Informasi PT. Great Eastern Life Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Great Eastern Life Indonesia. PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia (Great Eastern Life Indonesia) adalah bagian dari Great Eastern Holdings Limited yang merupakan perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang kuat, berorientasi jangka panjang dan telah memiliki pengalaman sejak 1908 di Singapura dan Malaysia. Great Eastern Life Indonesia telah berdiri di Indonesia sejak 1996. Di awal tahun 2015, Great Eastern Life Indonesia mengambil 2 keputusan penting: 1) menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pilar ketiga setelah Singapura dan Malaysia. Ini artinya semua sumber daya dan fokus perusahaan akan ditujukan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan di Indonesia dan 2) mereposisi keberadaan kami sebagai spesialis Bancassurance dan digital. Hal ini membuat kami fokus pada pengembangan produk dan peningkatan mutu pelayanan khusus untuk kebutuhan Bancassurance dan digital. Great Eastern Life Indonesia menyediakan rangkaian produk asuransi untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat dalam hal pengembangan kekayaan, perlindungan keluarga juga perlindungan kesehatan, rencana hari tua dan rencana pendidikan anak. Tentang Great Eastern
Sebagai pemimpin pasar dan merek yang handal di Singapura dan Malaysia, Great Eastern didirikan pada tahun 1908. Dengan asset senilai S$85,0 Miliar dan melayani lebih dari 4 juta pemegang polis, Great Eastern memiliki tiga saluran distribusi yang sukses – agency, bancassurance dan financial advisory firm – Great Eastern Financial Advisers. Great Eastern juga beroperasi di Indonesia dan Brunei serta juga hadir di China dan memiliki kantor perwakilan di Myanmar. Great Eastern meraih penghargaan sebagai Life Insurance Company of the Year dalam ajang Asia Insurance Industry Awards tahun 2011 dan 2013 yang diselenggarakan oleh Asia Insurance Review. Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited mendapatkan nilai AA- untuk kekuatan finansial dan counterparty credit ratings dari Standard & Poor’s sejak tahun 2010, yaitu salah satu predikat tertinggi diantara perusahaan jiwa di Asia. Lion Global Investor Limited, anak perusahaan Great Eastern yang bergerak di bidang manajemen aset swasta di Asia Tenggara. Great Eastern merupakan anak perusahaan Bank OCBC, bank Singapura yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1932 dan merupakan gabungan dari tiga bank lokal di Singapura yang didirikan pada tahun 1912. Bank OCBC kini merupakan grup jasa keuangan yang besar di Asia Tenggara dalam hal aset dan salah satu bank di dunia yang memiliki rating tinggi, dengan rating Aa1 dari Moody’s. Diakui untuk kekuatan keuangan dan stabilitasnya, Bank OCBC secara konsisten mendapat peringkat di antara World’s Top 50 Safest Bank dari Global Finance dan mendapat penghargaan sebagai Best Managed Bank di Singapura dan Asia Pasifik dari The Asian Banker Pasar utama Bank OCBC adalah Singapura, Malaysia, Indonesia, dan Tiongkok. Bank OCBC memiliki lebih dari 570 cabang dan kantor perwakilan di 19 negara dan wilayah, termasuk lebih dari 300 cabang dan kantor di Indonesia di bawah anak perusahaan Bank OCBC NISP, dan lebih dari 100 cabang dan kantor di Hong Kong, Tiongkok dan Macau di bawah OCBC Wing Hang.

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PT. Great Eastern Life Indonesia


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. SINAR BARU WIJAYA PERKASA. PT. Sinar Baru Wijaya Group adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubara. Hasil dari tambang-tambang batubara tersebut banyak digunakan untuk memasok kebutuhan PLTU maupun industri nasional serta diekspor ke berbagai negara di Asia. SBWP memerlukan tenaga-tenaga profesional dibidangnya untuk semakin meningkatkan kinerja dan perkembangan perusahaan.

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Develop android mobile application towards completions
Support the entire application lifecycle (concept, design, test, release and support)
Produce fully functional mobile applications writing clean code
Gather specific requirements and suggest solutions
Write unit and UI tests to identify malfunctions
Troubleshoot and debug to optimize performance
Develop and test the product for all device required
Liaise with Product development team to plan new features
Ensure new and legacy applications meet quality standards
Coordinates with Front End Developer for the mobile layouts

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Lowongan Kerja ANDROID MOBILE DEVELOPER PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia


At least have 1 year experience maintain and creating strategy for social media or digital marketing related
In-depth experience with use of Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter for advertising

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Lowongan Kerja SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING SPECIALIST PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia

Informasi PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia. Frisidea is the enterprise technology partner of choice for software development, delivering a broad range of web, mobile, and desktop controls coupled with a service-oriented approach throughout the entire application life cycle. Frisidea consists of highly skilled developers specializing in agile development methodology, focusing on e-commerce, Fintech and business enterprise, utilizing modern programming languages as our platform. Frisidea has established itself as the trusted partner for use in mission-critical applications and service clientele from global insurance company, government agencies and large consumer product manufacturer.

