Ensure property consultant’s agent get all the data of water and electricity.
Follow up to Tanty’s team for all billing (water, electricity, internet, service charge).
Counting water and electricity guest expenses then upload it to the system and dropbox.
Inform the guests regarding their water and electricity expenses then asking for the payment.
Respond all customer inquiries and complains (through whatsapp and telephone).
Pricing comparison for monthly and yearly basis.
Follow up for guests extend (whether extend or not, at least 5 days before check out time).
Assist the guest for check out proccess and ensure all the inventories were in good conditions as good as when the guest checked in.

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Lowongan Kerja PROPERTY ADMIN PT. Horizon Internusa Persada

Informasi PT. Indocyber Global Teknologi

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Indocyber Global Teknologi. PT. INDOCYBER GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI, an integrated information and technology system provider, dedicated to delivering highly effective solutions in the field of Information Systems. Our core business focuses on information technology services, digital marketing and IT infrastructure. Our company started with only 10 (ten) personel, currently, after years of experience, we are supported by more then 500 consultants and developers.

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PT. Indocyber Global Teknologi

Informasi PT. Grahacipta Hadiprana

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Grahacipta Hadiprana. Unique means being different, being distinct and being individual. Achieve distinctiveness from (different) owner’s wants and needs; capture differences from one concept to another; and portray individualities through memorable designworks… Hadiprana’s Uniqueness, based on thinking and understanding the project’s specific characters has proven to give SOUL to each works, and creates UNFORGETTABLE ‘WOW’ FACTOR in every projects. Eclectic means the flexibility of style. A courage of mixing-matching variety (heterogeneity, multifariousness, diversification) into a new form of diffusion. A mix of Composition & Proportion, or a match of Modern Western with Classic Eastern, Hadiprana’s eclecticism continues to forms new innovation and creates unlimited spectrums of design shapes. Contemporer means relentless dynamic existence. Having generation change not only upgrade technique and hardskills, but the dynamicsm of style elaboration as well. Through times, Hadiprana has proven as the benchmark of the industry for its nonstop trend creation, beside details of excellence quality. Only through strong & original Concept, Hadiprana believes that any design works can be a true masterpiece. Unique, Eclectic & Contemporer means Finding The Soul of Each Project and Exposing Original Concept (based on The Nature and Individual Distinctiveness) by Offering Unlimited Suitable Solutions within the project requirement. As The Most well-known name in hospitality area/ field, Hadiprana always strive in its craftsmanship in every single steps, for any single creation (from retail to corporation, from hospitality business to banking category). Hadiprana’s Style of Craftsmanships translate, connect and portray the Uniqueness, Eclectic & Contemporer characters. In Any of our works, it has to have craftsmanship involved, not machinery, not just a product… The involvement between people, with their hearts and their Integrity is very much explain the Touch of Hadiprana.” FM Professionally, Hadiprana is organized & committed by proven system, yet at the same time, involving “sense of personal touch” into each of its creation by providing aspects of Composition, Proportion and Harmony. A Definitive Specialist, Hospitality area is Hadiprana at its best!

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PT. Grahacipta Hadiprana

Lowongan Kerja ART DIRECTOR

As an Art Director you’ll be work as a team with copywriter and responsible for creating and refining the creative concepts and organizing the creative resources necessary to accomplish the objectives of assigned projects and clients. We are looking for someone who has innovative thinking and award winning design abilities. The Art Director is responsible for maintaining the integrity of design. while ensuring that the creative is strategically on target, on time and on budget.

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Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. NEUBORN MEDIA. We believe that great marketing means great visual communication. At Neuborn Media, our driving ambition is to create websites & marketing materials for our clients that are designed to build dynamic, visible, & distinctive brand identities. We use all of the many design & marketing tools at our disposal, as well as our many years of industry experience to custom create the ideal marketing plan for each of our clients. We understand that the key to making any marketing effort successful and efficient in the long run is to focus on branding. Branding helps deliver a long message in literally a snap of a moment!
Branding helps your message remembered long after it is delivered.
Branding makes marketing efforts more efficient.
Every business is unique, from the services it offers to its customers to its target audience. We work face to face with each of our clients to understand their particular branding and marketing needs. Our skilled team of designers will craft a brand image that targets your key audience, focusing on creating websites and advertising that are visually stunning and brand appropriate. Whatever the nature of your business, Our skilled team of designers will work with you to select the ideal combination of marketing techniques and design strategies to build your brand identity, keeping in mind your needs and budget.

