Informasi PT. Delisari Nusantara

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Delisari Nusantara.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Delisari Nusantara.
Delisari Nusantara merupakan anak perusahaan dari Citra Bonang yang bergerak di bidang distribusi khususnya untuk industri makanan dan minuman yang didirikan pada tahun 1997 dan mulai beroperasi secara aktif pada tahun 2001.

Optimisme dan kerja keras Delisari Nusantara selama lebih dari 20 tahun telah membuahkan pertumbuhan perusahaan yang sangat pesat. Kini, PT Delisari Nusantara beroperasi hampir diseluruh kota kota besar di Indonesia melalui 12 kantor cabang dan partner bisnis lokal yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Tidak hanya di Indonesia, Delisari juga mengembangkan sayap usahanya ke Singapura dengan nama Delisari Food Supplies Ltd.

Delisari Nusantara menyediakan berbagai macam bahan-bahan berkualitas dari berbagai penjuru dunia seperti Australia, Belgia, Kanada, Prancis, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, Amerika Serikat, Cina, dan Jepang untuk kebutuhan industry makanan, bakery & pastry, hotel, restaurant, retail, juga bidang usaha makanan dan minuman lainnya.

Delisari terus berjuang dan berkomitmen menjadi food distributor yang memproduksi dan menyampaikan produk berkualitas dengan service yang terbaik kepada para mitra usaha kami.

Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Delisari Nusantara.

PT. Delisari Nusantara

Alamat Informasi PT. Delisari Nusantara.

Lowongan Kerja Business Intelligence Developer

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Business Intelligence Developer.

Design, develop & maintaining Power BI Dashboard.
Develop all data warehouse models and prepare reports for all meta data integration into systems.
Supporting the data warehouse in identifying and revising reporting requirements and coordinate with business analysts and users to resolve all requirement issues and maintain quality for same.

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Business Intelligence Developer PT. Delisari NusantaraPT. Delisari Nusantara

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Business Intelligence Developer.

Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive.

Memasarkan, mempromosikan, dan mengedukasi kepada Customer mengenai produk perusahaan.
Mengirimkan sample dan melakukan pelaporan dari hasil dari sample yang dikirimkan.
Negosiasi untuk harga kepada Customer.
Mendaftarkan Customer baru sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada.
Membuat dan menandatangani Release Order (RO) agar dapat terjadi Delivery Order (DO) sesuai dengan harga, quantity dan jenis produk yang dibutuhkan customer.
Memonitor outstanding invoice / Account Receivable.
Membuat laporan daily visit dimana dalam laporan terdapat nama customer yang dikunjungi, dan aktivitas hasil kunjungan.
Target sales yang ditentukan oleh perusahaan tercapai.

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive PT. Delisari NusantaraPT. Delisari Nusantara

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive.

Lowongan Kerja Internal Control Assistant Manager

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Internal Control Assistant Manager.

Mengunjungi cabang untuk dilakukan proses Opname Invoice dan mencocokan antara system dan fisik
Memastikan flow pekerjaan di area admin sales berjalan dengan benar sesuai SOP.
Secara random mastikan pembelian customer dan pembayaran telah sesuai dengan invoice yang diberikan.
Memastikan DTH dan Uang masuk sesuai dengan laporan yang diberikan cabang.
Melakukan pengecekan di cabang terhadap customer lama yang harus di konfirmasi dan dilakukan pengecekan terhadap invoice outstanding.

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Internal Control Assistant Manager PT. Delisari NusantaraPT. Delisari Nusantara

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Internal Control Assistant Manager.

Lowongan Kerja Creative Design

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Creative Design.

Develop & create visual communication for promotion material (flyer, banner, catalogue, etc) social media & e-commerce content, packaging, and other communication material.
Conduct video & photoshoot activity for food product shoot, pack shoot, documentation and other photo/video asset needs.
Implement shooting/photograph in accordance with the concept.

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Creative Design PT. Delisari NusantaraPT. Delisari Nusantara

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Creative Design.

Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager Industry

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager Industry.

Manage active & profitable Key Account Customer
Follow up orders to customers and ensure that products delivered accordance to the customer needs & the agreed time
Increase sales by finding new customers or increasing sales of product variants (Stretching Products) to existing customers
Propose new products, changes in specifications and potential customer needs to the Company
Increase count of new customer
Monitoring outstanding invoice
Conduct as market intelligence to find out new opportunities, market trend & competitor activities
Make annual sales forecast & budget

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager Industry PT. Delisari NusantaraPT. Delisari Nusantara

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager Industry.

Lowongan Kerja Engineering

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Engineering.

Plans & Directs activities concerned with development, application, and maintenance of quality standart for industrial processes, material, and product.
Develops and initiates standart and methods for inspection, testing and evaluation, utilizing knowledge in engineering field such as chemical, electrical, or mechanical.
Establishes program to evaluate precision and accuracy of production equipment and testing, measurement, and analitical equipment and facilities.
Compiles and writes training material conducts training sessions on engineering activities.
Build a strong culture of engineering excellence and open communication.
Supervise and lead engineers, mold engineer, ,maintenance technicians who design new project, plan and develop project, and oversee production and quality control.
Oversee the research and development of new products and procedures.
Hire, train, and mentor other engineers and supporting staff.
Write performance review and solve internal issues.
Discuss and lay out project specifications.
Make detailed plans to accomplish goals.
Review, approve, or modify product designs.
Draft proposal and reports for clients.
Improve manufacturing processes and develop tools in production area.
Establish administrative police, procedure, and standards.
Coordinate activities of unit with other units or organizations.

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Engineering PT Galih Sekar SaktiPT Galih Sekar Sakti

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Engineering.

Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations.

You will be placed in one of the teams below:
1. Auto Payout Recon Team:
Responsible for auto payout transactions and process migration backend.
Help handle questions and inquiries about payment from the Customer Service Team.

2. Manual Input Team:
Responsible to manually inputting transactions in internet banking.
Update status withdrawal in our system.
Help handle questions and inquiries about payment from the Customer Service Team.

3. Manual Payout Recon Team:
Do reconciliation for all transaction processes by the system
Help handle questions and inquiries about payment from the Customer Service Team.

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations ShopeeShopee

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations.

Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax.

Ensure that the invoices, tax invoices and WHT receipt are complete and correct according to tax regulations
Determine the correct rate of WHT that must be deducted from each invoice received
Assist in paying and reporting the company taxes accurately and on time
Assist in recapping and reconciling taxes accurately
Work with other departments to seek more information regarding the transaction
Assist in sending the tax documents to related parties

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax ShopeeShopee

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax.

Lowongan Kerja Customer Service

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Customer Service.

Wanita/pria usia maks. 25 tahun
Pendidikan minimal SMA/S1
Mengerti penggunaan Sosial Media (whatsapp, IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube dan lain-lain)
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan microsoft office
Komunikatif efektif dan berpenampilan menarik
Bersedia bekerja secara team dan mau belajar
Domisili Jabodetabek

Klik link berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Customer Service PT. Ciptalintang Aji DanaPT. Ciptalintang Aji Dana

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Customer Service.