Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja BHAKTI SATRIA PERSADA, PT. PT. BHAKTI SATRIA PERSADA adalah sebuah perusahaan yang didirikan sejak tanggal 27 September 2006 berdasarkan akte notaris no 08, bergerak dibidang Pengadaan Barang dan Penyedia Jasa Sumber Daya Manusia PT. BHAKTI SATRIA PERSADA memiliki perangkat kerja yang didukung oleh tenaga management yang profesional dan berpengalaman di bidang pengelolaan sumber daya manusia. Sebagai sebuah Perusahaan Jasa kami berfokus pada pelayanan yang berkualitas dan profesional, baik dalam perencanaan maupun pelaksanaan, guna peningkatan citra dan produktifitas perusahaan pengguna jasa Pada perkembangannya kami telah banyak mensupport perusahaan-perusahaan rekanan /pengguna jasa di wilayah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur dan Baten dari berbagai bidang perusahaan dari mulai perbankan, logistik, manufactur/pabrik, kawasan industri, dll. SDM memiliki peran strategis dalam menjalankan bisnis dalam sebuah perusahaan. Oleh karenanya PT. BHAKTI SATRIA PERSADA sebagai penyedia jasa sumber daya manusia yang profesional telah memiliki sistem dan SDM yang bisa diandalkan dalam hal penyediaan dan pengelolaan SDM. Hal ini terbukti dengan semakin tumbuh dan berkembangnya bisnis kami atas kepercayaan perusahaan rekanan atau pengguna jasa yang tetap mempercayakan pengelolaan SDM nya kepada kami. Sebagai sebuah Perusahaan penyedia dan pengelola jasa SDM, kami berfokus untuk menyediakan dan meningkatkan SDM berkualitas dan profesional. Tujuanya adalah agar kami dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi perusahaan rekanan atau pengguna jasa terutama dalam hal meningkatkan produktivitas SDM nya sehingga dapat berfokus pada bisnis utama dalam rangka memenangkan persaingan Bisnisnya. Visi
Menjadi perusahaan Jasa Penyedia Sumber Daya Manusia yang terkemuka dengan layanan terbaik dalam mem berikan solusi dan nilai tambah bagi pengguna jasa. Misi
Ikut menunjang program pe merintah untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja kepada tenaga kerja potensial serta meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia. KONSEP BISNIS
Melalui Visi dan Misi tersebut PT. Bhakti Satria Persada mengimplemantasikan konsep bisnis dan di padukan dengan management SDM yang profesional kepada pengguna jasa. Dalam menjalankan operasional perusahaan kami mempunyai arah dan tujuan yang jelas , baik untuk mendukung partner kerja maupun mendukung pemerintah seperti yang kami wujudkan dalam Visi dan Misi.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. HOLICINDO DASA ANUGERAH. PT. Holicindo Dasa Anugerah has been established as a supplier of industrial food machinery in Indonesia since 2001. Our Company, staffs and management teams have evolved overtime to its current state, one with heightened planning and strategiy execution. Company Strategy
Purpose :
To Make Food production and demonstration more effective, efficient, and satisfying for the producers and consumers Vision :
To be the prime provider of industrial food machinery within the nation Mission Statement :
We pride ourselves for supplying the highest standard and best-suited products consumers Core Values :
PT Holicindo Dasa Anugerah is made up of committed, positive and responsible people who strive for success. We will work within our 7 points of culture to make sure that each customer is satisfaying with our fine -quality products and creating long term relationships. We will be alert to any changes in our environment so that we may act rather than reacting to any possible treats or opportunity. Our product and services will be of the hightest value for money, and will always have the best return for our customers.

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Informasi PT Indokom Citra Persada

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Indokom Citra Persada. PT. INDOKOM CITRA PERSADA is a company in INDOKOM GROUP engaged in coordinating best practice coffee planting among the coffee farmer groups through the Coffee Research Institute, accomplishing fully washed and dry process, wet and dry hulling to render commercial, premium and specialty quality to export Arabica and Robusta coffee beans to worldwide destinations. Founded in 1995, located in Bandar Lampung, Sumatra as Head office, providing coffee world with wide range of Coffee origin mostly Robusta Coffee from Lampung and South Sumatra, in 1997 as a Branch Office in Sidoarjo, East Java, providing the coffee world with dry and washed coffee process which mostly comes from coffee areas of East Java, West Java, Central Java, Gayo ( Aceh), Sumatra Mandheling ( Batak land ), Bali, Flores, Toraja, Sulawesi and Papua and in 2012 another Branch Office established in Binjai, Deli Serdang, Medan, North Sumatra. Later in 2008, PT. REDJODADI being part of INDOKOM GROUP located in Semarang with our own plantation named “TUK BANDUNG” in Temanggung, Central Java with area around 138 Ha. With the purpose getting closer with sources of these coffee products, we have owned affiliates companies located in Flores, Makasar and West Java. As our concern to the sustainability of environmental, productivity, reliable good and high quality, for coffee environment and coffee farmers with sustainable livelihoods and stable economic to reach prosperous and better life, we build strong Partnership with the coffee farmer groups, cooperatives and sustainability assistance in cultivating, tight monitoring, controlling in postharvest and improved best farming practices and regular technical support economic to ensure we obtain good and traceability supply chain since the commencement process of unsorted coffee beans until it is ready to export commensurate with the buyer’s requirements and expectation. Our coffee beans exported to United States of America, Canada, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Australia those are well provided in order to conform the needs and requirements of market demand ranging from usual conventional to the international certified quality on strict and highly standard acceptance on certifications through UTZ Certified, Organic, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade.