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Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 Akuntansi Mampu Bahasa Inggris (Tulisan dan Lisan)
Good Looking
Mampu dalam komputer (Microsoft Office) Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Accounting.
Penempatan di Kemayoran

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Lowongan Kerja ACCOUNTING/FINANCE PT. Vidya Artha Tama


Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK (Sederajat)
Mampu Bahasa Inggris (Tulisan dan Lisan)
Good Looking
Mampu dalam komputer (Microsoft Office) dan memiliki kemampuan korespondensi dan administrasi yang baik
Tinggi dan berat badan proporsional
Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Receptionist, Fresh graduate akan dipertimbangkan.

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Lowongan Kerja RECEPTIONIST/FRONTLINER PT. Vidya Artha Tama

Informasi PT. Vidya Artha Tama

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Vidya Artha Tama. Vidya Artha Tama adalah perusahaan jasa penyedia tenaga kerja atau SDM, pada awal berdirinya Vidya Artha hanya menyediakan beberapa bidang pekerjaan, seperti penyediaan driver perekrutan tenaga administrasi kantor atau massanger. Kini setelah 16 tahun berkiprah seiring dengan berkembangnya dunia outsourcing tenaga kerja di indonesia, Vidya Artha telah melayani jasa cleaning Service dan jasa security sebagai salah satu devisi pelayanan. Vidya Artha merupakan sebuah perusahaan jasa sumber daya manusia ( SDM ), vidya artha hadir bukan hanya untuk kepentingan bisnis semata, melainkan juga membantu perusahaan mencapai efektifitasnya. Melalui Jasa SDM Vidya Artha, perusahaan bisa memperoleh manfaat dari sistem pengelolaan yang diberlakukan di vidya artha. Kami juga juga memiliki komitmen dalam menjalankan pengelolaan SDM, berikut diantaranya. Karyawan yang ditempatkan atau kami rekrut adalah mereka yang sesuai dengan kriteria dan kemampuan yang diharapkan klien. Setiap tenaga kerja yang tergabung di Vidya Artha, dipastikan terdaftar di BPJS kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan. Tepat waktu penggajian, sesuai kesepakatan kami dengan pihak klien ataupun dengan karyawan.

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PT. Vidya Artha Tama

Lowongan Kerja RM SALES

Educational : Min Sarjana S1 Professional Experience :
Minimal 3 tahun di bidang perbankan sebagai Relationship Manager.
Memiliki hubungan baik dan luas dengan nasabah di kalangan industri dan perbankan (mempunyai database nasabah).
Menguasai pengoperasian komputer/PC, MS word, Excell dan PP.
Menguasai bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia baik lisan maupun tulisan dengan baik.
Innovatif, berorientasi pada proses dan hasil.
Self Competencies :
Team work, commercial orientation, building relationships.
Strong analytical skill, Negotiation skills.

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Lowongan Kerja RM SALES PT. Fundo Sukses Bersama

Informasi PT. Fundo Sukses Bersama

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Fundo Sukses Bersama. FUNDO merupakan perusahaan lelang swasta nasional Indonesia dan menyediakan jasa pelelangan barang – barang berharga.

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PT. Fundo Sukses Bersama

Informasi PT Laris Chandra

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Laris Chandra. Selama lebih dari 35 tahun Laris Chandra terus berkembang menjadi perusahaan distributor terpercaya dan terdepan dibidangnya… Dibangun oleh seorang sosok yang tegas, jujur dan penuh semangat…Bapak Larris Chandra, dengan kesederhanaannya, merintis perusahaan dari toko kecil di kota Medan, hingga menjadi sebuah perusahaan nasional yang memiliki cabang di 6 kota besar di Indonesia yaitu Jakarta, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya, Bandung dan Denpasar, serta jaringan distribusi lebih dari 5000 yang tersebar di Seluruh Indonesia. Sejak awal berdiri, Laris Chandra telah dipercaya sebagai sole distributor untuk pemasaran di Indonesia oleh STP, Penray, Turtle, Prestone, Armor All, selain produk – produk tersebut, Laris Chandra juga memproduksi brand sendiri CHW dan SIP, juga Cat Semprot Premium AutoGard.

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PT Laris Chandra