Informasi ?PT. Mega Central Finance

Gaji dan Informasi ?PT. Mega Central Finance.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji ?PT. Mega Central Finance.
PT Mega Central Finance (MCF) didirikan pada 24 September 2007 dan merupakan salah satu perusahaan dari kelompok usaha CT Corp yang memiliki beberapa perusahaan dalam sektor bisnis lainnya, seperti: Bank Mega, Coffee Bean, Trans TV, Metro, Trans 7, Mango, Trans Studio, Detik, dan Transmart Carrefour.
CT Corp, sebagai pemegang saham utama PT MCF, berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan dukungan, baik dalam hal manajemen, pendanaan, pemasaran maupun operasional perusahaan.

Selain CT Corp, saham PT MCF juga dimiliki oleh Marubeni Corporation. Marubeni Corporation sendiri dibentuk pada Mei 1858, berbadan hukum sejak 1 Desember 1949, dan berkantor pusat di Tokyo, Jepang. Marubeni Corp merupakan salah satu dari tujuh perusahaan terbesar di Jepang. Berdasarkan data FORBES 2000 LEADING COMPANY, Marubeni Corp berada di posisi No. 286 dari 2.000 perusahaan global per April 2012.

Berdasarkan data FORTUNE 500 per Maret 2012, Marubeni Corp berada di posisi No. 168 dari 500 perusahaan global. Marubeni Corporation memiliki 13 lini bisnis usaha berskala internasional, yaitu Food Materials Division, Lifestyle Division, Chemical Division, Energy Division-II, Transportation Machinery Division, Plant & Industrial Machinery Division, Real Estate Business Dept, Food Product Division, Forest Product Division, Energy Division-I, Metal & Mineral Resources Division, Power Project & Infrastructure Division dan Finance, Logistic IT Business Division. Dalam hal ini, PT MCF berada di dalam lini Transportation Machinery Division.

Dalam perkembangannya, PT MCF tidak hanya menawarkan pembiayaan sepeda motor saja, namun juga pembiayaan lainnya mulai dari mobil, elektronik hingga multiguna.

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?PT. Mega Central Finance

Alamat Informasi ?PT. Mega Central Finance.

Lowongan Kerja SALES

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja SALES.

Pendidikan D3/S1 sederajat segala jurusan.
Memiliki kendaraan bermotor dan SIM C/A.
Pengalaman kerja di dunia sales minimal 2 tahun (dibidang otomotif menjadi nilai plus).
Mempunyai keterampilan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik.
Jujur, disiplin, dinamis dan mempunyai motivasi diri dalam setiap tantangan.
Up to date dalam dunia digital dan sosial media.
Bisa Berbahasa Inggris.
Menguasai Ms Office (Word, Excel, Email).
Memiliki relasi yang luas dan berorientasi pada target.

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Alamat Lowongan Kerja SALES.

Lowongan Kerja ADMIN FINANCE

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja ADMIN FINANCE.

Usia Max 30 Tahun.
Pendidikan D3/S1 Ekonomi, Akuntansi.
Memiliki kendaraan bermotor dan SIM C/A.
Mengerti Accounting dan Pajak
Pengalaman kerja Min 2 Tahun dibidang yang sama
Bisa Berbahasa Inggris.
Menguasai Ms Office, Accurate, SAP

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Alamat Lowongan Kerja ADMIN FINANCE.

Lowongan Kerja Administration

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Administration.

Berpenampilan menarik
Umur maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan minimal Diploma (D3)
Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun
Menguasai administrasi support
Microsoft Office, media sosial

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Lowongan Kerja Administration PT. Mega Central FinancePT. Mega Central Finance

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Administration.


Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja SALES REPRESENTATIVE.

Melakukan Penjualan dan mencapai target penjualan yang sudah di tentukan oleh perusahaan.
Melakukan proses penjualan mulai dari awal perkenalan, negosiasi, dan pembuatan kontrak program.
Melakukan Penagihan kepada customer.
Mencari customer baru, maintain customer reactive dan existing.
Melakukan presentasi / demo produk kepada customer.
Membuat laporan kunjungan harian, laporan sales mingguan dan bulanan.
Mengatasi keluhan dari pelanggan.

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Informasi PT. Central Mega Kencana

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Central Mega Kencana.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Central Mega Kencana.
Central Mega Kencana has established its presence in the world of luxury as the biggest retail jewelry company in South East Asia.
The corporate history can be stretched back to the late 1970s, during which we took our first step into the realm of diamond. Later, we added more distinctive collections of various gems as the company built more shining reputation in the luxury jewelry market.
Now, under the umbrella of Central Mega Kencana, we cater our customers from middle to high-end segments with more varieties of gem and jewelry products, all respectively channeled through the company’s subsidiaries – Mondial Jeweler, Miss Mondial, Frank & Co.,and The Palace.

