As supervisor of asset records (Property Management)
Organizing workflow and ensuring that employees understand their duties or delegated tasks
Communicate and cooperate with superiors and coworkers
Prepare and submit performance reports (daily ang weekly)
Follow quality service standards and comply with procedures, rules and regulations
Receive complaints and resolve problems

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Informasi PT Bali Towerindo Sentra

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Bali Towerindo Sentra. PT Bali Towerindo Sentra SELAMAT DATANG DI BALITOWER
Berdiri pada tanggal 6 Juli 2006, PT Bali Towerindo Sentra (“Balitower”) merupakan perusahaan penyedia infrastruktur Menara Telekomunikasi terkemuka di Propinsi Bali dan pelopor penyedia sarana Menara yang dilengkapi fasilitas transmisi terintegrasi melalui jaringan fiber optic/nirkable yang senantiasa dapat mendukung kemajuan teknologi di bidang telekomunikasi. Pada Tanggal 13 Maret 2014, Balitower resmi mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan mulai diperdagangkan dengan kode Emiten BALI. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya, Balitower memiliki 2 segmen usaha yaitu: 1. Penyewaan infrastruktur menara telekomunikasi (makro dan mikro) 2. Penyewaan infrastruktur jaringan fiber optic dan/atau transmisi. Balitower secara konsisten terus meningkatkan kinerja bisnis dalam kegiatan usahanya seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi di Indonesia, hal ini tercermin dengan terjalinnya kerjasama yang baik dengan beberapa operator terkemuka di Indonesia dan perusahaan penunjang bisnis Balitower. Balitower juga sudah memperluas kegiatan usaha seiring telah diterbitkannya Keputusan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika atas persetujuan penyelenggaraan layanan Internet Protocol Television pada bulan Desember 2017, yang mana perluasan kegiatan usaha ini merupakan kerja sama dalam bentuk Combo Product Services antara TV Cable Services yang disediakan oleh PT Paramitra Media Interaktif selaku anak perusahaan dengan Internet Services yang disediakan oleh Balitower yang dinamakan “balifiber”.

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PT Bali Towerindo Sentra


Menindaklanjuti Sales Order
Monitoring pengiriman barang hingga ke customer
Menerima dan menindaklanjuti komplain dari customer

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Lowongan Kerja SALES ADMINISTRATION STAFF PT. Suryamas Gemilang Lubricant

Lowongan Kerja IT ProDIGI

Exposed to advanced data & technology driven Financing project/industry
Collaborating in global and agile environments
Experiencing limitless career growth both in-country and abroad

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Lowongan Kerja IT ProDIGI PT Home Credit Indonesia

Informasi PT Home Credit Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Home Credit Indonesia. PT Home Credit Indonesia established its business activities in Indonesia in 2013. Our journey in Indonesia began in the Jabodetabek area closely followed by expansion to Bandung, Makassar, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Malang, Denpasar, Pekanbaru, Medan, Batam, Palembang, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Manado, and Balikpapan. We plan to expand further and expect to be in all major regions and cities in Indonesia by 2018. We provide in-store financing (direct non-cash financing in retail outlets) to qualified customers looking to purchase consumer durable goods such as home appliances, electronic goods, mobile phones and furniture. In addition to in-store financing, we also provide multi-purpose financing which we offer to our existing customers to finance their home renovations, tuition fees or even holiday travel. As we broaden our distribution network, our range of products offered will also expand.

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PT Home Credit Indonesia


Designing and developing high-volume, low-latency applications for mission-critical systems and delivering high-availability and performance
Contributing in all phases of the development lifecycle
Writing well designed, testable, efficient code
With Business Analyst, gather customer requirements, analyze and design the solution based on business requirements.
Create timeline and efforts estimation.
Assign tasks to team members and monitor the progress of team members.
Develop Functional and Technical Specification Document.

