Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Officer

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Officer.

Wanita, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK
Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai CS minimal 1 tahun
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Mampu melayani customer dengan baik dalam hal memberikan informasi ataupun keluhan customer

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Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Officer PT. Sumber Data IndonesiaPT. Sumber Data Indonesia

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Officer.

Lowongan Kerja HRD/GA

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja HRD/GA.

Menangani personalia, absensi karyawan, cuti dan data karyawan
Menangani recruitment karyawan
Menangani BPJS Ketenagakerjaan & BPJS Kesehatan
Mengurus proses mutasi, rotasi dan PHK karyawan
Membuat surat PKWT/PKWTT
Menangani perhitungan lembur dan luarkota karyawan
Meriview perjalanan dinas karyawan
Menangani data asset dan data inventaris Perusahaan
Menangani kebutuhan ATK Perusahaan

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Lowongan Kerja HRD/GA PT. Albeta Sukses MandiriPT. Albeta Sukses Mandiri

Alamat Lowongan Kerja HRD/GA.

Informasi PT. Mitra Selindo Harmonis

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Mitra Selindo Harmonis.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Mitra Selindo Harmonis.
PT Mitra Selindo Harmonis adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam usaha bisnis online retail yang menjual produknya langsung ke end user melalui iklan sosial media.

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PT. Mitra Selindo Harmonis

Alamat Informasi PT. Mitra Selindo Harmonis.

Informasi PT. Prismas Jamintara

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Prismas Jamintara.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Prismas Jamintara.
Prismas Jamintara is Indonesia leading one stop human resources/capital management company since 1993. Its excellent reputation is known for professional staffing, personnel recruitment, executive search and training/capacity building and development.

Prismas Jamintara has 100 full time professional staff that manage more than 7000 professional staffing of various disciplines in the fields and our database of more than 10.000 talents, ready to meet your human resources needs and deliver the quality services you require. Operating from its Head Quarters in central business district of Jakarta, Prismas also has 18 (eighteen) operating offices in Indonesia to serve its 75 national and multi national companies.

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PT. Prismas Jamintara

Alamat Informasi PT. Prismas Jamintara.

Lowongan Kerja Customer Service & Teller

Gaji dan

Lowongan Kerja Customer Service & Teller


Komunikator, dengan cara memberikan sebuah informasi dan kemudahan kepada nasabah yang membutuhkan pertolongan
Memberikan sebuah Informasi produk Bank
Bertugas untuk Melayani pembukuan dan penutupan rekening nasabah
Handling complaint, untuk melayani segala bentuk complain dari nasabah
Bertugas untuk melayani nasabah dalam hal pelayanan jasa atau produk, (transfer, pemindahan buku tabungan, dan lain-lain)

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Lowongan Kerja Customer Service & Teller PT. Prismas JamintaraPT. Prismas Jamintara


Lowongan Kerja Customer Service & Teller


Informasi PT. Sahabat Mitra Intrabuana

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Sahabat Mitra Intrabuana.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Sahabat Mitra Intrabuana.
Sahabat Mitra IntraBuana was incorporated 1999, Representing Electrical products and have been involved in Supplying electrical, mechanical, for Industrial Manufacturing, Mining, Oil and Gas, Panel maners, OEM, Construction in & all over Indonesia.

We have a team of experienced Sales & technical Support. Personal to offer the right products, Technical advice, system engineering support, and finally after-sales service to our valued customers.

The more our clients put their trust in us, we have to be more understand the importance of a better services, quality products and definitely after sales service.

Because clients satisfied is our concerned. Our Success is our Customer’s Success.

Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Sahabat Mitra Intrabuana.

PT. Sahabat Mitra Intrabuana

Alamat Informasi PT. Sahabat Mitra Intrabuana.

Lowongan Kerja Marketing & Promotion

Gaji dan

Lowongan Kerja Marketing & Promotion


Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Management
Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old
GPA ≥ 2,75 from educational institution with minimum accreditation “B”

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Lowongan Kerja Marketing & Promotion PT Medion Farma JayaPT Medion Farma Jaya


Lowongan Kerja Marketing & Promotion


Lowongan Kerja Production Planning & Inventory Control

Gaji dan

Lowongan Kerja Production Planning & Inventory Control


Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old
GPA >= 2.75 from educational institution with minimum accreditation “B”

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Lowongan Kerja Production Planning & Inventory Control PT Medion Farma JayaPT Medion Farma Jaya


Lowongan Kerja Production Planning & Inventory Control


Lowongan Kerja Programmer

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Programmer.

Candidate must possess at least Diploma’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems / Electrical Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology
Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old
GPA >= 2.75 from educational institution with minimum accreditation “B”
Willing to be located in Bandung
Required Skills :
C# Programming / PHP / PHP Framework Programming
HTML dan Java Script Programming
Database System & SQL
Mobile Programming is a plus.

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Lowongan Kerja Programmer PT Medion Farma JayaPT Medion Farma Jaya

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Programmer.

Lowongan Kerja Graphic Design

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Graphic Design.

Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Communication Design
Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old
GPA >= 2.75 from educational institution with minimum accreditation “B”

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Lowongan Kerja Graphic Design PT Medion Farma JayaPT Medion Farma Jaya

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Graphic Design.

Informasi PT. Sociolla Ritel Indonesia

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Sociolla Ritel Indonesia.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Sociolla Ritel Indonesia.
Sociolla was founded in 2015 to provide better experience of beauty online shopping nationally. Our founders believes that women should feel confident and convenient in their pursue of various beauty products. Sociolla now carries more than 150 beauty brands and more than 5,000 product selections, curated to serve you better.

Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat lowongan kerja yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Sociolla Ritel Indonesia.

PT. Sociolla Ritel Indonesia

Alamat Informasi PT. Sociolla Ritel Indonesia.