Lowongan Kerja Lowongan Kerja Staff Data Entry

PT.Trans Autoparts Indonesia bergerak dalam bidang Industri Manufaktur, adalah produsen dan distributor Komponen Suku Cadang Motor Roda dua dan Empat terbaik dan terlengkap di Indonesia. Merupakan komitmen kami sebagai kontributor dalam persiapan SII (Standar Industri Indonesia) yang mengacu pada standar ISO dan SNI, kami terus berinovasi dalam menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi.

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Lowongan Kerja Lowongan Kerja Staff Data Entry PT.TRANS AUTOPARTS INDONESIA  

Lowongan Kerja Software Quality Assurance

Understanding the business needs and requirements from the stakeholder
Testing the product developed by the team and make sure it is working properly as stated in the business needs and requirements
Create the test case and priority, if necessary
Create the test and software documentation

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Lowongan Kerja Software Quality Assurance PT. Voltras International

Lowongan Kerja PHP DEVELOPER

Participate in a team-oriented environment to develop complex Web-based applications
Maintain existing codebases to include troubleshooting bugs and adding new features
Convert data from various formats (Excel, ACCESS etc.) into developed databases
Interface with customers directly to: gather requirements, troubleshoot problems,training etc
Balance a variety of concurrent projects

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Lowongan Kerja PHP DEVELOPER PT. Kwadran Lima Indonesia


Develop and maintain high quality code for complex applications
Collaborating with back-end engineers on integrating back-end logic with mobile applications
Ability to work on, prioritize and manage multiple assignments and projects
Anticipate problems and future technical needs and take necessary corrective steps to ensure they are addressed
Ability to learn and adapt to new technologies quickly
Ability to collaborate with high-performing, cross-functional team members on site and remotely

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Lowongan Kerja MOBILE ANDROID DEVELOPER PT. Kwadran Lima Indonesia

Informasi PT. Kwadran Lima Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Kwadran Lima Indonesia. PT. Kwadran Lima Indonesia is an information technology consulting firm which provides technology, business, IT support and operation consultation services. PT. Kwadran Lima Idonesia is strengthened by IT practicioners whose exspertise in implementing IT solution both in small and large entreprises.
PT. Kwadran Lima indonesia ensures the quality of the resources as well as the whole processes of software development. A technology system which meet ‘BEST PRACTICE’ standard is thus resulted. PT. Kwdran Lima Indonesia committed to give additional value to all the IT solutions provided to custommers so that each solution offored will be a valuable asset for users of PT. Kwadran Lima Indonesia .

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PT. Kwadran Lima Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Medical Marketing Specialist

Provide medical support for marketing (talk show, seminar, article), and intensively provide insight on medical trends & updates.
Perform as a medical consultant.
Provide product information and education to customer.
To build and mantain professional relationship with new and existing partner (customer).
To collect and update market information.

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Lowongan Kerja Medical Marketing Specialist PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Clinical Pharmacist

Membantu Manajer Farmasi dalam mendukung pelayanan farmasi rawat inap / rawat jalan, melalui ketersediaan layanan perbekalan farmasi yang meliputi obat, alat kesehatan / alkes dan barang-barang medis disposible serta pelayanan staf farmasi yang cepat, ramah, dan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai etika kerja agar tercipta pelayanan Instalasi Farmasi yang dapat diandalkan oleh pasien.

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Lowongan Kerja Clinical Pharmacist PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan Tbk

Informasi PT. Wirakom Sistem

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Wirakom Sistem. PT WIRAKOM SISTEM, established since 2007, all founding staffs had prior experience in communication including data and voice. As computer networks become more complex and corporation become more distributed, as well as the increase usage of internet, it turns the need for improved data security is increasing. PT WIRAKOM SISTEM, an Indonesian based company specializing in Networking IT – Infrastructure & Services, Surveillance System, Voice Security System come to serve our customer professionally, as our mission to be a partner in networking, go and grow hand in hand with our customers. As a partner, we are very concerned in the long term relationship and support to serve our customers, therefore we offer a comprehensive after sales service program. Supported by a technical team that has the appropriate certification field. At the heart of the company is a team of skilled dynamic competent and technical support staffs. Along with the sales, marketing and administration staffs, we are committed to provide the best possible solutions for our customers. For that purpose, we have established partnership programmes with the world’s leading suppliers of networking equipment and data security system.

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PT. Wirakom Sistem


Bachelor Degree from Civil Engineering
Fluent in English (Verbal and Written) is a must
Have intern experience in EPC’s sector would be a major boost

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Lowongan Kerja JUNIOR CIVIL ENGINEER PT Synergy Engineering

Informasi PT Synergy Engineering

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Synergy Engineering. PT. Synergy Engineering adalah Perusahaan Swasta yang didirikan pada tanggal 22 Februari 2007 sesuai dengan Akta Nomor 43 yang dibuat dihadapan Notaris Imelda Nur Pane, SH., Mkn, dengan pengesahan badan hukum oleh Kementerian Hukum dan dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dengan nomor W29-01091 HT.01.01-TH.2007 PT Synergy Engineering adalah perusahaan teknik multidisiplin yang menyediakan layanan teknis komprehensif untuk industri minyak dan gas di kawasan Asia Pasifik., mencakup berbagai klien, termasuk operator minyak dan gas utama, kontraktor EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) dan konsultan desain teknik global. Kantor pusat Synergy berlokasi di Jakarta, Indonesia, dengan kantor pendukung berlokasi strategis di Kuala Lumpur, Singapura, Ho Chi Minh City dan Yangon. Hal ini memungkinkan Synergy untuk segera tersedia setiap saat kebutuhan klien kami muncul di manapun di wilayah ini. Dengan keahlian gabungan dari tim kami, Synergy dapat menyediakan rangkaian lengkap layanan siklus hidup rekayasa dari Desain Konseptual melalui Teknik Terperinci dan Dukungan Operasional. Service Synergy melampaui teknik multi-disiplin konvensional, dengan keahlian khusus di specialist inhouse bagi kelompok tersebut.

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PT Synergy Engineering

Lowongan Kerja Rekam Medis

Melakukan input data rekam medis pasien
Menginput data rekam medis pasien, mengantarkan status pasien

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Lowongan Kerja Rekam Medis RSIA BUAH HATI