Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja House of Culinaire. HOC adalah perusahaan distributor sirup impor ternama satu satunya di Bandung. Kami juga distributor untuk peralatan kitchen ternama baik merk lokal maupun impor. Kami mendistribusikan sirup dan peralatan tersebut untuk kebutuhan cafe, resto dan hotel hotel yang ada di Jawa Barat dan Sekitarnya. The most complete supplier for 5 star Hotel & above,cafe,restaurant,bar&lounge,catering and we roasted our own world best coffee and MONIN..
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Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk posisi Office Boy. 1. Menjaga kebersihan kantor
2. Membantu karyawan memperbanyak dokumen dengan cara fotocopy
3. Membantu menyiapkan makanan dan minuman untuk karyawan
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Lowongan Kerja Office Boy PT. Amanah Indonesia Realti
Brey Company membuka peluang sebesar besarnya bagi #BreySolid yang memiliki daya juang yang tinggi dan terpilih untuk bergabung bersama kami. Kami sedang membutuhkan Customer Service Reseller
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Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Reseller Brey Company
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Amanah Indonesia Realti. Amanah Realty lahir untuk mengemban amanah yang Allah SWT berikan kepada kami, agar lebih bermanfaat bagi sebanyak-banyaknya orang. Amanah itu sulit, namun justru semakin meyakinkan kami, bahwa sesuatu yang sulit itu sebanding dengan kepuasan yang akan diraih. TULUS
Bisnis kami beranjak dari keinginan yang tulus untuk menghadirkan hunian yang memudahkan kehidupan MAJU
Tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali perusahaan harus maju dalam berbagai aspek, tak terkecuali kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia-nya SYARIAH
Pola ?kir yang kami tanamkan senantiasa bergerak diatas jalan agama yakni jujur dan amanah
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Brey Company. Sebelum dikenal dengan nama BREY.CO yang sekarang, dahulu kami dikenal dengan nama BREYBRAND dari awal lahir 2015. Kami ajak #BreySolid membaca cerita kami sebentar, pada tahun 2014 Founder kami dikenal dengan nama Brey pergi ke kota kembang yaitu Bandung meninggalkan ibukota Indonesia Jakarta, karena niat dan tekad ingin membuat usaha yang bermanfaat bagi banyak orang Awal usaha kami pada tahun 2014 kami menerapkan konsep pakaian Made By Order dan belum mempunyai sebuah nama merk, barulah pada tahun 2015 permintaan semakin banyak dan salah seorang pembeli dari kami ingin, kami mempunyai sebuah nama Brand tercetuslah nama BREYBRAND yang diambil dari nama panggil Founder kami dan masih tetap mempertahankan konsep pakaian Made By Order Transformasi nama berubah pada tahun 2016, dengan konsep dan strategi baru. 2016 kami memakai nama BREY.CO yang terdengar lebih muda dan bersemangat, juga memperbaharui konsep yang tadinya Made By Order menjadi Ready Order, juga mengusung tema Timeless Design dimana pakaiannya berdesain tahan lama, mau digunakan kapanpun bahkan hampir dimanapun di setiap kegiatan #GantengTahanLama Pada setiap produk yang kami buat, kami selalu berusaha membuat dan mempertahankan Timeless Design ciri khas BREY.CO, makanya #BreySolid gak perlu khawatir saat membeli produk BREY.CO tidak terpakai karena desain musiman. Kami selalu mempertahankan agar produk kami bisa dipakai kapanpun #GantengTahanLama
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Tamba Sanjiwani. We are herbal medicine industry, manufacturing and trading of products for health care, beauty care, medical equipment.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Murni Cahaya Pratama (CarglossPaint). PT. Murni Cahaya Pratama (MCP) adalah produsen dan pemasar cat yang memiliki fitur untuk melindungi, memelihara dan meningkatkan tampilan visual, untuk produk otomotif di Indonesia dengan merk dagang Cargloss Paint. Cargloss berdiri pada tanggal 20 Desember 1985 di area Citeureup Bogor dengan luas mencapai 20 Hektar dengan produk utama yang di hasilkan perusahaan tersebut adalah berbagai macam jenis cat dan bahan kimia. PT. Murni Cahaya Pratama (MCP) juga membuat produk untuk kelengkapan sepeda motor yang produksinya diserahkan kepada anak perusahaan Cargloss yaitu PT. Mega Karya Mandiri (Cargloss Helm Factory) dengan kapasitas produksi mencapai 360.000 helm/bulan.
