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Mengatur Acara WAWANCARA LANGSUNG PT. MitraComm Ekasarana – MBPS Gedung The East lantai 15 Jl.Dr.Ide Anak Agung Gede Agung Kav.E3.2 No.1 Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta Selatan Senin – Jumat (Hari Kerja) Pukul : 8.30 – 14.00 wib
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT semen Indonesia persero tbk.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Ungaran Sari Garments. We are the largest export-oriented Apparel companies in Indonesia. We provide integrated services and solutions to pre-eminent customers in the US, Western Europe and other sophisticated global markets. Our capabilities cover the whole spectrum of the industrys value chains from design to pattern making, from cutting to finished products and ultimately to delivering quality product and customer satisfaction. We own and operate world-class factories in various locations in Java powered by 13,000 strong workforce. Our production capacity can handle 2 million dozen per year and still with huge expansion potency and now the construction of the expansion project of 2 units Green Building with a capacity of 2000 workers which has been operating in August 2016. Vision
To be the leading integrated solutions provider in the world of lifestyle and fashion. Mission
We will excel in design, development and sourcing to deliver the right products and services competitively with a focus on quick response.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja TAPP TECHNOLOGY INDONESIA, PT. PT. TAPP TECHNOLOGY INDONESIA Headquartered in Australia, Tapp Commerce is the alternative payment solution allowing people to convert cash into digital currency and transact online for the very first time. Digital currency is seen as an integral driver of growth in the emerging markets where an estimated 6 out of every 7 people have inadequate or no access to traditional banking such as credit cards and bank accounts. This is the main driver of Tapps initial deployment into Indonesia where Tapp transactions are currently occurring. The Tapp Market app is now LIVE and enabling consumers, agents and merchants to transact goods and services anywhere, anytime.Our Mission is to be the leading commerce exchange network managing cash logistics and the digitization of value.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja JABETTO MARAYA, PT. PT JABETTO MARAYA Awal tahun 2009, para pendiri JABETTO, berdiskusi tentang peluang mendirikan perusahaan support dan services berbasis IT yang lebih berorientasi terhadap customer dan bukan kepada products, Kami melihat kesempatan tersebut sangat besar, berbasis pengalaman-pengalaman kami selama bekerja di beberapa perusahaan, yang cenderung menonjolkan product yang dijual, ketimbang keperluan real customer, kami melihat di sinilah peluang Kami terbuka, untuk tidak saja berkompetisi tapi memberikan nilai lebih kepada customers. Saat itu, visi Kami segera terbentuk, yaitu Menjadi penyedia solusi service dan support IT terdepan. Berikutnya Kami menyadari juga, bahwa sebuah organisasi harus memiliki misi yang akan di emban oleh seluruh team perusahaan, dan akan terus ada selama perusahaan berdiri, tanpa makan waktu lama, karena memang ide tentang Jabetto sudah cukup lama menjadi wacana kami, terbentuklah misi Jabetto. Misi Kami haruslah meliputi 4 hal, berdasarkan idealisme Kami, yang terdiri dari, 1. Solusi inovatif 2. Teknologi yg handal 3. Team yg memiliki knowledge dan experiences terakhir adalah 4. products yg memiliki nilai plus. Pada prinsipnya, apa yang Kami lakukan adalah dua hal berikut, yaitu pertama, secara pro-aktif ber-mitra dengan customers, memahami business objectives mereka, mengantarkan solusi-solusi yg bisa menjawab tantangan-tantangan dan halangan-halangan mereka menuju sukses, dan yang kedua adalah menambahkan real business value dengan menempatkan solusi-solusi menyeluruh yang secara efektif dan efisien meningkatkan nilai-nilai dasar dari bisnis customers kami.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Grand Auto Park.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Wellen Brothers. Wellen Print adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang percetakan digital yang dapat melayani berbagai jenis media cetak dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik di Indonesia. Dibawah naungan PT. Wellen Brothers, Wellen Print telah berdiri sejak 1 Agustus 2007 dan berlokasi di JI. Raya Pasar Minggu no. 49, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan. Wellen Print selalu memberikan inovasi terbaru dalam industri cetak digital, untuk memenuhi permintaan cetakan customer seperti: – Digital Offset Printing – Indoor Printing – Large Format Printing Perusahaan kami didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga ahli dan professional, berdedikasi tinggi untuk memberikan pelayan terbaik bagi Anda
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. TAISHO PHARMACEUTICAL INDONESIA Tbk. PT Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Tbk (the Company) was initially established as PT Squibb Indonesia in 1970. The Company commenced commercial operations in 1972. The Company was running in pharmaceutical industry, produced Over- the- Counter ( OTC) and Ethical products, both for domestic and export markets.
In accordance with article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company’s activities are to develop, register, process, produce and sell chemical, pharmaceutical and health care products.
In 2009, the ownership of the Company acquired by Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., a company incorporated in Japan.
