Lowongan kerja dan gaji Sales Merchandiser MT dan GT Cirebon.
Tentang CV Shinta Rama
Beras Hotel merupakan produk dari CV Shinta Rama yang berada di Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah. Berdiri sebagai rice mill di tahun 1973, CV Shinta Rama mulai mengembangkan sayapnya ke beras bebas gula organik di tahun 2010. Kesuksesan CV Shinta Rama ini akhirnya berbuah pada lahirnya brand Beras Hotel pada tahun 2011.
Tidak hanya puas memproduksi beras bebas gula organik, CV Shinta Rama pun terus mengembangkan produknya. Hingga kini, Beras Hotel memiliki banyak varian, yaitu: beras sugar free organik, beras merah organik, beras kepala super organik, beras hitam organik, beras pandan wangi coklat organik, beras pandan wangi putih organik, beras rainbow organik (campuran dari beras coklat organik, beras hitam organik, dan beras merah organik), dan beras susu organik.
2. Melakukan pengkajian keperawatan, diagnose keperawatan, rencana keperawatan, implementasi dan evaluasi serta mendokumentasikan seluruh proses tersebut.
2. Melakukan Kegiatan ICU Dasar : Asitensi Intubasi dan Asistensi Pemasangan CVC
3. Melaksanakan tindakan kegawatdaruratan.
4. Melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan pre, intra dan pasca operasi.
5. Melakukan asistensi Dokter IGD.
6. Melaksanakan Kegiatan administratif IGD seperti dokumentasi dan pelaporan dengan tepat dan akurat.
7. Maintenance kebersihan dan kerapian ruangan.
8. Melakukan stock opname.
2. Pendidikan S1 Keperawatan, Ners
3. Fresh Graduated atau memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 Tahun.
4. Memiiliki STR aktif.
5. Mampu melakukan komunikasi efektif
6. Bersedia Bekerja dalam Shift.
7. Multitasking dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan.
8. Mampu bekerja dalam tim, jujur, teliti dan Bertanggung jawab.
9. Diutamakan memiliki sertifikasi ICU, IGD dan Bedah.
Lowongan kerja dan gaji Officer Development Program (ODP) Batch 2024.
Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) is one of the biggest financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array banking, investment, digital product and other sustainable financial products and solutions for domestic and international area.
To support our vision, BNI is committed to attract high-quality talents across the country to ensure our further accomplishments. You will be immersed an exceptional and challenging work environment and surrounded by colleagues and leaders who are passionate to help you grow.
This program prepares you for leadership roles across many functions and levels in BNI with one year comprehensive training journey. You will get the opportunity for exciting yet challenging exposures in BNI.
Our ODP is designed to develop future leaders and professionals in various banking functions, including:
General Banking Functions
Global Analyst Program, covering Treasury, Corporate, Commercial and International Banking, and Enterprise Risk.
General Qualifications
S1 /S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies with the minimum GPA of : S1 : 3.00 or equivalent ; S2 : 3.25 or equivalent
Maximum age to apply : S1 : 26 years old ; S2 : 28 years old
Proficient in English and submit your score in the application TOEFL min. 450, we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid.
Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information.
Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others
No member of nuclear family currently works in BNI (i.e., parents, siblings).
Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the journey of this program
Willing to be placed all over BNI units
Particular Qualifications
Legal Program : Law graduate from reputable universities and Having experience in the legal field for 1 year is preferred
Consumer Program : Having experience working in a sales function or consumer banking area for at least 1 year is preferred
Global Analyst Program : Proficient in English and submit your score in the application TOEFL min. 550 / TOEFL iBT min 75 / IELTS min 6 / TOEIC min 800, we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid
Loker Officer Development Program (ODP) Batch 2024.
We are looking for a Social Media Admin to respond comments, DMs, and promote the idea throughout the organization. Social Media Admin responsibilities include resolving audiences’ queries, recommending solutions, and guiding product users through features and functionalities. To be successful in this role, you should be an excellent communicator who’s able to earn our audiences’ trust.
Improving social media experience, creating engagement with audiences, and facilitating organic growth
Respond to audience queries in a timely and accurate way via chat or comments
Update our internal databases with information about technical issues and useful discussions with the audience on social media
Monitor complaints on social media and reach out to provide assistance
Taking ownership of audience issues and following problems through to resolution
Resolve audiences conflicts and handle escalation procedures
Gather audiences feedback and share with our Content, Product, Sales, and Marketing team