Lowongan Kerja Engineering

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Engineering.

Plans & Directs activities concerned with development, application, and maintenance of quality standart for industrial processes, material, and product.
Develops and initiates standart and methods for inspection, testing and evaluation, utilizing knowledge in engineering field such as chemical, electrical, or mechanical.
Establishes program to evaluate precision and accuracy of production equipment and testing, measurement, and analitical equipment and facilities.
Compiles and writes training material conducts training sessions on engineering activities.
Build a strong culture of engineering excellence and open communication.
Supervise and lead engineers, mold engineer, ,maintenance technicians who design new project, plan and develop project, and oversee production and quality control.
Oversee the research and development of new products and procedures.
Hire, train, and mentor other engineers and supporting staff.
Write performance review and solve internal issues.
Discuss and lay out project specifications.
Make detailed plans to accomplish goals.
Review, approve, or modify product designs.
Draft proposal and reports for clients.
Improve manufacturing processes and develop tools in production area.
Establish administrative police, procedure, and standards.
Coordinate activities of unit with other units or organizations.

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Lowongan Kerja Engineering PT Galih Sekar SaktiPT Galih Sekar Sakti

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Engineering.

Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations.

You will be placed in one of the teams below:
1. Auto Payout Recon Team:
Responsible for auto payout transactions and process migration backend.
Help handle questions and inquiries about payment from the Customer Service Team.

2. Manual Input Team:
Responsible to manually inputting transactions in internet banking.
Update status withdrawal in our system.
Help handle questions and inquiries about payment from the Customer Service Team.

3. Manual Payout Recon Team:
Do reconciliation for all transaction processes by the system
Help handle questions and inquiries about payment from the Customer Service Team.

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Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations ShopeeShopee

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Finance Operations.

Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax.

Ensure that the invoices, tax invoices and WHT receipt are complete and correct according to tax regulations
Determine the correct rate of WHT that must be deducted from each invoice received
Assist in paying and reporting the company taxes accurately and on time
Assist in recapping and reconciling taxes accurately
Work with other departments to seek more information regarding the transaction
Assist in sending the tax documents to related parties

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Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax ShopeeShopee

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Junior Tax.

Lowongan Kerja Customer Service

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Customer Service.

Wanita/pria usia maks. 25 tahun
Pendidikan minimal SMA/S1
Mengerti penggunaan Sosial Media (whatsapp, IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube dan lain-lain)
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan microsoft office
Komunikatif efektif dan berpenampilan menarik
Bersedia bekerja secara team dan mau belajar
Domisili Jabodetabek

Klik link berikut:


Lowongan Kerja Customer Service PT. Ciptalintang Aji DanaPT. Ciptalintang Aji Dana

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Customer Service.


Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja STAFF PURCHASING.

Melakukan pembelian berdasarkan urutan permintaan
Bernegosiasi dengan supplier
Menganalisa dan melakukan evaluasi supplier
Menganalisa stok dan pesanan sesuai kebutuhan
Melacak status pengiriman barang dari supplier
Memeriksa dokumen setiap barang yang dikirim dari supplier dan cek kesesuaiannya dengan POMemastikan setiap faktur/invoice/bon telah dikirim supplier untuk pembayaran
Mengatur pembayaran sesuai dengan invoice yang masuk dari supplier
Melakukan dokumentasi dengan baik dan terorganisir
Menggunakan komputer dan Aplikasi Office (Excel, Word, dan Visio) untuk rekap dan alanisa data pembelian

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Alamat Lowongan Kerja STAFF PURCHASING.

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Comunication

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Marketing Comunication.

Pria / Wanita
Pendidikan minimal S1, lulusan Komunikasi lebih disukai
Memiliki pengalaman dibidang yang sama minimal 2 tahun.
Mengerti sosial media : Facebook, Instagram & Tiktok
Terbiasa memanage Event atau sebagai PR

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Lowongan Kerja Marketing Comunication PT. Pancajaya SejatiPT. Pancajaya Sejati

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Marketing Comunication.

Lowongan Kerja IT SUPPORT

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja IT SUPPORT.

Melakukan instruksi yang diberikan atasan atas pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi yang berhubungan dengan perangkat keras, infrastruktur, jaringan, telepon, dan perangkat lunak
Melakukan administrasi pengelolaan aset IT yang ada di perusahaan
Monitoring LTO Backup
Manajemen data center
Menjaga Aset Perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan IT (Pembelian, Perawatan, Pencatatan)
Melakukan penanganan masalah PC dan Laptop

Klik link berikut:


Lowongan Kerja IT SUPPORT PT Kemas Indah MajuPT Kemas Indah Maju

Alamat Lowongan Kerja IT SUPPORT.

Lowongan Kerja PPIC Supervisor (Dairy)

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja PPIC Supervisor (Dairy).

Create Production Planning.
Provide RMPM (Raw Material Packaging Material) for production needs.
Maintain the balance of stock for production needs.
Constantly communicate with Marketing, Purchasing, Supplier & other relevant parties to ensure smooth operation of PPIC.

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Lowongan Kerja PPIC Supervisor (Dairy) PT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy TbkPT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy Tbk

Alamat Lowongan Kerja PPIC Supervisor (Dairy).

Lowongan Kerja Production Supervisor (Meat Processing)

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Production Supervisor (Meat Processing).

Oversee production process according to standard.
Implement Food Management & HSE (Health Safety, Environment) System.
In charge of Continuous Improvement & problem solving.
Develop production standard according to food safety management system.

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Lowongan Kerja Production Supervisor (Meat Processing) PT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy TbkPT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy Tbk

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Production Supervisor (Meat Processing).

Lowongan Kerja Utility Supervisor

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Utility Supervisor.

Membuat dan mengkoordinasikan perbaikan, pemeliharaan, dan preventive maintenance untuk seluruh mesin dan peralatan ke bagian terkait.
Memastikan dan mengkoordinasikan seluruh kegiatan teknik sesuai dengan rencana produksi dan menyesuaikan dengan planning maintenance.
Mengatur dan memberikan pengarahan kepada bawahan agar bekerja sesuai dengan perencanaan, standar kualitas dan keamanan pangan yang telah ditetapkan.

Klik link berikut:


Lowongan Kerja Utility Supervisor PT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy TbkPT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy Tbk

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Utility Supervisor.