Our head office is located at Wisma Tamara 10th floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 24, Jakarta 12920 . The Company’s manufacturing plant is located at JI. Raya Bogor Km. 38, Cilangkap Depok 16958
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Varnion Technology Semesta. Most of Internet Providers Only Focus on Selling Their Internet Connection, but Varnion is Different.
We focus on our customers by listening, anticipating and responding to their needs. You even can contact our account manager or meet the Varnion evangelist directly. Who is Varnion Evangelist? It is a group of Varnioso who configures the network directly and expert in their own field. Further, they have international certifications as a guarantee that they can give you solution and advise to solve your problems quickly.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. EXEL INTEGRASI SOLUSINDO. Since established in 2013, mobile advertising has always been the core of our company. We offer our valuable clients the best solution on engaging their customers with Mobile Advertising and in the end building many success stories by providing solution that answer directly to our clients need.
Located in Jakarta, our team are full of people with years of experience in digital marketing, IT, telecommunication, and creative industry who are also up to date with the latest trends.
Whatever your business is, retail, small scale business, or even corporate, we will always put quality in every outcome and give measurable results for you to achieve your marketing goals.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT MONOTARO INDONESIA. PT. MONOTARO INDONESIA. We are a joint venture company of MonotaRO Co., Ltd. and Sumitomo Corporation Group. We have started our e-commerce service in Indonesia since 2012 with the brand name of sukamart.com. Since October 2016 we have renewed our brand name into monotaro.id to provide the most convenient purchase platform for business users in Indonesia. Our major categories are Maintenance, Repair, and Operations, so called MRO products, Pantry, Stationery and other office needs. Kami telah memulai layanan e-commerce di Indonesia sejak tahun 2012 dengan nama sukamart.com. Sejak Oktober 2016, kami memperbaharui brand kami menjadi monotaro.id untuk menyediakan sebuah platform pembelian terbaik yang mudah bagi para pelaku usaha di Indonesia. Kategori utama kami adalah Maintenance, Repair, dan Operation yang dikenal dengan produk MRO, Pantry, Stationery dan kebutuhan kantor lainnya. Kami adalah usaha bersama antara MonotaRO Co., Ltd. dan Sumitomo Corporation Group. MonotaRO Co., Ltd. terdaftar di Tokyo Stock Exchange dan telah menjalankan bisnis e-commerce di Jepang dan Korea Selatan. Lebih dari 2 juta pelanggan MonotaRO telah merasakan kemudahan menggunakan platform pembelian dengan berbagai produk terkemuka dan situs yang user-friendly. MonotaRO Co., Ltd. terakui sebagai salah satu “The World’s Most Innovative Growth Companies 2017” oleh Forbes. Kami akan terus melayani para pelanggan bisnis kami di Indonesia dengan proses procurement yang lebih efisien dan mudah. Visi Kami Kami berinovasi dalam bidang Procurement Network untuk semua jenis usaha di indonesia. Misi Kami Kami menyediakan platform terbaik, membuat proses pembelian yang mudah dan efisien untuk semua pelaku usaha.
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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia. Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT. Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia is a State-owned enterprise established in 1973, with 100% of shares owned by the Indonesian government. The initial dan main mission for BAHANA is to develop the real sector through finance provision to Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and Cooperatives. Today, PT. Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) has been the backbone and the holding company of the BAHANA Group of Companies, providing complete and innovative financial services through their subsidiaries listed as follows: Bahana Sekuritas (Investment Banking, Securities Trading and Brokerage) Bahana Artha Ventura (Venture Capital) Bahana TCW Investment Management (Asset Management) Bahana Kapital Investa ( Investment and Advisory Services ) Graha Niaga Tata Utama (Office Building Management) Vision To be a leading business group in Indonesia that provide the best service to our stakeholders Mission Bahana is committed to provides the best financial services to its customers, develop business-growth of small and medium-scale businesses in Indonesia, and continues to take an important role in the Indonesian capital market development, while still maintaining the highest standards of “Good Corporate Governance” and maintain its financial health Bahana Core Values Prudent
We are vigilant and careful in taking action and making decisions with careful consideration within the corridors of internal and external regulation Integrity
We firmly hold the company’s regulation, governance, business ethics as well as responsibility in the completion of tasks by placing corporate interests above personal interests Competent
We always increase our capability and capacity to become experts in the field in order to provide excellent service to customers (both internal and external customers) Creative
We consistently looking for opportunities to find the best solutions that are innovative, and appropriate to achieve company’s goals Team Work
We create a synergy between individuals, work units and related institutions to jointly achieve corporate objectives Dynamic
We anticipate and respond to the challenges caused by rapidly changing business environment to enhance the competitiveness of the company BAHANA will always strive to become the best company, to be an important part of the stock exhange progress and the development of the real sector, as well as to become a global player with clout in the South East Asian region.
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