Lowongan Kerja Sekretaris Direksi

Memfilter informasi dan sebagai sumber informasi bagi pimpinan dan menjalankan tugas, fungsi dan tanggungjawabnya
Mengatur aktivitas Direksi , mulai dari administrasi hingga human relations
Menjadi perantara pihak-pihak yang ingin berhubungan dengan pimpinan
Menjadi mediator pimpinan dengan bawahan

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Lowongan Kerja Sekretaris Direksi PT. Petra Sejahtera AbadiPT. Petra Sejahtera Abadi

Lowongan Kerja PPIC Staff

Menguasai MRP (Material Requirement Planning)
Menentukan safety stock, ROP (Re Order Point) atas pengadaan bahan baku
Mengontrol proses produksi dalam hal kapasitas produksi dan order full limit
Membuat laporan harian realisasi production shedule dan order delivery
Berdasarkan Sales Forecast membuat rencana penyediaan bahan baku dan pendukung berkelanjutan
Melakukan koordinasi & tindak lanjut dengan departemen terkait (Purchasing, QC, dll ) dalam pengadaan bahan baku & pendukung yang diperlukan untuk kelancaran proses produksi
Memonitor realisasi pemakaian bahan baku & pendukung mengacu pada Production Schedule
Membuat laporan Mutasi stock & Evaluasi Sisa stock di akhir bulan

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Lowongan Kerja PPIC Staff PT. Petra Sejahtera AbadiPT. Petra Sejahtera Abadi

Lowongan Kerja Admin HRD & GA

Terbiasa menghandle Administrasi Program Absensi
Memahami UU Ketenagakerjaan
Mengerti tentang BPJS Ketenagakerjaan & Kesehatan
Pernah menangani HRD (Recruitmnent & Compensation & Benefit)
Memahami Kontrak Kerja
Memahami dan Dapat membuat Dokumen ISO, SO, SOP, IK, Materi Trainning

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Lowongan Kerja Admin HRD & GA PT. Petra Sejahtera AbadiPT. Petra Sejahtera Abadi

Lowongan Kerja Middle Mile Planning Team Lead Shopee Express

Memastikan antara truk dan pengemudi dipasangkan sesuai dengan standar dan prosedur HSE
Melakukan serah terima dengan tim operasional untuk truk dan pengemudi, baik yang akan diaktifkan maupun dinonaktifkan
Melakukan perhitungan dan simulasi model untuk mengantisipasi perubahan volume.

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Lowongan Kerja Middle Mile Planning Team Lead Shopee Express ShopeeShopee

Lowongan Kerja Rider Team Lead (Captain) Shopee Express

Membuat penjadwalan kurir untuk proses pengambilan barang.
Melakukan monitoring proses pengiriman barang.
Menentukan zona pengiriman barang.
Melakukan monitoring proses inbound & outbound, sampai ke bagian 3PL.
Melakukan monitoring proses sortation dan distribusi barang oleh kurir.

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Lowongan Kerja Rider Team Lead (Captain) Shopee Express ShopeeShopee

Lowongan Kerja Production Supervisor

1. Create Production Planning (weekly to daily) according to Sales target
2. Responsible to ensure the production output achieve target
3. Coordinate with other departments to support the production process
4. Develop all the subordinates to support the production process
5. Responsible to implement the Lean/GMP/5R in Production area

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Lowongan Kerja Production Supervisor PT. Forisa NusapersadaPT. Forisa Nusapersada


Monitoring and controlling activities in the area, includes sales, distribution, and administrative activities
Develop coverage plan
Lead and supervise team toward excellent coverage execution
Monitor and evaluate team productivity
Ensure brand visibility on the outlets

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Lowongan Kerja AREA SALES PROMOTION SUPERVISOR PT. Forisa NusapersadaPT. Forisa Nusapersada

Lowongan Kerja Preferred Relationship Manager

You need to make plans for sales activities based on set targets, determine priorities to be achieved in the short and long term so that the work plan
You Need to Ensure the implementation of services to customers to ensure compliance with company standards in improving the quality of customer satisfaction
By Ensuring the level of customer satisfaction with financial services provided, in order to build good relations with existing and new preferred customers
Directing and supervising sales activities and sales productivity at the branch to avoid mis-selling and ensure that sales follow branch compliance with internal and external procedures and regulations (KYC, Compliance, Certification, Audit)

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Lowongan Kerja Preferred Relationship Manager PT. CIMB Niaga TbkPT. CIMB Niaga Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Software Engineer

Develop IT solutions (Design, Application Flowchart, Coding, etc.) based on business needs, and ensure business units agree and are satisfied with the solutions provided
Carry out other tasks assigned by the Direct Supervisor (Special Assignments) Business Performance and Management (Business Performance and Management)
Provide technical direction and consultation to business units, as well as support them in the scope of information technology and managed applications
Make all necessary project documents according to their responsibilities, based on the applicable IT PDLC Supports application investigation and recovery for 7×24 hours, in case of problems or failures in applications that are managed in a production environment
Carry out Unit Tests, and support the project SIT and UAT processes
Make Project Progress Reports for all projects being worked on
Limited coordination with other related parties, namely internal (between other IT divisions and groups, related Business Units, Operations, Branches, etc.) and externally (Application Vendors)

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Lowongan Kerja Software Engineer PT. CIMB Niaga TbkPT. CIMB Niaga Tbk

Lowongan Kerja CIMB Niaga Internship Teller Program

Lulusan minimal D3 dengan IPK minimal 2.75.
Usia maksimal 26 tahun.
Ramah, Hangat dan jujur.
Teliti, disiplin, memiliki motivasi tinggi dan jiwa melayani.
Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan ataupun tulisan.
Memiliki integritas yang tinggi.
Cerdas digital.
Memiliki kemampuan administrasi.

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Lowongan Kerja CIMB Niaga Internship Teller Program PT. CIMB Niaga TbkPT. CIMB Niaga Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Field Collector

Minimal pendidikan D3
Memiliki pengalaman di bagian Collection di bidang finance dan banking
Diutamakan berdomisili di Bandung dan sekitarnya
Mampu bekerja dengan target
Memahami alur pekerjaan sebagai collector bank
Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Memiliki integritas baik

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Lowongan Kerja Field Collector PT. CIMB Niaga TbkPT. CIMB Niaga Tbk