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PT. Central Mega Kencana

Alamat Informasi PT. Central Mega Kencana.

Lowongan Kerja Promotion & partnership

Gaji dan

Lowongan Kerja Promotion & partnership


Design, implement, and evaluate various concepts of marketing campaign ideas related to digital promotion & partnership through social media, marketplace, and other media

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Lowongan Kerja Promotion & partnership PT. Central Mega KencanaPT. Central Mega Kencana


Lowongan Kerja Promotion & partnership


Lowongan Kerja Branch Control & Internal Audit

Gaji dan

Lowongan Kerja Branch Control & Internal Audit


Bachelor’s degree in Accounting
Having at least 1-3 years as Internal Auditor / Branch Controller, preferably in retail industry.
Understand audit procedure and accustomed to making reports
Advanced in Ms Office (Excel,Word, Visio)
Hard worker, detail and data oriented
Willing to work overtime and travelling
Office hour (Monday-Friday)

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Lowongan Kerja Branch Control & Internal Audit PT. Central Mega KencanaPT. Central Mega Kencana


Lowongan Kerja Branch Control & Internal Audit


Lowongan Kerja Public Relation Executive

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Public Relation Executive.

Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Management, Business Management or any related major
Having at least 2 years’ experience as PR Supervisor/ Specialist
Fluent in English (Oral and Written) (Mandatory)
Familiar in making press release (Mandatory)
Strong in communication, negotiation, interpersonal
Have a good writing and presentation skills

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Lowongan Kerja Public Relation Executive PT. Central Mega KencanaPT. Central Mega Kencana

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Public Relation Executive.

Lowongan Kerja IT Development Specialist

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja IT Development Specialist.

Investigating user experience design requirements for our suite of digital assets.
Developing and conceptualizing a comprehensive UI/UX design strategy for the brand.
Producing high-quality UX design solutions through wireframes, visual and graphic designs, flow diagrams, storyboards, site maps, and prototypes.
Designing UI elements and tools such as navigation menus, search boxes, tabs, and widgets for our digital assets.
Testing UI elements such as CTAs, banners, page layouts, page designs, page flows, and target links for landing pages.
Collaborating with the marketing team, and internal and external designers to ensure the creation and delivery of tailored experiences for the digital user.
Providing advice and guidance on the implementation of UX research methodologies and testing activities in order to analyze and predict user behavior.Investigating user experience design requirements for our suite of digital assets.
Developing and conceptualizing a comprehensive UI/UX design strategy for the brand.
Producing high-quality UX design solutions through wireframes, visual and graphic designs, flow diagrams, storyboards, site maps, and prototypes.
Designing UI elements and tools such as navigation menus, search boxes, tabs, and widgets for our digital assets.
Testing UI elements such as CTAs, banners, page layouts, page designs, page flows, and target links for landing pages.
Collaborating with the marketing team, and internal and external designers to ensure the creation and delivery of tailored experiences for the digital user.
Providing advice and guidance on the implementation of UX research methodologies and testing activities in order to analyze and predict user behavior.

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Lowongan Kerja IT Development Specialist PT. Central Mega KencanaPT. Central Mega Kencana

Alamat Lowongan Kerja IT Development Specialist.

Lowongan Kerja Digital Creative

Gaji dan Lowongan Kerja Digital Creative.

Bachelor’s degree in Visual Communication Design or any related major
Having at least 1 year working experience as a graphic designer with proven portfolio
Mastering Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Experienced in operating Adobe After Effect, Adobe Premiere, and Animation is a plus
Have good understanding in developing concepts and creative ideas
Familiar with video and design concepting

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Lowongan Kerja Digital Creative PT. Central Mega KencanaPT. Central Mega Kencana

Alamat Lowongan Kerja Digital Creative.

Informasi PT. Setia Kawan Abadi

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Setia Kawan Abadi.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Setia Kawan Abadi.
SKA Nutraceutical is a Herbal Manufacturing division of PT. Setia Kawan Abadi. SKA Nutraceutical its busines since September 2007 being focused on producing supplement and natural healthy food and beverage based on nutraceutical.

We Market our products by business to business system with the program called “SKA Nutraceutical Product Development Support”, our manufacturing services that is not just an ordinary production but a program that gives full support to customers in all stages of customer product development (even with manufacture brand or their own brand) starting from formulation up to being marketed including various support for the success of the products in the market.

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PT. Setia Kawan Abadi

Alamat Informasi PT. Setia Kawan Abadi.