Male/ Female with maximum age 27 years
University graduated from S-1 in Bachelor of Law / Management/ Accounting
3 years experiences in the same field
Preferable if working experience in manufacturing companies and understand labor laws
English is a must both oral & written
Computer literature, min. Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point

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Male/ Female with maximum age 25 years
University graduated from S-1 in Information Technology
1 year experience in the same field
Preferable working experience in manufacturing companies and understand labor laws
English is a must both oral & written
Computer literature, min. Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point

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Lowongan Kerja Sales Canvasser

Memasarkan produk-produk salah satu provider di indonesia
Memantain penjualan produk diberbagai outlet rekanan ataupun yg belum rekanan
Memasarkan secara door to door ke berbagai outlet gadget ataupun user

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Lowongan Kerja Sales Canvasser PT. Asia Chemie Indonusa

Informasi PT. Asia Chemie Indonusa

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Asia Chemie Indonusa. PT Asia Chemie Indonusa merupakan pabrik kosmetik yang berdiri pada tahun 2015 di kawasan Daan Mogot Arcadia Tangerang yang didukung oleh tenaga kerja yang professional, inovatif dan kreatif. Tujuan pendirian dari pabrik ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dan mengembangkan perusahaan menjadi perusahaan nasional terdepan dalam bidang kosmetika dengan menjaga mutu kualitas dan produktivitas produk kepada pelanggan dimana produk-produk kosmetik yang dihasilkan sudah terdaftar di BPOM (Badan PengawasanObat dan Makanan). Selain itu, PT Asia Chemie Indonusa sudah mendapatkan sertifikat CPKB (Cara Pembuatan Kosmetik yang Baik) yang dikeluarkan langsung oleh BPOM sehingga dapat lebih meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat yang menggunakan produk kita yang mencakup skin care, body care, hair care, decorative, parfume dan lain-lain. PT Asia Chemie Indonusa selalu memproduksi berbagai produk kosmetika yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat yang berubah-ubah seiring perkembangan zaman dengan kualitas yang aman, terjaga dan terjamin demi memberikan nilai tambah atas produknya sehingga dapat menembus pasar seantero nusantara dan internasional. VISI
Menjadikan perusahaan yang terpercaya dalam menyediakan produk kosmetika yang aman dan berkualitas tinggi untuk konsumen di segala segmen pasar. MISI
• Memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada seluruh pelanggan
• Menjaga kualitas dan kuantitas produk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit sehingga kepercayaan pelanggan tetap terjaga
• Menghasilkan produk yang aman dan bermutu sesuai dengan peraturan undang-undang yang berlaku.

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PT. Asia Chemie Indonusa


The manufacturer of cosmetics, personal care, and toiletries products looking for a professional staff as a: STAFF MAINTENANCE

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Lowongan Kerja STAFF MAINTENANCE PT Cakra Daya Makmur

Informasi Indosurya Mahakam

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja Indosurya Mahakam. History shapes a nation. Our business history shapes our company. We started our business as a supplier of raw rattan materials, particularly Pulut Rattan, back in 1988. Running our own rattan plantation for almost a decade had brought us valuable experiences and vast knowledge on rattan materials and then we finally decided to have our own furniture company, Indosurya Mahakam, manufacturing high quality indoor rattan furniture. To date, we have exported our furniture to Europe, United States, Australia, and Middle East and other countries across the world.
Located in Cirebon, Indonesia, a city known as the best rattan furniture manufacturers in the world, Indosurya Mahakam collaborates with local weaving experts on creating new weaving techniques and passing them to our skillful weavers.
The Materials
Indosurya Mahakam proudly claims to be the pioneer of Water Hyacinth and Abaca furniture manufacturer in Indonesia. Known as the King of Pulut, our journey starts from manufacturing Pulut Rattan furniture and continues with producing fabulous furniture from Water Hyacinth. The use of this particular plant is also good for the environment as it reduces the dense population of this plan which can block water pipe. Our journey continues with our experiment with Abaca. The unique texture of Abaca adds beauty and uniqueness to the chairs produced.
Innovation colors our journey. There are times along the journey when the market reaches saturation and innovation brings the market back to normal. NWG® (New Wicker Generation) is one of our latest innovations. In essence, NWG® is an innovative coloring technique that produces a collection of rattan weaving in beautiful unique colors.
Indigo Loom is our next innovation. Loom is actually a machine-made weaving piece made from paper. We then develop the coloring and finishing techniques to produce loom with exotic color texture which we call Indigo Loom. Problems in applying the loom onto curved chairs have led us into the next innovation, Exotic Loom®. This hand-weaved loom perfects the chairs.
From our observation, we find that the chairs in the market are either full rattan weaving or full upholstered. We see the opportunity for another innovation, combining upholstery with loom, rattan, and other materials. The result is magnificent as the chairs become the trend setter in furniture world.