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PT Indokom Citra Persada

Informasi PT Nohara Alta Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Nohara Alta Indonesia. Extensive procurement for construction industry – distributing various construction materials
We are delivering appropriately packaged construction materials and construction which meet needs of customers Distributer of thousands of manufactures
Distributing millions of construction materials
Accumulated and elaborated knowledge of construction materials provided by experts – providing expertise
Accumulated and elaborated knowledge of construction materials provided by experts – providing expertise Accumulated and elaborated knowledge of construction materials provided by experts – providing expertise
Associations to collaborate with construction companies, Nohara Interior Construction Association (700 corporations registered), Nohara Construction Association, and Nohara NS.
A lot of trading transactions
Innovative actions to change construction market – creating new markets
We are developing innovative and brand-new business to respond to customer needs and market change. Repeating to create new business regularly since 2009 by dedicated team
Building Materials Business
We coordinate the best mix of building materials for our customer from tens of thousands of building materials made by 1,000 manufacturers.

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PT Nohara Alta Indonesia

Informasi Indosurya Mahakam

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Indosurya Mahakam. History shapes a nation. Our business history shapes our company. We started our business as a supplier of raw rattan materials, particularly Pulut Rattan, back in 1988. Running our own rattan plantation for almost a decade had brought us valuable experiences and vast knowledge on rattan materials and then we finally decided to have our own furniture company, Indosurya Mahakam, manufacturing high quality indoor rattan furniture. To date, we have exported our furniture to Europe, United States, Australia, and Middle East and other countries across the world.
Located in Cirebon, Indonesia, a city known as the best rattan furniture manufacturers in the world, Indosurya Mahakam collaborates with local weaving experts on creating new weaving techniques and passing them to our skillful weavers.
The Materials
Indosurya Mahakam proudly claims to be the pioneer of Water Hyacinth and Abaca furniture manufacturer in Indonesia. Known as the King of Pulut, our journey starts from manufacturing Pulut Rattan furniture and continues with producing fabulous furniture from Water Hyacinth. The use of this particular plant is also good for the environment as it reduces the dense population of this plan which can block water pipe. Our journey continues with our experiment with Abaca. The unique texture of Abaca adds beauty and uniqueness to the chairs produced.
Innovation colors our journey. There are times along the journey when the market reaches saturation and innovation brings the market back to normal. NWG® (New Wicker Generation) is one of our latest innovations. In essence, NWG® is an innovative coloring technique that produces a collection of rattan weaving in beautiful unique colors.
Indigo Loom is our next innovation. Loom is actually a machine-made weaving piece made from paper. We then develop the coloring and finishing techniques to produce loom with exotic color texture which we call Indigo Loom. Problems in applying the loom onto curved chairs have led us into the next innovation, Exotic Loom®. This hand-weaved loom perfects the chairs.
From our observation, we find that the chairs in the market are either full rattan weaving or full upholstered. We see the opportunity for another innovation, combining upholstery with loom, rattan, and other materials. The result is magnificent as the chairs become the trend setter in furniture world.

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Indosurya Mahakam

Informasi PT. GDC Multi Sarana

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. GDC Multi Sarana. GDC adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Finansial Teknologi. GDC telah berdiri mulai 1 Mei 2011, dan saat ini telah mempunyai 14 Outlet yang tersebar di 7 Kota yaitu Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Mojokerto, Jombang, Blitar, dan Tangerang. GDC didirikan dengan tujuan untuk membantu masyarakat Indonesia yang hendak membutuhkan dana ( baik menggunakan Jaminan BPKB, Sertifikat maupun Tanpa Agunan ). GDC dalam memberikan layanan Finansial, bermitra dengan Perusahaan Finance, Bank Perkreditan Rakyat dan Lembaga Keuangan Lainnya.
Selain bergerak di bidang Finansial Teknologi, di Tahun 2016 ini melalui GDC Mobile, GDC juga memberikan Layanan Penjualan Otomotif Kendaraan Baru ( Sepeda Motor dan Mobil ). Layanan ini juga menyajikan Fitur Tunai dan Kredit.