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Dibutuhkan Beberapa Ass.Apoteker
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Lowongan Kerja Asistan Apoteker Apotek Sauyunana
Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Apotek Sauyunana.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja MEMORY Furniture. Established in 1993, MEMORY is South East AsiaÂs leading manufacturers for do-it-yourself furniture. With a strong workforce of 2.000 people across 4 main factories in Batam Island (PT Furniplus Asia) and Tangerang (PT Indorack Multikreasi), and equipped with modern European machinery and semi-automated conveyor lines, MEMORY have consistently export reliable and quality furniture all over the world. Constantly maintaining a strong vision of modern and fresh Design, consistent Quality and competitive Price, it is definitely a recipe that MEMORY Group strive for to be successful along with our partners. The result is an aggressive 20% annual growth for the past 10 years, reaching further to more customers with more products varieties to occupy more spaces in every home. Working closely with some of the largest furniture retailers in the world for constant innovation in product developments for more than a decade is the principle of our business as a versatile and flexible furniture OEM manufacturer. By utilising the latest material technology, combining with our creative labour force and sharpened with high tech woodworking machinery for precision accuracy, MEMORY can offer our customers with a very wide range of design and finishing including our latest acquisiton of UV Lacquer line to meet and fulfill market demands. ÂLight Weight solution have been our design motto for the past 10 years. By working closely with worldÂs best material suppliers, application of honeycomb paper on more components, provide additional value towards the true concept of DIY, which is ease of assembling, variety of finishing material that available, giving our customer more choices to suit their needs in every possible way. Recently MEMORY Group expand its business portfolio by acquired Rattan Company based in Cirebon that have been established and export worldwide. With this expansion it can bring more advantage to our customers where they can combine our Panel and Rattan products in the same container. Rattan products usually lightweight but have big volume since mostly we did assemble, that’s why combination with Panel will maximize the load in container and also customer can have option to try our products in lower qty. Beside that we also started our own Upholstery factory that focus to supply Indonesia market by provide versatile and flexible OEM products together with our own local brand. All the expansion that we did to achieve our vision to become Leading Global Furniture Design and Production.
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Plan and execute digital marketing strategy (marketplace and social media platforms)
Take artistic product photo and video shooting (company profile, manufacturing plant, and product) and do creative editing to support website, marketplace contents, and other needs
Update company website content (products, content, and promotions)
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Lowongan Kerja Digital Marketing and Content Creator MEMORY Furniture
Responsible for the financial health of a company or organization. Producing financial reports and developing strategies based on financial research. Guiding senior executives in making sound business decisions in the long and short term. Oversee financial department employees, including financial assistants and accountants
Contract outside services for tax preparation, auditing, banking, investments, and other financial needs as necessary
Track the company’s financial status and performance to identify areas for potential improvement
Seek out methods for minimizing financial risk to the company
Research and analyze financial reports and market trends
Provide insightful information and expectations to senior executives to aid in long-term and short-term decision making
Review financial data and prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports
Present financial reports to board members, stakeholders, executives, and clients in formal meetings
Stay up to date with technological advances and accounting software to be used for financial purposes
Establish and maintain financial policies and procedures for the company
Oversee operations of the finance department, set goals and objectives, and design a framework for these to be met.
Manage the preparation of the company’s budget.
Correspond with various other departments, discussing company plans and agreeing on future paths to be taken.
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Lowongan Kerja Finance Manager MEMORY Furniture