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Indosurya Mahakam


Menjalankan Promosi Digital, Branding Digital & Penjualan Online
Merencanakan dan melaksanakan pengembangan semua web yang terkait dengan perusahaan, email, media sosial dan iklan online
Mendesain, mengembangkan dan mempertahankan kontinyuitas aktivitas media sosial perusahaan
Mengukur dan melaporkan kinerja semua aktivitas pemasaran digital, dan membadingkannya terhadap target
Melakukan brainstorming secara berkala untuk menyusun strategi baru terkait pemasaran online
Berkolaborasi dengan tim untuk membuat halaman web dan user experience

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Informasi PT. Hasta Kencana Jaya

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Hasta Kencana Jaya. PT. Hasta Kencana Jaya adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan dan jasa, yaitu sebagai marketing dan pendistribusian barang multi produk. Perusahaan telah berdiri sejak April 2010 dan berkedudukan di JL. EZ. Mutaqien, No.37 Kel. Gembor Kec. Periuk, Kota Tangerang Banten. Saat ini PT. Hasta Kencana Jaya telah mendapatkan kepercayaan dari berbagai Principle dan Supplier untuk kami distribusikan dan kami pasarkan baik di Tradisional Market maupun Modern Market. Area pemasaran PT. Hasta Kencana Jaya meliputi karesidenan Banten, DKI, Priangan Timur, Bogor, Purwakarta, Kepulauan Riau, Bangka Belitung, Sumstra Selatan, Lampung, Kalimantan Barat dan Provinsi Riau. Untuk menjamin kebutuhan pelanggan kami memiliki tim pemasaran profesional yang telah mengetahui wilayah dengan potensi besar dalam penjualan dan pemasaran produk-produk yang dipercayakan kepada PT. Hasta Kencana Jaya. Tim pemasaran kami telah di plot dengan rapi sehingga setiap orang dapat fokus untuk memastikan ketersediaan dan kebutuhan barang dari pelanggan kami di wilayah masing-masing. Berkat dukungan dari para pelanggan dan kerjasama dari team pemasaran kami untuk saat ini penjualan kami terus mengalami peningkatan setiap bulannya. Untuk kelancaran kegiatan pemasaran dan pengiriman kami dilengkapi dengan armada pemasaran dan armada pengiriman yang memadai.