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Lowongan Kerja HRD/GA

Menangani personalia, absensi karyawan, cuti dan data karyawan
Menangani recruitment karyawan
Menangani BPJS Ketenagakerjaan & BPJS Kesehatan
Mengurus proses mutasi, rotasi dan PHK karyawan
Membuat surat PKWT/PKWTT
Menangani perhitungan lembur dan luarkota karyawan
Meriview perjalanan dinas karyawan
Menangani data asset dan data inventaris Perusahaan
Menangani kebutuhan ATK Perusahaan

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Lowongan Kerja HRD/GA PT. Albeta Sukses Mandiri

Informasi PT. Albeta Sukses Mandiri

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Albeta Sukses Mandiri. PT. Albeta Sukses Mandiri Albeta is a long tradition of innovation. Everyday, Albetanians are driven by passion to work in ways that are more cutting-edge and more efficient. It was formalized in the form of a company in 1997 as a system integrator; PT Albeta Sukses Mandiri; delivering solutions for professionals to become more productive and agile. All clients experience Albeta Golden Collaboration Pipeline; a series of processes specifically designed to ensure best decisions are made. An Albetanian continuously discuses as well as confirms with clients, every step of the way, throughout Albeta Golden Collaboration Pipeline. Our goal is to ease clients through a collaborative process much like signals transmitting along a gold conductor very smoothly. As Albetanians, we intend to continue our quest of innovation to improve the way we do things, see things and ultimately the way we live. Continuous life-style innovation is what we do. Others are welcome to join our quest.

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PT. Albeta Sukses Mandiri

Informasi PT Ivatama Teknologi

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Ivatama Teknologi. PT Ivatama Teknologi Ivatama Teknologi (IVT) is an IT Solution Provider, established in 2012. Provides solutions spanning from the underlying IT infrastructure solutions to latest technologies which bring us towards the Digital Era. We believe that we have a unique position by combining our knowledge on legacy IT solutions with the new technology trends. Blending the technologies, gain the best of both. By combining in depth understanding of our clients’ businesses with expertise in various Information Technology solutions, we take on our clients’ challenges and develop innovative solutions to address them efficiently and profitably. IVT has three solution pillars those we can offer to our customers: Digital Solution
IT Security Solution
IT Infrastructure Solution
As a system integrator that fuses information and control technologies, we will provide “one stop solution” to our customers, from solution design, delivery, installation and implementation of hardware and software, maintenance and consultancy services. IVT’s strategic relationships and alliances with market-leading companies further strengthen IVT’s ability to harness leading-edge technologies to create valuable solution. Customer satisfaction and business partnership are the value IVT commits to deliver to its customers. We are committed to maintain our service level and commitment to grow together with our customers.

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PT Ivatama Teknologi

Lowongan Kerja Buyer

Arrange the Product Assortment
Looking for suitable supplier with Product Assortment that has been determined
Dealing with Supplier
Purchasing order to Supplier
Keep the good relation with supplier
Coordinate inbound and outbound with the SCM team
Register the new product in system
Setting the price
Setting the promo

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. PARAGON PRATAMA TEKNOLOGI. PT. PARAGON PRATAMA TEKNOLOGI Vision
To make advertising Impactful, Intelligent, and Accessible Mission
Build 10,000s intelligent assets network. Make OOH measurable with innovative technologies. Develop programmatic technology for OOH media. Core Values
Effectiveness without values is a tool without a purpose. STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE
We take pride in our work and passionately strive for the best performance of our duties and responsibilities. We celebrate when employees see mistakes, own them, and find solutions. We anticipate wrong turns will be taken and we focus on solutions, action and reflection. TEAMWORK
We work together as one cohesive team, with mutual respect, to achieve our collective goals. We embrace diversity, foster close relationships and develop team spirit through effective communication and caring for one another. INTEGRITY
We perform our duties with honesty, dedication and respect for confidentiality. We value loyalty, trustworthiness and openness as essential personal attributes in our corporate culture. CUSTOMER FOCUSED
Our customers are foremost in our minds all the time. We go the extra mile to exceed their expectations. We strive for close cooperation with our customers and business associates, based on loyalty and fair play. KEEP IMPROVING
We strive for innovation and continuous improvement by challenging conventional practices to stay at the forefront of sustainable solutions. We embrace change and we are not afraid to do things differently. We are encouraged to challenge the status quo and find innovative ways to serve our customers well.

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