Informasi PT. Central Mega Kencana

Gaji dan Informasi PT. Central Mega Kencana.

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja gaji PT. Central Mega Kencana.
Central Mega Kencana has established its presence in the world of luxury as the biggest retail jewelry company in South East Asia.
The corporate history can be stretched back to the late 1970s, during which we took our first step into the realm of diamond. Later, we added more distinctive collections of various gems as the company built more shining reputation in the luxury jewelry market.
Now, under the umbrella of Central Mega Kencana, we cater our customers from middle to high-end segments with more varieties of gem and jewelry products, all respectively channeled through the company’s subsidiaries – Mondial Jeweler, Miss Mondial, Frank & Co.,and The Palace.

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PT. Central Mega Kencana

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