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PT. Hasta Kencana Jaya

Informasi PT. Adil Makmur Fajar

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT. Adil Makmur Fajar. PT Adil Makmur Fajar is one of the founders HMPN. As a form of recognition and proof of our existence in the agrochemical industry we are actively incorporated in the official association HMPN (National Association of Pesticide Community) from which we receive updated information about technological development and new regulations in the agrochemical industry. Work Environment and Health Safety We recognize our responsibilities to our employees, the community and the environment. To maintain the safety and health of employees and the environment, all our employees are provided work safety equipment such as masks and safety shoes. In addition, we have invested in the latest fire hydrant system and closed circuit television (CCTV), and apply the strict code of the ISO standard. The correct handling, treatment and disposal of waste products are one of our major focuses of attention. For this reason we have contracted a third party firm that specialized in industrial waste management and applies a treatment process that ensures our waste products are not harmful to the environment. Quality Control with Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 As part of our commitment to ensuring that the quality of products and services meet the expectations and satisfaction of customers, PT Adil Makmur Fajar implemented the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system in 2010 and is still consistent in implementing this quality management system in order to create a sustainable improvements so that we can continually deliver products and services in accordance with customer expectations. Computerization The production process at PT Adil Makmur Fajar, such as regulating temperature, pressure, processing time and reactors that are equipped gauges, is controlled and strictly monitored from our computer control room. Computerization allows us to regulate precisely how the materials are used and that they are used in accordance with a predetermined composition. This ensures that the appropriate active ingredients are used according to the required dosage, so that the quality and consistency of the resulting product is assured. Laboratory With a laboratory that is staffed by well-trained experts and supported by the latest equipment, such as Gas Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography, we are able to directly test all our products to ensure that quality standards are consistently maintenained. In order to achieve this, we take a test sample from each batch of production. All test samples are stored for 2 years and are numbered with the same number as the batch from which they were taken. If a complained should occur from the market regarding the quality of the product, we compare the products that received the complaint with the test sample of the same batch number. In this way we can ascertain the cause of the complaint and can provide solutions that are advantageous to our customers.

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PT. Adil Makmur Fajar

Informasi PT Visionet Data Internasional

Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT Visionet Data Internasional. PT Visionet Data Internasional is a leading IT Manage Solution company in Indonesia. Covering a wide-nation coverage of more than 150 service points throughout Indonesia, our focus is on helping and supporting our customers in managing their IT operation and ensuring the optimal performances and its effectiveness in day-to-day basic so that our customers can focus in their core business.

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PT Visionet Data Internasional


Informasi profil perusahaan dan lowongan kerja PT ACME INDONESIA. Mission and Vision
Be a reputable specialty chemicals supplier in the ASEAN region
We believe that combination of high quality products, efficient operation plus high knowledge & proper attitude team are essential to satisfy our customer.
Who we are
From board of directors to members of the management team, Acme Chemicals is a group of seasoned chemists and chemical engineers with experiences ranging from 10 to 40 years in the specialty chemical industries. Most of our directors were former captains of multinational chemical companies in the Asia Pacific bringing with them not only business knowledge but also product synthesis and manufacturing technologies to the customers. Combining international knowledge with local experiences, we deliver our promise of solutions across the cultural boundaries. Company Background
The Acme Chemicals group of companies was founded with the incorporation of Acme Chemicals (Far East) Pte Ltd in Singapore in 1980. The company operated as regional representative for various multinational chemical companies for the regions of Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Later, Acme Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd was incorporated in 1993 and PT Acme Indonesia in 2006. The group also has established a representative office in Vietnam in 2007, and Myanmar in 2012. Acme Chemicals (Far East) Pte Ltd continued to operate as a parent company to the other operations managing centralized product procurements from the various principals while maintaining trading business in Singapore and Vietnam. PT Acme Indonesia operated as a trading company distributing specialty products into Indonesia. Acme Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd was similarly established as a specialty chemical trading company representing reputable multinational companies for the Malaysian markets. Earlier focus industries included industrial and municipal water treatment, paint and coating, plastic and polymer, and papermaking. In 2001, the market coverage expanded to include oil and gas exploration and production, and petrochemicals. PT Acme Indonesia was similarly established as a specialty chemical trading company representing reputable multinational companies for the Indonesian markets. Focus industries included oil & gas, industrial and municipal water treatment, paint and coating, polymer, and paper-making. To provide a support to our customer, we have workshop, laboratory and warehouse located in Lippo Cikarang – Indonesia.

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