Informasi PT. Edico Utama

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Edico Utama. PT. Edico Utama Since the Company’s establishment in 1973, TEIKIN has always been committed to deliver only the highest quality products accompanied by outstanding service dedication to our customers worldwide. TEIKIN high precision engine components are manufactured using state-of-the-art proprietary technologies and synergized by the application of the finest materials available. Supported with widespread distribution of strong marketing networks, TEIKIN’s extensive product range caters to the rigorous demands of the various Japanese, Korean, American and European engine applications. We continuously improve ourselves to deliver the most desirable balance of quality, value, availability and service to the market through an aggressive pursuit of unlimited possibilities.

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PT. Edico Utama

Informasi PT. Nutrifood Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Nutrifood Indonesia. For 40 years, we have been committed to inspire and foster a healthy and joyful life, both physically and mentally, through our very own distinctive and premium brands: Tropicana Slim, NutriSari, WRP, L-Men, HiLo, and W’dank, as well as related services and programs. Founded in Semarang, Indonesia, Nutrifood has been distributing the products all across more than 30 countries. Our business is developed based on scientific knowledge. We believe prevention is better than cure, therefore through Nutrifood Research Center, together with the academic community, we shall continuously search for more knowledge and findings, in order to inspire healthier society by managing sugar, salt and fat intake

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PT. Nutrifood Indonesia

Informasi PT. NGK Busi Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. NGK Busi Indonesia. PT.NGK Busi Indonesia is a joint venture company and the world class company in automotive. We are provide Spark plug, Oxygen sensor, also Plug cap to be our product. And In view of our strategic business plan and rapidly growing, we are inviting highly qualified and dedicated person to be part of our winning team, as:

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PT. NGK Busi Indonesia


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT RELINDO MITRA SUKSES. PT RELINDO MITRA SUKSES Visi
Menjadi Perusahaan Jasa di Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia yang Handal dan Terpercaya. Misi
Menjalin Kerjasama di Bidang Perekrutan dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia Melalui Tahapan-Tahapan serta Mekanisme yang Sesuai dengan Kebutuhan Organisasi Perusahaan Pengguna.
Membangun Sumber Daya Manusia yang Jujur dan Berkualitas.
Memberikan Pelayanan yang Optimal dengan Mengutamakan Kepuasan Pelanggan.

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Informasi PT. Spektrum Krisindo Elektrika

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Spektrum Krisindo Elektrika. Established in Jakarta since 1999, PT. Spektrum Krisindo Elektrika started out as a supplier of mechanical and electrical products. Over the subsequent 18 years of phenomenal business growth and stellar performance, we are now in the position of being one of the country’s leading engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies. PT. Spektrum Krisindo Elektrika has served hundreds of satisfied client in many areas, industries, and sectors that spread across Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. These include industrial and building clients, such as airports, seaports, and cement factories; chemical industries; food and beverage sector; mining, oil, and gas operations; pharmacies; power plants; pulp, paper, and steel works; textile and tire manufactures; wastewater treatment plants; and many others. Because we are committed to providing only high-quality products that also have clear, proven and reliable safety records as well as all related certification. This is also in line with our mission to always put safety first and to use and supply only the best products with the highest standards possible. Some product that we are supply is in Power Electrification, Lighting, Drive, Automation, Motors and Gearboxes.

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PT. Spektrum Krisindo Elektrika

Informasi PT Indogen Intertama

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Indogen Intertama. PT INDOGEN INTERTAMA adalah distributor reagen dan kit untuk riset serta bahan habis pakai di Indonesia. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan solusi terbaik atas kebutuhan riset Anda. Keberhasilan Anda adalah prioritas kami. Didirikan pada tahun 2010, PT INDOGEN INTERTAMA, memulai usahanya dengan menyuplai kebutuhan bahan habis pakai laboratorium riset di sekitar Jakarta. Sejak itu perusahaan tumbuh menyuplai bahan kimia, kit riset dan bahan habis pakai ke seluruh Indonesia. Kini INDOGEN telah menjalin kerjasama dengan beberapa suplier di beberapa daerah. Menyuplai reagensia ke laboratorium riset di universitas, lembaga riset pemerintah seperti LIPI, BPPT, BATAN, Deptan, Litbangkes dan lainnya. Juga menyuplai bahan kimia ke perusahaan ternak industri makanan dan minuman serta industri farmasi.
Seiring dengan pertumbuhan perusahaan, maka INDOGEN mulai memfokuskan diri sebagai suplier produk riset untuk immunologi dan kebutuhan penunjangnya. Visi kami
Menjadi distributor nasional dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan reagensia penelitian dengan memperhatikan kualitas produk untuk kepuasan pelanggan. Misi kami
Membangun budaya perusahaan yang menjunjung tinggi integritas, loyalitas dan terampil
Memberikan mutu produk terbaik dan pengiriman yang efisien untuk kepuasan pelanggan

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PT Indogen Intertama

Informasi Cinemaxx

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Cinemaxx. Cinemaxx was established to develop and operate modern, state-of-the-art multiplex cinemas. With more than 2,000 screens and 300 locations planned across 85 cities over the next 10 years, Cinemaxx is poised to be one of Indonesia’s largest and most preferred motion picture exhibitors. Cinemaxx’s complexes are 100% digital. Moviegoers can experience 2D and 3D feature films, documentaries, and alternative content in unmatched picture brightness and unparalleled audio fidelity. As part of Cinemaxx’s commitment to provide patrons with a distinctive movie entertainment experience, Cinemaxx is proud to offer Ultra XD and Cinemaxx Gold. Ultra XD, the giant-screen format of Cinemaxx, offers moviegoers a truly immersive cinematic experience. With an ultra wide 25-meter screen and dual-stack projection system coupled with Ultra XD’s customized theater geometry and powerful, digital audio system, moviegoers can experience ultimate movie immersion like never before. Cinemaxx Gold, the VIP cinema offering of Cinemaxx, allows guests to view the season’s biggest hits while enjoying first-class dining — from gourmet snacks and entrees to luscious desserts — served by attendants on call. Unlike conventional cinema auditoriums, guests at Cinemaxx Gold enjoy lavish, twin-motor leather recliners, where they can lay back and lift their feet at the push of a button. As of 1st November 2018, Cinemaxx owned and operated 45 cinemas complexes and 230 screens.
Cinemaxx is a national cinema chain affiliated with the Lippo Group of Companies, one of Indonesia’s largest unconsolidated private-sector consumer and retail services group.

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