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PT. GDC Multi Sarana

Informasi PT. Tasblock Industry Indonesia

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Tasblock Industry Indonesia. PT Tasblock Industry Indonesia was incorporated as part of expansion branch in Asia under the trade mark of TASBLOCK over 20 years’ experience in innovating and developing next generation renewable composite building and environment products. With rapid growth over the last decade has been due to the invaluable expertise it has accumulated. Main principal is to develop and provide world-class sustainable green building technology and drive environmental sustainability in construction industry. OUR MISSION – To develop and serve renewable composite products to our clients and to the market.
– Eco friendly construction solutions for affordable, luxury residential and commercial buildings.
– Continually R&D to innovate and develop for construction industry.

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PT. Tasblock Industry Indonesia


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. TRIAS INSAN MADANI. PT. Trias Insan Madani
Held 20 years by an experienced manager of foreign workers as Indonesia ,we uphold ( oriented people) with the spirit of the effort to educate the workers to improve their skills, More reminding them to respect and appreciate the opportunity which this is achieved is difficult to work abroad,work hard for their future. Head office is currently located in west java Indonesia and has 32 people employes, our head office land area are about 2600m2 and a building area are about 2200 m2,has a mess to shelter Indonesian labor that can accommodate about 400 migrant worker, and also a classes for training, has 40 bathrooms and a field for exercise. In addition, to meet customer needs. We established six branch offices to recruit more workers, current employees in the branch office there are 12 people. So the employees of PT. Trias Insan Madani there are 44 staff . Since the year 2005, on behalf of the Indonesian workers to get the opportunity to work abroad, companies invest by adding electric welding, construction,Other professional training and testing, more active with indonesian vocational technician, providing welding, lathe technicians, strengthening the base foundation , English language training, Indonesia has advanced technology has enabled engineers to workers who work actively pioneering job market opportunities abroad. As well as our company (people oriented) with the soul of the spirit of service ~ meet the requirements of the Labor Department Indonesia (Ministry of Labour), The National Board For The Placement And Protection On Indonesia Overseas Workers (BNP2TKI) and Office Trade And Economic Indonesia (KDEI) with so many supportive . We as agents of labor SME counseling Indonesian workers, always pursue and uphold professionalism, scientific and humane management to achieve a goal.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. SEIV INDONESIA. PT SEIV INDONESIA yang sebelumnya bernama PT Sumber Makmur Bahagia berdiri sejak 1966 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri cat khususnya cat kayu dan besi.

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Informasi PT. Cahaya Mas Cemerlang

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Cahaya Mas Cemerlang. PT. CAHAYA MAS CEMERLANG didirikan pada tahun 1984 dan kini telah menjadi
perusahaan tertua dan terbesar di Indonesia yang bergerak pada bidang lingkungan,
pengolahan limbah dan peralatan gas medis seperti Unit Pengolahan Limbah Padat
( Incinerator ), Unit Pengolahan Limbah Cair ( Waste Water Treatment Plant ),
Unit Pengolahan Air Bersih ( Water Treatment Plant ) dan Sistem Gas Medis. Selama lebih dari 30 tahun bergerak di bidang – bidang tersebut, kami memiliki pengalaman
dalam menangani proyek mulai dari skala kecil, menengah, hingga proyek – proyek
dengan kapasitas besar yang membutuhkan perencanaan khusus.
PT. CAHAYA MAS CEMERLANG saat ini telah menangani ratusan proyek yang tersebar
diberbagai kota & negara dengan beragam klien.

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PT. Cahaya Mas Cemerlang


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. INTER ORIENT LOGISTICS. IOL LOGISTICS is a Freight Forwarder & Logistics Services provider, which was established in 1999 in Indonesia. New management joined in 2010 and the Group has since expanded its operation in Indonesia and opened own offices in India in 2011.
IOL LOGISTICS offers comprehensive international and domestic transport/logistics solutions to multinational as well as small-& medium-sized enterprises (SME’s). Today the IOL LOGISTICS Group operates from multiple locations in India and Indonesia employing a total of 80 professionals. IOL LOGISTICS is a Western managed company with the Senior Management team members being of European origins, but having many years of Asian working experience within the shipping and logistics industry. We believe that our inner strength is our HRD culture – We combine experience and youth to ensure an ever evolving organization, that enable us to keep up with the constant changing and demanding global business environment.

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