient breakthrough will need a lot of manpower the many job seekers who can not find their own jobs. World dynamic and efficient work requires qualified candidates and effective, appropirate and targeted. Similarly, many users of labor company activity and business sometimes because there is no time to get their own manpower that meets the necessary requirements. On the basis of this a reality, it is necessary to involve external parties / private in finding competent human resources and appropriate qualification cooled company. Asno Consulting here to provide solutions, in this case as a mediator between the bridge and bring together job seekers and companies. Asno Consulting continues to improve its services as service providers and Management Consultants to provide the best fit the needs of the company On the Being a company service provider who is able to provider who is able to provide with the best quality service and become the best Management Consultant. On the Provide professional and quality service to Customers with hight commitment, continuous improvement in order to create customer satisfaction.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Sabana Barokah. PT. Sabana Barokah
Produsen Bumbu Masak Siap Saji, Bebas Pengawet dan Bebas Penyedap
?SABA hadir sebagai sahabat dapur bunda, mempercepat proses menyiapkan hidangan keluarga sehingga bunda bisa lebih fokus untuk pendidikan anak dan keluarga.
Untuk meraih rasa cinta dan penghargaan dengan memudahkan bunda dalam memasak makanan untuk keluarga tercinta.
Kami bekerja untuk menciptakan pilihan bumbu siap saji yang sehat, praktis dalam penggunaan dan bercita rasa kelezatan yang tinggi.
Kami membantu masyarakat untuk mampu memasak sendiri masakan Indonesia dengan bumbu siap saji yang praktis dan mudah digunakan.
Kami senantiasa meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya pola makan sehat dengan mengkonsumsi makanan sehat, lezat dan bergizi
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Apply different statistical/machine learning models or algorithms to the problem set. Synthesize data into actionable business insights for the company and our clients.
Provide insight based on mixed data such as visualisation, statistics, predictive modelling and presentation
Recommend systems feature improvements based on performance data
Research, design, implement and validate data-driven frameworks to analyze diverse sources of data to achieve targeted outcomes.
Collaborate and Have Fun with Xtremax team.
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Lowongan Kerja Machine Learning Engineer PT Xtremax Teknologi Indonesia
PT Indonesia Wacoal adalah sebuah perusahaan tekstil yang berada di Bogor Utara. Saat ini sedang membutuhkan seorang pegawai untuk menempati posisi Export Merchandiser Staf.
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Lowongan Kerja Export Merchandiser Staf PT Indonesia Wacoal
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Daryo.
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PT Hasil Raya Industries saat ini sedang membutuhkan : Recruiment Staff
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Lowongan Kerja Recruiment Staff PT Hasil Raya Industries
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Manja Cheese Tea. Manja Cheese Tea merupakan usaha minuman ringan dengan cita rasa yang tentu saja akan membuat lidah anda ketagihan.
Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh Manja Cheese Tea.