Sales Director

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Sales Director.

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Loker Sales Director.

Country Marketing Manager

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Country Marketing Manager.

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Loker Country Marketing Manager.

Secretary for Owner, Hard worker, like traveling

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Secretary for Owner, Hard worker, like traveling.

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Loker Secretary for Owner, Hard worker, like traveling.

Staff Trade Operations

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Staff Trade Operations.

Tentang Permata Bank

After receiving confirmation from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on 20 January 2021 as a Buku IV Bank, PermataBank is now confirmed as one of the top 10 banking institutions in Indonesia with core capital of more than IDR 30 trillion, serving nearly 4 million customers in 62 cities in Indonesia.

In 2004, Standard Chartered Bank and PT Astra International Tbk took over PermataBank and began a massive transformation process within the organization. The combined ownership of these major shareholders increased to 89.01% in 2006.

Bangkok Bank Public Limited (“Bangkok Bank”) officially became the controlling shareholder of PermataBank on May 2020 after taking over 89.12% of PermataBank’s shares from the total number of shares that have been issued and paid up by Standard Chartered Bank and Astra International. Offering innovative banking products and services, PermataBank has 304 branch offices, 2 mobile branches, 942 ATMs with access to more than 100,000 ATMs (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Alto, ATM Bersama) and millions of ATMs worldwide that are connected to the Visa, Mastercard and Cirrus networks.

Loker Staff Trade Operations.

Sales Merchandiser MT dan GT Tegal

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Sales Merchandiser MT dan GT Tegal.

Tentang CV Shinta Rama

Beras Hotel merupakan produk dari CV Shinta Rama yang berada di Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah. Berdiri sebagai rice mill di tahun 1973, CV Shinta Rama mulai mengembangkan sayapnya ke beras bebas gula organik di tahun 2010. Kesuksesan CV Shinta Rama ini akhirnya berbuah pada lahirnya brand Beras Hotel pada tahun 2011.

Tidak hanya puas memproduksi beras bebas gula organik, CV Shinta Rama pun terus mengembangkan produknya. Hingga kini, Beras Hotel memiliki banyak varian, yaitu: beras sugar free organik, beras merah organik, beras kepala super organik, beras hitam organik, beras pandan wangi coklat organik, beras pandan wangi putih organik, beras rainbow organik (campuran dari beras coklat organik, beras hitam organik, dan beras merah organik), dan beras susu organik.

Loker Sales Merchandiser MT dan GT Tegal.


Lowongan kerja dan gaji SEKRETARIS DIREKSI.

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Lowongan kerja dan gaji Sales.

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Loker Sales.

Host Live Streaming Shopee / Tiktok

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Host Live Streaming Shopee / Tiktok.

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Loker Host Live Streaming Shopee / Tiktok.

Python Software Engineer

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Python Software Engineer.

What are your responsibilities?

This role requires you to be able to work as a team. You are responsible to maintain and create data endpoints for a front-end developer. You also need to write testable and clean code to develop highly reliable and maintainable code. Your primary focus will be on providing back-end service for our website and our ERP.

Who are we looking for?

Have you ever thought of being part of an agile team that leverages technology to provide an innovative way for people to buy steel and building materials securely and with ease? You are in the right moment.

We are looking for a team player who is specialized in back-end programming and architecture. If you are a person who is eager to learn and always up to date with fast-changing technology, join us to build technology that will positively impact our community!

What do you need to bring to the table?

  • Proficient in Python including Python Unit Test.
  • Strong hands-on experience with Python frameworks like Django or Flask.
  • Strong critical and logical thinking skills.
  • Familiar with commonly used databases, both SQL and No SQL.
  • Having knowledge in Git, GraphQL, Docker or RabbitMQ is a plus.
  • Willingness to work onsite at Surabaya.

Loker Python Software Engineer.

CRM Offline & Service Officer

Lowongan kerja dan gaji

CRM Offline & Service Officer



FIFGROUP, a subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk, was established in 1989 and operates in the consumer financing sector. Their primary focus is financing Honda motorcycles through FIFASTRA. Additionally, they offer electronics and furniture financing through SPEKTRA, and multipurpose financing through DANASTRA. AMITRA provides financing for Haji, Umrah, and other Sharia services. FIFGROUP’s vision is to become the best financing company in Indonesia, with a mission to deliver superior financial solutions and customer satisfaction.


CRM Offline & Service Officer


Kindergarten Teacher

Lowongan kerja dan gaji Kindergarten Teacher.

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Loker Kindergarten Teacher.


Lowongan kerja dan gaji DATA ENTRY.

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