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PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. TAMARA OVERSEAS CORPORINDO. PT. TAMARA OVERSEAS CORPORINDO
adalah perusahaan trading yang bergerak dibidang pengadaan alat high technology dibidang pendidikan dan industri sekaligus sebagai distributor tunggal alat kesehatan. Berdiri sejak tahun 1978 telah memiliki cabang perusahaan di kota-kota besar seperti Surabaya, Makassar & Palembang.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. INTI PRIMA KARYA. PT. Inti Prima Karya was established In 2000 as a small print shop opened its doors Jakarta Barat with the simple and clear aim of providing a high quality printing service to capital Jakarta businesses. Little more than nineteen years later and that small print shop has become one of the leading corporate commercial printers in Jakarta.The philosophy and vision of staying true to print craftsmanships has seen Inti Prima Karya grow into the industry leader that it is today. Inti Prima Karya manufacturing facility is centrally located in Jakarta Barat and uses state of the art technologies. Their unique arrangement of printing presses enables them to manage their client’s printing needs, from business cards, letterheads, brochure, catalogue, annual report, company profile, magazine, calender, packaging, folding box, rigid box and presentation folders through to full colour marketing materials in the most efficient way, and always, with a primary focus on quality. Inti Prima Karya uncompromising dedication to print quality and service has attracted an enviable clientele. Which Includes many of Jakarta leading corporate companies, designers and advertising agencies. We look forward to meeting you to find out how we can test meet your printing needs. Offset printing is our speciality and provides the best option for ensuring your corporate branding remains consistent and colour matched to perfection. With years of experience in the industry, you can be certain that your corporate printing requirements are in great hands and that your branding will come through with flying colours at Inti Prima Karya. With a talented in-house graphic design service, we can help you create the corporate branding mat you have been looking for. Our designer will work with you to create a logo and branding that outshines your competitors. We can then outfit you with a whole suite of freshly branded solutions such as letterheads, business cards, catalogue, brochures, shopping bag, calendar, annual report, agenda, books, folders, magazine, packaging, folding box, rigid box and much more. We also hand been certified ISO 9001/2008 on January 2015, the certified are about Quality of Management. We will do our best to serves our customers.

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In-depth experience with website analytics
tools (e.g, Google Analytics, NetInsight, Omniture, WebTrends)
Experience with A/B and multivariate experiments
Working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development and constraints
Knowledge of ranking factors and search engine algorithms
Up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in SEO and SEM

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Informasi PT. Lelco Trindo Graha Nusantara

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Lelco Trindo Graha Nusantara. PT. Lelco Trindo Graha Nusantara didirikan pada tahun 1980, telah memiliki pengalaman dalam pemasaran sistem kontrol listrik dan mekanik serta produk pencahayaan di Indonesia Saat ini, Perusahaan kami mencari kandidat bermotivasi tinggi untuk memperluas bisnis dan kompetensi kami dalam bisnis pencahayaan & produk elektrical untuk mengisi posisi terbaik di Perusahaan kami dan menjadi Winning Team Perusahaan kami

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PT. Lelco Trindo Graha Nusantara

Informasi PT. Karya Pacific Shipping

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Karya Pacific Shipping. PT. Karya Pacific Shipping was established since 2011 and part of Karya Tehnik Group with covering a wide range of shipping transportation. We offer efficient and innovative world-class high quality service and and transportations solutions for our clients. With an ever expanding modern and well maintained fleet of tugs and barges and a well trained and responsive workforce, we have earned the trust of Indonesia’s coal producers. Furthermore, pursuing impeccable level of integrity and the highest standards have always been our main focus especially in order to protect the interest of our principals. Our vision is to aim to be the first class shipping services company and trusted partner with safety priority, environmental responsibility and strong commitment in delivering satisfaction to our customer. Our mission is to provide safe, reliable, innovative and efficient marine transportation service and to improve the welfare of employees and company value of our stakeholders.

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PT. Karya Pacific Shipping


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. CODE DEVELOPMENT INDONESIA. CODE.ID was previously a unit business of INTEGRASI, a system integrator established in 1999 that also provides software services. INTEGRASI was listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange and went to back to become a private company again in 2007. In 2015, CODE.ID become an independently run company which currently has around one hundred passionate developers with a myriad number of skill sets. We focuses on helping our customers turn their best ideas and innovations into a product — that can be enjoyed and used in any computing platform, with any technology available. We believe that a product does not only have to be built with passion, but it also has to be functional and technically sound. It must also be easy to use and perhaps entertaining. With that being said, it requires having a team of passionate and technically adept engineers. For more than 15 years, we have delivered more than 100 with highly satisfied and returning customers. Below are some facts about us: Hundred of successful application development and implementation in small and large projects.
Broad industry knowledge in banking, multi finance, insurance, pharmaceutical and manufacturing.
Highly qualified of software development team, in two development locations: Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
Provide innovative and state-of-the-art technology or solutions.
Have been assisting our clients for development of complex requirements for more than 16 years.
Have been working as a team for more than 400 man-years experience.
Most of our projects are delivered on time, on budget, and at a competitive price.

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